Wednesday, December 8, 2010

(323)A match-making cat/ Cat tales 24

 Vena was sitting on the verandah, her faithful suiters surrounding her. She was the village beauty. In certain parts of the world, a young girl would not be allowed to refuse a proposal of marriage once too often. Sooner rather than later some bully would put together a raiding party to kidnap the "proud" girl for force marriage.

Vena's great aunt came to visit her mum, bringing the reputed expensive pet cat. The jolly group of young folks were playing with the cat. This cat was different from other village cats because it had one blue and one brown eyes. One bold fellow who was trying to examine the eyes too closely was scratched.

Later that night, after the visitors all left, Vena's mum again urged her daughter to choose one suiter so that she could be safely and joyfully married off. Vena mentioned that she could not decide which of her childhood friends to pick. Mum said to set them a task, whoever who complete it well first would be the one. Vena said, may her God set the task  and choose the right one for her. They left the matter at that.

Early next morning, the cat was no where to be found. There was panic in the household, Great Aunt Pook would return that afternoon, what would they tell her? Vena sent three identical messages to her three friends, urging them to look for her Great Aunt Pook's cat.

An hour later, it was a fourth young man who carried the cat back into Vena's arms. She remembered what she promised her mother. Obediently she brought the victor of the "task" to her father in the rice field. Within the week representatives from the young man's family came to ask formally for her hand. Within the month Vena was happily married. Interestingly, her husband knew nothing about the cat being lost,  He was just observant enough to notice the cat being trapped on a high branch with a dog barking below. And he was kind enough to rescue the cat as well as took the trouble to return it to its home.

- He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. -

cat07.gif from

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