Monday, August 20, 2018

1012 Food for the cat who adopted my mum

A lot has happened since I last posted from Borneo. Now I am back in my Peninsular home. By God's grace I survived a cancer episode. Last year I published a book written thirty five years ago. Right now I am awaiting my volunteer proof reader to go through the manuscript of my second book. From the sale of my first book I have managed to put aside about six hundred dollars. Yesterday my brother gave me eight hundred. Perhaps by the time my second proof reader gets through my work, I may have the 1,600 dollars to print a thousand copies before the end of this calendar year.

After I came out of the hospital last year, I began to notice a black and white cat who visited my mother often. I came from a poor family with a single income. Six of us lived on my dad's two hundred and thirty dollars monthly when I was six years old. The only pet I recall having was a green tiny turtle my dad rescued near his office. Apparently the heavy rain overflowed the ornamental pond of some nearby  rich man's house. I was very taken with the cat as it was discreet, undemanding and came daily to spend time with my eighty-five year old mother. My mum kept a ready supply of clean water for the cat in exchange for its frightening away the mice.

 Five weeks back, the cat stopped appearing in the morning. I kept a continual look out for it during my bi-weekly visits. For four days over a two week period, it came after high noon, looking foot worn and instead of cleaning itself; it slept. We came to the natural conclusion that its owner either went away on vacation or moved away. I was looking at it sleeping in exhaustion when I thought: God, wouldn't it be nice if you could give me some money to supply food to this poor cat so that it could continue to come spend time with my almost deaf mother. It was a fleeting thought and I soon forgot the momentary wish.

Lo and behold, a few days later, I received a designated offering in the offering bag in my church. It was one hundred dollars. That was unusual, as I was neither a pastor nor a missionary. It took me a few days to recall my fleeting thought and realised that the money was meant for the cat. Well, the money was spent on  purchasing bags of Whiskas cat food. I calculated I have about eight months' worth of  food to feed the cat who adopted my mother. I am very touched that God loves me, my mother and a cat enough to make provision for its upkeep. We serve an amazing God of love.

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