Saturday, October 15, 2011

(546) Enigma 2

If you have read 893 Hopscotch therapy, you will remember how the snail hop scotch has helped Aurora to create an additional register or working space in her brain.

After Elizabeth's Pre-u examinations, we went to be with Aurora while she underwent a meal replacement detox programme. Aurora is a very intelligent girl. She is also excellent at playing dumb. Few people realise how smart she is. She is the eldest of four siblings and her parents are very busy running a retail business. While Elizabeth and I were staying in Aurora's house, we helped her go through her piles of clothes. Both the portion stuffed in her drawers' in her room as well as the big pile in the basket downstairs. We showed her how to classify clothes into three piles: those she can fit in and those that are too big and a third pile for those that are too small and short. She found bags for group 2 and 3, we folded them and stuffed them into the bags to be given away. After that we help her eliminated those she did not like and then we sorted them into categories to be placed into different drawers.

Until now I don't know if she simply hates to keep things in order or she is merely lazy. Two months after the big reorganisation, Elizabeth went to visit her to attend a going away party. It seemed her clothes filled the basket downstairs again. Being a tyrant, Elizabeth did not help her this time but merely supervised and ensured she brought them up and place them neatly into the drawers in her room upstairs.

Here we have a girl that is same age as my daughter. She actually drives with more skill and confidence  than Elizabeth. Aurora has a personal car to use and is in charged of sending her younger siblings to school and back. With putting in less effort, she actually out performed Elizabeth in a public examination. But heaven helps the young man who is going to marry her in future. She would not lift a finger to clean her room. She could stand her parents' and her siblings' displeasure at having her unfolded clothes higgledy piggledy placed either in a basket or on a sofa next to  the main door for weeks and months. I dread to think of how she is going to manage her children, if she is blessed with any.  Perhaps the fact that she is living in a University hostel now would train her to be a little more organised.

It seemed easier to correct learning difficulties than to alter attitude and behavior. I am certainly very glad that Aurora will have a good degree and will become highly employable in the near future. But she will have greater challenges ahead of her, I hope she will be equally teachable as she was as a seven year old.

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