Thursday, November 29, 2012

(163) Flattery pays

A good friend of mine revealed her home background to me when I by chance met both sets of her parents. Interestingly her biological father divorced her rather beautiful biological mother and married a short and fat woman 26 years his junior.

The root cause of the divorce was he desperately needed ego boosting hourly and his well educated, cultured wife refused to say what was not really true 100% on demand. His second wife who was seducing him while he was still married could replay not very sincere compliments by the minute to inflate his overly big ego. Sure, he was a CEO at a relatively young age; heck! He certainly was not born royal nor was he a dictator who happened to be the Chief of All Armed Forces. Wrong position and wrong station in life to expect to hear constant ego boosting lies. Thirty years after adultery and divorce, he was in his seventies and he was being treated like an old man with one foot in the grave. The fifty year old wife resented him for being bald, hard of hearing and being house bound : the curse of incontinence! The old man's two sons and wives have to bite their tongues hard trying not to ask:"What did you really expect when you seduced someone's husband who was 26 years your senior??" But being civilized and tactful, they stayed as little time as possible to hear her woes.

Just yesterday I heard from another friend that her youngest sister married the latter's high school sweetheart. The couple built a multi-million industry from zero and have five children. Before the children were grown, the husband moved out with a mainland China doll acquired on his business trips. He somehow paid his wife off and booted her out of the office. To be fair, my friend said that her sis was not entirely in the right. She heard with her own ears that her sis put down her husband in a house warming party. A guest was singing high praise of her husband's business acumen when she said her husband would not be where he was without her. While the statement could actually be true to a certain extent, it was tactically the wrong time and wrong place to say such a thing! It would have been smarter to hear other people say it or wait until all the guests were gone.  

For my readers who are female and single, if you lack beauty, brain, attractive personality and breeding, perhaps all you need to develop is to learn to say the right words to boost men's ego at the right time. Should you be able to meet such a man's inner needs, you would be the best wife he could get in this life.

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