It is amazing to me that while the dinosaurs were extinct millions of years ago, yet we have gathered up a huge amount of knowledge relating to them. Many little boys went through years of sponging up specific information on dinosaurs.
When I saw them in the Smithsonian Museums, I hardly gave them much thoughts. In this book, Preston managed to weave much more information into an interesting story. There were dinosaur hunters. If dinosaurs were found on private land, then they could be auctioned in open international markets.
Is there life in outer space? That is an age old question. For every space mission, every precaution has to be taken to protect earth from alien life form. In this story, the scientist Dr. Melodie Crookshank did not mess up in her experiments, humans could live on without any threat from runaway alien virus.
In the end, a few soldiers died apart from the two bad guys. It was tragic. But for the rest of the folks, everything ended well.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
(917) Functional fatty acid defficiency
Today we will talk about a condition called fatty acid functional deficiency. The word "functional" denotes that under normal circumstances, what would be enough becomes short under special circumstances. One of the special circumstances would be high stress. Our bodies need many types of fatty acids in order to metabolise the food we take in. Even though there are a few individuals who survive only on fruits, nuts and vegetables alone, they need a fair amount of nuts to function. Certain nuts are rich in fatty acids the body needs desperately.
I was extremely fortunate to be born in the sixties when just about everyone in my community were healthily thin. My parents allowed me to take as much food in any combination I chose as long as I did not encroach on others' share. I remember taking two plates of rice for any meal I take at home throughout my school days. You see, each day I used to walk at least 4 km just to get to school. Whenever I stay up nights to do home work or study, I would cook and eat 1 packet of instant noodle with plenty of shallot oil (which my mum supplies year round) at about 10pm. I know, that is very unhealthy. But at that point I had a very high metabolic rate. Without extra food intake at night, I would be even thinner.
However, my niece was not as fortunate. Remember her who did not do so well in cold winter nights that are so long in UK? From young, her mum and grandma monitor her food intake. Prosperity leads to higher BMI across the board in our society. Although my brother's family members are healthy and weigh in normally, they are very careful of their oil intake.
There was a week that I took over the cooking of dinners for this family as my mum was unwell. Everything I cooked was too oily for them. I had to consciously cut down the amount of oil I used to half to fit their preference. I wonder if my niece's life long problem of rashes, hives and eczema were related to fatty acid deficiency? It was uncanny that her skin problems peaked around the time she was stressed over public examinations! Could it be that under normal circumstances, she has enough fatty acids in her diet. But the minute she was under stress, her normal need would double or triple, the body's inability to meet that need leads to burning down of whatever store of fat in the body, thereafter the unmet need manifests itself in a host of skin irritations?
I was a fat baby. But by the time I was about four years old I looked like a starving child from Africa (minus the distended belly). That was a very difficult time of learning for me, I had lots of problems pronouncing certain sounds in my dialect. The worst problem was saying "rice" correctly. For at least two years I could not say sounds beginning with "f" correctly. All the kids in the neighbourhood would laugh and taunt me when I said charcoal instead. Some mean ones would take a piece of charcoal and force it into my mouth. So instead of saying eat rice (lunch or dinner) I would have to remember to say eat porridge (which begins with a "c" sound). I seldom tell anyone this part of my past. No one would believe me, as I fought against all these in born speech impediments for many years. By the time I was fourteen years old, I was an expert debater who won competitions. But along the way I used to stammer too, especially in my elementary school years.
Enough about me and my niece. We move on to my no. two daughter. One day my husband caught her drinking two soup spoonfuls of raw peanut(cooking) oil. Out of all my children, this one is the shortest and the thinnest. After telling my husband that I would not worry about it, the entire story that I suspect my maternal family side may carry this genetic aberration came out. My husband was very surprised. He has been married to me for twenty over years and has not heard me mention "fatty acid functional deficiency" before.
If you have read my last post of Elizabeth's "boo boo" in the office as a temporary staff, it would be interesting to note that on her way home from the office (she drives now), she would buy some deep fried staff (like fried banana fritters) from the road side stall. From how much she bought, I can tell what kind of day she had. On an excellent day, she would not even think of such oily stuff. But that particular day that I captured "Learning difficulties 17" out of her gloom and doom, she bought four types of fried stuff. Of course I don't allow her to eat too much of such food. But you and I can see that the stress level is directly proportionate to the craving for oil.
