Monday, January 3, 2011

(354)Music Training/ Upbringing 36

Today I visited an old church friend whom I have not met for at least six years. She has three children. Her eldest, a girl, is now a doctor in a neighbouring country. Her second, a son, is now married living across the sea. The youngest, a girl, is in the final year in a psychology program locally.

I remember that when my children were toddlers and babies, she was already driving her elder two to the next town twice a week for violin and piano lessons. Each way was a good one and a half hours during normal traffic situations. Her youngest displayed no interest in her early years, therefore my friend was too lazy to bother as the third is quite many years younger compared to the other two. But interestingly when the youngest reached her teenage years, she started to play the piano by ear with no formal training. This time, the mother just found a teacher in the nearest music school and enrolled her for informal lessons.

The doctor is active in missions. She would save up her hard-earned money to volunteer her expertise in poor countries. The married son is serving in worship leading. It is the psychology student who does not sit for a single music examination that is playing the keyboard in the music team. Our children sometimes surprise us in what they do, don't they?

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