Saturday, July 9, 2011

(500) Movies - happy endings?

Elizabeth ended her temporary work at the legal firm. As youth meeting was cancelled today, she has the rare opportunity to indulge herself in a movie marathon.

She emerged from in front of the TV and DVD player to gulp down her breakfast. Meanwhile, she complained about movies that ended sadly. For one, she would not pay for any movie that did not end happily. In reply, I told her that the Hollywoods of this world run on box office cash. If the majority of the paying audience demand a realistic ending to most movies, directors and producers would comply. After all, money makes the world go round.

Even though we talk of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic as 4 groups of personalities. In actual fact, I suspect that popular sanguine is well below one sixth of the population. We need lots of choleric, just like in a beehive we need thousands of worker bees. Elizabeth thinks she is more of a popular sanguine than a powerful choleric. She loves fairy tales and happy endings.

Looking back, I was probably a popular sanguine when I was a child. Since 18 I have deliberately decided to change. Now I am more of a phlegmatic looking on things happening from the fringe most of the time. In order to write, I guarded my time so that I have the peace and leisure to reflect in order to write down my thoughts and feelings. I need to learn to talk less, to listen and think more.

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