Thursday, May 2, 2013

(248) Black by Ted Dekker

Black - First part of The Circle Series - The birth of evil

This book reminds me of The Time Traveler's Wife. Thomas Hunter is like the time traveler. The major difference being the fact that when Tom is asleep in America in the twenty first century, he was asleep and dreaming of another world in a different time and vice verse.

From the abandoned son of an army chaplain, Tom became an internationally known villain who kidnapped a virologist in Bangkok. The new vaccine that was just unveiled was wrenched into the bad guys' hands to become a mutated virus capable of killing billions on earth within three weeks. It was a good plot, full of suspense!

The colored forest and the innocent long living people who enjoyed the fruits and water bestowed by Elyon (the creator) paralleled the garden of Eden. Those evil black bats that have no power over the innocent people are like the fallen angels before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

After being a practicing Christian for more than twenty years, I am afraid I still cannot see why nor am I able to explain fully why God created humans who are given the choice of good and evil. Yes, books explained that men cannot be truly free without such a choice. But look at what the choice led to: violence, suffering, perverse actions, evil ... But how can the created being question the creator? I bow to the deep knowing in my heart that God loves me and everyone else in this world. Yet even before the foundation of this world was laid, God already knew who would choose Him and who would reject Him. Even knowing that, He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins so that we can find a way to go back to Him. My son Kenneth said that reading this series (Black, Red, White and Green) enables him to understand Genesis (the first book of the Bible) better. I am still reading the second book Red, I cannot claim anything of this sort yet. Though I went right to the back and read both the given endings.

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