Friday, January 21, 2011

(367) Dog n cat / Cat tales 31

A friend bought a puppy and brought it up in her household with a cat. It is a rare instance that the cat accepted the puppy with no hesitation. The puppy, took to the cat too. In fact, the two spent a lot of time together.

Well, the puppy is grown now. The interesting part is that no one has heard it bark! It is a silent and tiny  house dog. The character of most house dogs is a high pitch yelping. No one knows if the dog is mute or if it just decided to mimic the cat. The master and mistress just accepted it as a blessing that no neighbours will complain about their pet.

Cats are very fond of jumping to a high place and sitting there for long periods of time. Our dog can't jump, but it will beg the humans to pick it up and place it on a high cupboard. More than once, the person that placed it on the perch went out. The poor dog could not jump down, or rather dared not. So it just sat quietly up there waiting to be rescued. Isn't that fascinating? A dog that thinks it is a cat!

How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Ps 104:24

dog cat.jpg

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