Wednesday, November 14, 2012

(111) Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

My daughter Elizabeth is going through a phase of reading the classics. Hence I benefit from the books she borrowed from the university library.

For a long time now, I have been rereading books like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. However, I have never had a chance of seeing even a copy of Northanger Abbey until this week.

My goodness, what if Henry Tilney was as bad as his father? It would be horrible to have Catherine Morland go back to her parents' home and stay there year after year as a spinster! Well, at this point you will probably think I am a hopeless romantic! In real life, I am more hard boiled than romantic. But I would like all the books I read to have happy endings. Same with movies! Life is already hard. Why look for more hard luck in fiction? If I were to pay for any book or movie, I want to be entertained. Even when I have the choice of what books to borrow, I would choose happy books if I could.

I am very glad that this is 2012, my daughters could choose to be single and earn decent livings.

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