Wednesday, June 20, 2012

(977) Managing luggage weight

I shared with a lady in my little tour group how I kept my luggage weight down. A few months before a planned trip, I would be on the look out for clothes suitable for use in that country at that season of the year. Since I recycle used clothes year round, I pick out suitable clothes and try them on. Then I wash them and store them until the trip.

During the trip I try to wash them and let them drip dry in the hotel bath room. However, I could not do that in my Shanghai trip, we changed city everyday. Whether the clothes are clean or not, I pack them nicely in whatever shopping bag I have on hand. The last batch of recycled clothes were taken by the toilet custodian. I explained that due to weight consideration, I had to leave them behind. She was smiling when I reassured her that they were reasonably new clothing.

For all my six trips to Thailand, I have donated clothing to orphanages. In Sibu, Sarawak, I left them with a Seminary secretary who promised to wash them before donating to an aborigine own thrift shop. In Hong Kong, I left my bag in the service corridor of a big shopping mall. It was a neatly packed hotel laundry bag, all in one glance one can tell it is clothing and a bomb. Perhaps security would send it to good will. If not, a kitchen worker may find the clothing useful for her children. In Switzerland I left my clothes with my hostess who would bring it to The Red Cross.

That way, it is easy to stay within the strict weight limit of airlines. Whatever few items I purchase, they take the place of the clothes given away. I return to my home country with the same number of luggage and almost the same weight. Not being well-to-do, I see each trip as a blessing. By choosing to give away clothing, I am merely passing the blessing on to the poor folks in that country.

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