Monday, January 10, 2011

(361) Zelda's decides on 6 month mission

My friend Zelda came back from her one month in London. Her face was glowing when she shared about how she had confirmation after confirmation about her evangelistic call. To me, it was nothing new. She had had that gifting since the first day I met her four years ago. It might have been a little rough and over enthusiastic, now her inner burning is a little more tempered and controlled.

Now she is exploring the possibility of another three-month attachment. This round she is asking the Lord to release funding to discharge her bank debts before she leaves. If God wants her to go to UK to talk to the unreached about Him, I am certain the money would come into her hands in a timely manner.

According to her, we can learn all we can about methods like the four spiritual laws or evangelistic explosion, but if we are not personally burdened about the person we are facing, any sharing may be in vain. Since she was a hundred percent sure that knowing and accepting Jesus' love would do her target a world of good, people do listen to her more than her team mates. On the spot, she received wisdom in overcoming objections in ways her personal intellect would not come up with in a thousand years. Thank God that the holy spirit is our helper.

Accordingly she continues to give away her possessions, I have been her agent of disposal. Books, furniture, clothes,stationery, kitchen utensils, ... all that she owns can fit into one small room now. Still, she wants to minimise further because once she leaves for the field, she wants her room to be of use to her niece.

I admire her guts in street evangelism. Here I am, hiding behind a Canadian goose photo, writing what I should proudly proclaim to the world from the roof top. I often have difficulties telling what is closest to my heart to close friends, let alone talking to people in door-to-door witnessing. I thank God that the internet is available to me, if not, would I really write all these in log books and hide them in my book shelves?

Zelda's trip to London (749), read also (383), (401) and (487), (520), (994), and (9)

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