Thursday, May 2, 2013

(249) Red by Ted Dekker

Red - Second Part of The Circle Series - The Heroic Rescue

In this book we have Justin (Elyon) being betrayed and put to death by a most inhumane method of drowning. Meanwhile 21st century earth was spinning out of control to imminent mass death and nuclear strikes and counter strikes.

In the final pages of this book, twelve adults and five children followed the footsteps of Justin in choosing to be drowned in the red water of the lake. Miraculously, they did not die but emerged cleansed from the dreaded skin disease the desert dwellers had. Strangely, those forest dwellers who used to dip daily in the green lake to escape from the dreaded skin disease were all affected by the disease in their brains to stay away from the lake water which by washing could no longer heal them.

It is all a paradox: with Jehovah, one chooses death of self in order to have new life. A real believer must hold his or her life loosely as in losing one's earthly life would lead to gaining eternal life. It somehow does not seem logical nor smart. Therefore, God chooses the fools to shame the wise. And only the sick would need the Great Physician. That is why we find that sometimes Buddhists and Taoists actually are much nicer people than some Christians in many churches. Perhaps the relatively more righteous people outside of the sheep fold feel less of a need for forgiveness and cleansing. When I was so sick that I could hardly stand up at age 31, only two Christian sisters could and would comfort me. Most  judged me and told me that there must be sin in my life, my illness was judgement from God. The rest shunned me, as if by walking near me or by having contact would mean they would catch my ailment.

Looking back, it was a difficult test. It must have been by the grace of God that I did not walk away from the Church or from God. Now that it has been over, I become a person that would be able to sit for hours to listen, understand, cry, and to pray with any one whom God called me to be alongside to help. It was like undergoing the refining fire, it was terrible to be burnt for the duration. But the end result is good for me and for others.

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