Saturday, April 9, 2011

(386) Upbringing 47

It didn't seem like a long time but I have been away for more than a month.

Today Elizabeth went to a city school and sat for a personality test. That test is supposed to tell admission officials whether the options she applied for suit her. Out of all the government universities, this island university is the only one which requires her to sit for a test.

From early February I was both happy and sad over her offer of a place in a university in USA. I was happy that she was accepted. It was a wonderful feeling to look at the grant offered. After converting to our currency, it is a whopping seventy odd thousand dollars. After a few days of following the exchange rates, I realize there is no way we could send her unless God send some more aid or cash. And the sadness leads to feeling down ...

Hence we are in the midst of applying to yet another university. This time we are applying to one in China. Since Elizabeth is busy clerking at a law firm, her father and I chipped in to help her. I would gather all the information and fill in the forms. Elizabeth would vet through all the entries, then her father would key in the online application pending  her final check before sending. Meanwhile, our daughter is learning how to talk to clients, both on the phone as well as by email. She is also picking up the legal speak in terms of selling and buying properties. It is a very responsible position, highly pressured but very lowly paid. It is a temporary position, her boss told her the monthly pay is five hundred dollars. Miracle of miracles, when the pay cheque came, it was six hundred. As long as she is able to learn new skills, the pay does not matter. Yet how are we going to find the money we are short of ? Perhaps this new university would really offer her a full scholarship, that would be a wonderful solution.

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