(916) Quite Honestly by John Mortimer
I find this story hilarious! One would not imagine the well brought up daughter of a Bishop entering into a spate of crime and ended up with a three year sentence in jail.
On the other hand I remember the fact that I have seen professors stoned out of their senses on Saturday mornings. I have even unknowingly watered marijuana plants among the collection of potted plants as a favor to my resident assistant (person in charged of a certain area of a dormitory). Then I have seen stolen road signs given the pride of place in many dormitory rooms, the owners being upper middle class young ladies with brain, charm and much intelligence.
For young people who did not need to struggle hard for a college education, it was all good fun to do anything to induce an adrenalin high. But truth be told, few go to the dire straits like Lucy to be identified with her beloved. Yet there is a redeeming factor, while Lucy sank down really low, her blue eye boy was clawing his way out of the low life. The story ended with their roles reversed: boy wonder meeting and leading her away from crime when she was released.
Sometimes I wonder idly about marriages. Is it true that we tend to marry someone very different from each of us? Through years of iron sharpening iron, do we become more rounded and mature with our spouses? Precisely because I am a rather serious person who can live on ideas, my husband has a zany sense of humor and is rather practical. Perhaps if Lucy sticks to her chosen one in the book long enough, both of them would become better human beings at the same time.
On the other hand I remember the fact that I have seen professors stoned out of their senses on Saturday mornings. I have even unknowingly watered marijuana plants among the collection of potted plants as a favor to my resident assistant (person in charged of a certain area of a dormitory). Then I have seen stolen road signs given the pride of place in many dormitory rooms, the owners being upper middle class young ladies with brain, charm and much intelligence.
For young people who did not need to struggle hard for a college education, it was all good fun to do anything to induce an adrenalin high. But truth be told, few go to the dire straits like Lucy to be identified with her beloved. Yet there is a redeeming factor, while Lucy sank down really low, her blue eye boy was clawing his way out of the low life. The story ended with their roles reversed: boy wonder meeting and leading her away from crime when she was released.
Sometimes I wonder idly about marriages. Is it true that we tend to marry someone very different from each of us? Through years of iron sharpening iron, do we become more rounded and mature with our spouses? Precisely because I am a rather serious person who can live on ideas, my husband has a zany sense of humor and is rather practical. Perhaps if Lucy sticks to her chosen one in the book long enough, both of them would become better human beings at the same time.
(915) True Believer by Nicholas Sparks
This story was set in a lovely part of the country. I suppose Lexie was not handed a charmed life as her parents both died in the same car accident. It would not be easy for a beautiful single woman to live in a small town. It was not abnormal to dream of her white knight coming for her, except the previous two turned out to be duds.
It is difficult to be able to discern the right from the wrong in real life. But where would Lexie be if her grandma did not make a special trip to New York City to summon the correct white knight? Who would know that a one night stand would result in a miracle baby with a man who was supposed to be sterile? But of course the story ended happily, as most Nicholas Sparks fan preferred.
It is difficult to be able to discern the right from the wrong in real life. But where would Lexie be if her grandma did not make a special trip to New York City to summon the correct white knight? Who would know that a one night stand would result in a miracle baby with a man who was supposed to be sterile? But of course the story ended happily, as most Nicholas Sparks fan preferred.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
(914) A Kept man
What do women look for in men? Looks? Physique? Wealth? Position? Availability?
There is a man in his late thirties who married young. For all the years of his marriage, his wife had been the real bread winner. He could not seem to settle to steady work. So at age thirty nine, he packed his bags and returned to his parents' house. His wife had had enough and asked for separation. He looked very young even though he has teen age children. He is tall, fairly good looking and he kept trim and athletic as he had time and leisure to play games.
Lo and behold! Within a few short months, he moved in with a woman who is a few years older than him. Since this woman is rich and has fully grown children, she is looking for companionship and does not mind about his inability to supply. In fact rumours say that the rich lady is paying him a generous allowance each month.
