Friday, January 21, 2011

(363) Two Hotels in Hong Kong

Two years ago Elizabeth and I visited Hong Kong. We stayed in Dorset Sea View. While it was satisfactory in every way, the price tag was quite high. Therefore we decided that if we visit again, we would trawl the net for something more affordable.
This round we found another hotel which is way lower in room rate. A few days before we left, I actually wondered what would be the reason for such low rates in such an expensive place. Later I found out. All around and behind the hotel we find shops selling wreaths, cremation urns, joss sticks, paper clothes, paper handphones ... and yes, in the back streets: coffins of every shape and style.

I personally don't mind all these shops, in fact I enjoyed all the fragrant flowers: big and small and of all colours. But my mother has a pathological fear of coffins. So I took care to by pass that short street as soon as I fixed it in my mind. Funny thing I saw four coffin shops but neither my mum nor my daughter noticed them.

We counted six Red Bridal Teashops in one area. While it offers every necessity for weary travelers, it was pathetically small. I suppose it was my fault for not persuading another soul, whether friend or relative, to make up a group of four. I tried, honestly I did. Once the air tickets were purchased, the die was cast. My aged mum and underage daughter refused to entertain the thought that I might be given a room on another floor. They agreed to make do and crowd three to one room.

You should see and hear us laugh each time we enter our room. I would slot in the card and hold the door open as widely as it would go, my mum who is seventy eight would walk in side way with her huge hold all with her tumbler of water, warm clothing and umbrella .. Then she would sit on the toilet seat leaving the narrow passage way for my daughter to bring in the many shopping bags. Elizabeth would walk to the head of the bed, take off her shoes and crawl up the bed. Then I would go in, lock the door, bring out the first suitcase from the window recess to take out clothing for my shower ... At any one time two people must sit down, one on the bed and the second on the chair before a third can pack or unpack.

But you can't beat the low room rate. The bed is solid and comfortable. The toilet is clean. Everything from TV to air con to tea kettle are new and in working order. For one person, or for a loving couple on honeymoon, you cannot get a better hotel room for the asking price.

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