Monday, November 7, 2011

(560) Ice-cream in the snow

One night during my first few months in America, I chatted with a dorm mate. Out of the blue she asked me if I wanted to do an ice-cream run with her. We were both walking back to our rooms from the bathrooms after brushing our teeth. Since I was ready to try new things, the idea sounded exciting.

I was prepared to get dressed again but she said we could put our winter jackets on top of our night gowns. After all we need not get down from her car. We were going to a drive by counter. And out we walked to the faraway car park through a foot of snow. We had fun scraping snow and ice from the wind screen. To her who came from New England, it was a matter of fact dealing with the winter elements. But that was a brand new experience for me from the tropics.

She had a brand new sports car. It was a bright yellow two seater. That was mind boggling for me who came from a family who did not own a family car. Among her set of friends from private school, it was no big deal being given a new sporty model for going to college. She laughed it off by saying her old man could not be outdone by his contemporaries.

We chatted and giggled through licking the icy cones. Some how she was able to drive with one hand. From my limited experience of being a front seat passenger, she was a good driver who did not cause my heart to beat any faster in fear. As I thank her for the treat, she jokingly said that someday I would be able to tell my grandchildren about one crazy American girl who took me for an ice-cream while it was snowing at night. That was many years ago! I do have children in their twenties, but I am no where near the point of having any grand children yet.

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