As women walk out of the kitchen into the boardroom, we will continue to see cases of this kind. Now how do you think the wife feels? While she was struggling to bring up five children on her meager pay and with the ex giving her pittance, the ex is enjoying an easy and luxurious life with a "sugar mummy"!
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(913) Tribal Scholar-translator
Many years ago, white missionary went to the north-eastern side of India to spread the Gospel. There were tribal believers. One particular tribal man assumed the role of the spiritual shepherd but he encountered many problems because he was illiterate. One day he sent his son to go to the nearest town to get an education. But where is the next town? The father took his son up the nearest hill, pointed to the next mountain and said that the town is beyond that mountain.
This boy left with a pack of rice and an animal trap. By God's protection, he made it by foot to the nearest town and acquired an education. Soon, he was sidetrack by the opportunity of earning cigarettes delivering messages for the armed forces during World War II. His father found out, walked many miles to track him down and reminded him that his mission was to learn enough and translate the bible into his own language, not to become rich.
Soon we found this boy in England on a scholarship. After his first degree, he went on to America to learn more. By God's grace, he was focused enough to work on and complete the bible translation. My friend watched the documentary detailing this true story in that region recently. Many among the audience have met this scholarly man who founded schools and clinics in the hills.
I am amazed by the tale.
This boy left with a pack of rice and an animal trap. By God's protection, he made it by foot to the nearest town and acquired an education. Soon, he was sidetrack by the opportunity of earning cigarettes delivering messages for the armed forces during World War II. His father found out, walked many miles to track him down and reminded him that his mission was to learn enough and translate the bible into his own language, not to become rich.
Soon we found this boy in England on a scholarship. After his first degree, he went on to America to learn more. By God's grace, he was focused enough to work on and complete the bible translation. My friend watched the documentary detailing this true story in that region recently. Many among the audience have met this scholarly man who founded schools and clinics in the hills.
I am amazed by the tale.
(912) Bad Luck and Trouble by Lee Child
This is an adrenalin driven adventure of former special investigators in the Military Police. What set it apart from other such stories is Reacher. Reacher owns no house, no car, not even a suit case. He traveled where he pleased with a tooth brush, an ATM card, his passport and the clothes on his back. In that sense, he is almost like the holy wanderers in India.
I am also impressed with their mode of communication - putting money into Reacher;s bank account. When Reacher found $1030 extra in his bank account, he was smart enough to trace it and fast enough to answer the call. The ten thirty radio code is an urgent request for assistance.
What started as bad luck and trouble was turned around. In stopping the weaponry from being used by the terrorist in USA, they collected enough spoils of war to set up trust funds for widows, orphans, girl friend, and some financial reward for the participants for service rendered.
It was a happy ending. Reacher continued his wandering.
I am also impressed with their mode of communication - putting money into Reacher;s bank account. When Reacher found $1030 extra in his bank account, he was smart enough to trace it and fast enough to answer the call. The ten thirty radio code is an urgent request for assistance.
What started as bad luck and trouble was turned around. In stopping the weaponry from being used by the terrorist in USA, they collected enough spoils of war to set up trust funds for widows, orphans, girl friend, and some financial reward for the participants for service rendered.
It was a happy ending. Reacher continued his wandering.
(911) Christmas Collection by Max Lucado
There are three stories in this book: An Angel's Story, The Christmas Candle, and The Christmas Child.
Lucado was very imaginative in creating the fictional account of viewing the conception of Jesus until the birth of the Savior of the world from Gabriel's(angelic) perspective. He added a number of possible details not mentioned in the Bible.
I really like The Christmas Candle. It is a simple story. But very often it is the simple stories that carry profound messages. If we believe in a God that is alive and care enough for human kind to intervene in our affairs, then we have to believe in miracles.
In The Christmas Child, we see not only of human frailty but also divine forgiveness. An adopted son found that his life had come full circle when he met his biological grandfather and reconciled with his estrange wife one Christmas.
Like other Lucado books I have read, these stories are filled with faith, hope and love from heaven.
Lucado was very imaginative in creating the fictional account of viewing the conception of Jesus until the birth of the Savior of the world from Gabriel's(angelic) perspective. He added a number of possible details not mentioned in the Bible.
I really like The Christmas Candle. It is a simple story. But very often it is the simple stories that carry profound messages. If we believe in a God that is alive and care enough for human kind to intervene in our affairs, then we have to believe in miracles.
In The Christmas Child, we see not only of human frailty but also divine forgiveness. An adopted son found that his life had come full circle when he met his biological grandfather and reconciled with his estrange wife one Christmas.
Like other Lucado books I have read, these stories are filled with faith, hope and love from heaven.
(910) Demolition Angel by Robert Crais
This is a new topic for me. Apart from the grisly images I saw on international news, I know nothing about bombs. But I do know a Thai lady who traveled and work here as a cook to avoid the bombs in her home state. I realize how fortunate I am to live in a peaceful environment.
Although knowing that the author changed many details to deter the general public from gathering real information in bomb making or dismantling, it is still exciting to read about the life and death in dealing with explosives. The closest I came in dealing with dangerous chemical was in working with toxic chemicals in the fume chamber in the chemistry laboratory many years ago. I was rather clumsy by nature, there was a hole caused by a drop of concentrate acid in my lab coat and a corresponding white spot in my old pair of jeans.
Another thing I could relate to in Carol Starkey is her nightmares. Even though I have had no similar trauma like her experience in surviving an explosion, I had lived with nightmares throughout my childhood. Looking back, it was from unresolved hurts and nameless fears acquired through years of struggling against learning disabilities that I didn't know I had then. It is easy to pooh-pooh and discount emotional trauma, but such hurts are real and caused long term consequences. Of course God offers healing, but it took many years to peal away many layers of scars to get at the root cause. It was not easy to arrive at the current freedom I enjoy in Christ.
Although knowing that the author changed many details to deter the general public from gathering real information in bomb making or dismantling, it is still exciting to read about the life and death in dealing with explosives. The closest I came in dealing with dangerous chemical was in working with toxic chemicals in the fume chamber in the chemistry laboratory many years ago. I was rather clumsy by nature, there was a hole caused by a drop of concentrate acid in my lab coat and a corresponding white spot in my old pair of jeans.
Another thing I could relate to in Carol Starkey is her nightmares. Even though I have had no similar trauma like her experience in surviving an explosion, I had lived with nightmares throughout my childhood. Looking back, it was from unresolved hurts and nameless fears acquired through years of struggling against learning disabilities that I didn't know I had then. It is easy to pooh-pooh and discount emotional trauma, but such hurts are real and caused long term consequences. Of course God offers healing, but it took many years to peal away many layers of scars to get at the root cause. It was not easy to arrive at the current freedom I enjoy in Christ.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
(909) Legacy of her parents' divorce
When I was in High School, there is a classmate whom most girls dislike. She was good looking and one of the top scorers. Sad to say, she was also loud, over-confident and tactless.
Later, I chanced to meet her neighbour, who happened to be my mum's good friend. Apparently, my classmate's dad was this neighbour's boss. If there had been a World's Best Boss Competition, he would have been voted the winner by all his subordinates.
Not knowing anything else, one day I complimented her on her dad's popularity at work. What came out was explosive anger, frustration and recriminations. She revealed that her mum and dad were divorced for years. The unusual part is both live in the same house. Neither remarried.The double storey link house was divided into his and her territory. Husband gets one reasonable sized bed room with an attached bath room. He gets the upstairs sitting room should he bring back friends. He has his own stove and storage area in the kitchen.
She grew up, finished university, had a failed marriage. Wherever she is now, the shadow of her parents' unhappiness is probably still trailing her unless she deals with it. That was about forty years of accumulated pain, since she left home! It is very sad!
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(908) Be a source of blessing
The first time I was planning to visit an orphanage in a neighbouring country, I solicited for used clothing months ahead. I remembered how children as young as six were walking bare feet with single layer clothing in cold weather to a school three km away (in northern Thailand). While I was wearing three layers of clothes, there were holes in their long pants ( during the exploratory trip in 2000). Little wonder that most of them had runny nose then.
Since then I have recycled clothing year round, every year. For as long as the children in Khaodee Ministries needed clothes, I used to select and keep warm clothing that were clean and in wearable condition to bring to them during my yearly or bi-yearly trip. Often it involved washing, drying and folding them for storage. Since I was petite then, I would select things that I could wear so that I could leave behind more items.
The last trip that I visited them four years back, conditions improved so much that there was no need to bring clothing anymore. Now I channel clothes to one Filipino maid who has ways to send clothes home to her village through a friend who works in a shipping company. I also send some to an Indonesian maid in Silver City; she will bring them back during her yearly visit. Some I would bring to a social service minded friend in Silver City who would find a use for every item I gave. The rest I either deposit in charity boxes by the road side or give them to a neighbor who recycles to raise fund for disaster relief. From working closely with like minded recycling folks, I learn that even really old and unwearable clothes that are absorbent can be sold for absorbing oil or ink in factories.What is rubbish to us city folks can be turned into cash in the right hands.
For my last trip a week ago, I managed to leave behind six blouses with a local Christian who will bring them to a second hand shop set up to help the indigenous people there. She was kind in offering to wash two that I did not have a chance to wash.
For I believe that it is not important how well I dress or how many wardrobes of clothes I own during my life time, but it is how many poor people I help to bring clothes to that matter. I only will pass this way once, if I can, I will choose to be a blessing to those I am in touch with.
(907) Blogging
When I was a teenager, I used to write articles in my mother tongue to earn a few dollars. While in college I took a few writing courses in English. Despite the fact that my professor said I had talent, it was extremely tedious for me to polish each paper for submission.
Years later, God told me to write. I was stumped for a long time. What to write? Then what to do with the writing? I realise I do not want to lose my privacy as an unknown individual. One day my teenager showed me her friend's blog. Suddenly I saw in a flash that I could blog anonymously, yet those pieces of blog is open and freely available in the cyberspace. If I change all names of places, chances are that no one could identify the author nor the characters.
So I set about to record things that strike me as worth keeping. Hard as it is, I believe few people would admit to having learning disabilities as children. Could be they have forgotten! Could be they like to forget all about the painful struggle! If by playing the role of scribe, I have helped you in any way. I praise God! If you have any questions, you can leave comments in my blog. If I can answer, I will. If I can't, there may be individual experts or organisations I can refer you to. But I honestly believe God has all the answers for us. If you really seek, you shall find. I have had no special training what so ever. Yet God has led me to help my children as well as a few others to overcome their handicaps.
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
(906) Shangrila
Looking at this picture, I recall the story "Shang ri la" I read as a student. If I have sufficient money and leisure, surely this will be my destination. However, our physical surrounding is only half of "heaven on earth".
At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. Deut 15:1 For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. Deut 15:6
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(905) Two bright eyes
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. Mt 6:22
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(904) Single vs multi-tasking
Recently I had a rather interesting discussion with a friend. We talked about single versus multi-tasking. My friend claimed that for as long as she could remember, she had been multi-tasking. Not only she was good at doing a few things at one time, she actually enjoyed the challenge of keeping seven pots covered with five lids.
Since she turned forty, she found that her short-term memory was not as good as it was before. Then she read a scientific report on how researchers found that multi-tasking folks are at a higher risk of having short term memory loss compared to their single-tasking counterparts of the same age-group.
As we were sharing merrily on, we realised we each could name a few names of those near and dear to us who faced the same challenge. Many are the tales of misplaced keys or wallets in moments of haste.
Now, how does this topic link to learning disability? Well! May I share my unqualified observations. Whenever a learning disabled person struggles to overcome a handicap, he or she tends to single task for that moment. For that 'difficult' task consumes all the attention.
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(903) Foreign bride
People often fall in love with persons from other countries. While such marriages may work well for some, it may not for others.
Let us look at the life of my cousin's friend. We will call her Ariel. She married her college sweetheart. Both decided to work and live in the country they chose for their education. There they stayed for ten years. By the time their three children were born, the husband was given a very good offer to start a branch in the Pacific region. They relocated with much hassle. The entire family took a while to settle down. The children were resilient, after all, it was no hardship studying in an expensive international school. Ariel missed her old job and friends. Well, she busied herself making a lovely home for her husband and growing children. After she trained her maid provided by the generous employer, she actually found time to teach part-time in her children's school.
Another eleven years passed. This couple now approached middle age. During a global down turn, Ariel's husband was offered early retirement. Should he refuse, he would have to return to work in the headquarters in North America. After much deliberation, the family opted for two different paths. Ariel took her children to her home country, she would spend about a year caring for her terminally ill mother. The children would continue their education. The father returned to his home country. While he spent time with his ailing father, he planned to look for business opportunity. Each vacation found the children flying across the oceans to spend time with their father.
Ariel's mum passed away around the time doctors said she would. Ariel felt devastated. Everyone encouraged her to look for a job. It was fate that she found her dream job, one that she had taken the trouble to qualify herself before and after her children were born. All three children love their mum's home country. And so they encouraged the father to wind up his small business in his home town to join them.
Here is where the differences cannot be reconciled. The required number of years passed, both husband and wife refused to relocate. And the marriage ended on the rocks. Ariel's ex readily found happiness in a second marriage. It was not so with Ariel, she turned bitter as she clings to her job living near her sisters.
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(902) Folk medicine
A neighbor's son had low fever for three days that did not go away with fever medicine and antibiotic. The doctor took a blood sample and it was not Denggi fever. The mother made him drink Chinese herbal tea everyday. On the third day there were skin rashes. The general practitioner did not diagnose it. It could be possibly be Ruebella or measle.
By the rule of folk medicine, the worried mum is going to buy parsley and boil it in water. When the resultant brew cools sufficiently, the son will use the parsley to brush against his arms, legs and body. Should his problem be measle, it would break out in earnest.
But supposing it is Denggi fever, then our knowledgeable mom would harvest papaya leaves, throw away the branch and veins; grind the leaves to collect the bitter sap. A Denggi patient with dangerously low blood platelets who take this sap will have a good chance to recover and not die of internal bleeding.
To a non-Asian, the above would sound like Voodoo, but these are tested remedies for hundreds of years in this part of the world.
By the rule of folk medicine, the worried mum is going to buy parsley and boil it in water. When the resultant brew cools sufficiently, the son will use the parsley to brush against his arms, legs and body. Should his problem be measle, it would break out in earnest.
But supposing it is Denggi fever, then our knowledgeable mom would harvest papaya leaves, throw away the branch and veins; grind the leaves to collect the bitter sap. A Denggi patient with dangerously low blood platelets who take this sap will have a good chance to recover and not die of internal bleeding.
To a non-Asian, the above would sound like Voodoo, but these are tested remedies for hundreds of years in this part of the world.
(901) Losing you by Nicci French
This is like a parallel story to The Closers(868). While in the Closers, the murderer was not caught until many years later. In Losing You, the single mother raced against the clock to track her missing daughter down, ultimately saving the latter's life moments before she was drown.
The young girl in The Closers was murdered because her lover, a respectable teacher could not afford to be exposed as her lover who caused her accidental pregnancy and subsequent abortion. In Losing you, Charlie was to be killed because she knew about the affair between her wind-surfing friend (a fellow teenager) and the wind-surfing instructor (who happened to be a husband and a father).
In both cases, the murderers had sex with underage girls and killed to cover up the misdeed. It is bad enough for young girls to have sex with young men, but it could be fatal for them to have sex with older men. After all, older men have their good reputation and standing in society to protect. Nobody wants to be labelled as a paedophile.
The young girl in The Closers was murdered because her lover, a respectable teacher could not afford to be exposed as her lover who caused her accidental pregnancy and subsequent abortion. In Losing you, Charlie was to be killed because she knew about the affair between her wind-surfing friend (a fellow teenager) and the wind-surfing instructor (who happened to be a husband and a father).
In both cases, the murderers had sex with underage girls and killed to cover up the misdeed. It is bad enough for young girls to have sex with young men, but it could be fatal for them to have sex with older men. After all, older men have their good reputation and standing in society to protect. Nobody wants to be labelled as a paedophile.
(900) Rag Nymph by Catherine Cookson
This is a novel based in the Victorian period. A lot of the prevailing conditions mentioned in the book no longer apply in the western world. Yet if we are to travel to some rural communities in many countries, some of what we read about in this book holds true today.
There is a Thai restaurant in my neighborhood. The owners are a lady of Thai Muslim origin and her husband, a local Muslim man. They are assisted by the lady's sister from Southern Thailand. The owners have a few sons and a rather beautiful daughter. One day I happened to order some food during a quiet lull and chatted with them. From what they said, it was a good thing that this good looking girl was born in this big city, she will be able to study and get a good job before considering marriage.
If she had been born in the rural countryside of southern Thailand, her decent looks would mean that her parents would have to quickly choose a good man for her to marry by the time she hits 15 or so. They could not keep on turning suitors away. Sooner or later, one spurned suitor would kidnap and force her to submit, perhaps to a man three times her age.
When I heard that, I realize how lucky that I was not born in any part of the world that would treat me like chattel and a baby machine. Instead, I have the free choice of career, academia, family or single hood. For that, I am eternally grateful!
There is a Thai restaurant in my neighborhood. The owners are a lady of Thai Muslim origin and her husband, a local Muslim man. They are assisted by the lady's sister from Southern Thailand. The owners have a few sons and a rather beautiful daughter. One day I happened to order some food during a quiet lull and chatted with them. From what they said, it was a good thing that this good looking girl was born in this big city, she will be able to study and get a good job before considering marriage.
If she had been born in the rural countryside of southern Thailand, her decent looks would mean that her parents would have to quickly choose a good man for her to marry by the time she hits 15 or so. They could not keep on turning suitors away. Sooner or later, one spurned suitor would kidnap and force her to submit, perhaps to a man three times her age.
When I heard that, I realize how lucky that I was not born in any part of the world that would treat me like chattel and a baby machine. Instead, I have the free choice of career, academia, family or single hood. For that, I am eternally grateful!
(899) My mother the monster
The other day I met my daughter's friend's mother. While the friend was growing up, her parents were working abroad for many years. Since they were working illegally, from ages six to sixteen, this poor girl did not get any visit from her parents.
Now that the friend was grown, her mother finally came back. At first the friend refused to see her mother. Later, after some intervention of relatives, a meeting was arranged. Things were made very clear during the meeting. The young girl claimed that while she needed a mom, the mother was missing in action. All the maintenance that contributed to her upbringing actually came from her dad. She feels she is old enough to be on her own two feet now and does not need any mother.
While all these was going on, the mother that left her children to be with her husband really had a terrible time across the seas. First her husband got into some trouble involving gambling debts. Next he had a mistress. It is futile arguing about whether the mother did send money home, as it was quite obvious she must have been bailing her husband out financially in the beginning. It is well that in the end she was able to save up a sum to purchase a house and set herself up as a street vendor upon her return.
And so the story drags on, the daughter blamed everything on the monster that happened to be her biological mother. I wonder if she would treat her stepmother any better should dad return with her? Meanwhile those who counsel the original mother said that as long as she is too proud to eat humble pie, she would stand to lose a grown daughter. Looking at the situation, I see poverty, loyalty that was betrayed, sacrifice, and generally the lot of an Asian woman working illegally overseas. In this particular case, she was smart enough to ensure that she is financially independent after her divorce, else she would be a dead duck!! Imagine her strength in overcoming all the obstacles! In spite of everything against her, she was still making a living and weathering the storms.
(898) God's storm troopers
A missionary, Mr. Sam, was entering Burma without a visa. Suddenly he met a soldier pointing a big gun at him. He was scared; very, very scared. He knew he would die soon, and his wife would not hear of his death. Unexpectedly, the soldier threw away his gun, put up both arms and knelt down, begging for mercy. Mr. Sam ran for his life. He didn't stop until he was far into the Thai border.
Two months later, Mr. Sam met the same soldier at the Thai border. The missionary bought the latter a cup of coffee and asked,"Why didn't you shoot me the other day?" "Are you kidding? You had ten giant troopers behind you with machine guns!"
These are God's warring angels protecting his servants. They apparently seem ten feet tall with the latest weapons with mass destruction power.
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(897) A house for Hercule Poirot
I have finally found a building that would appeal to Hercule Poirot. Look at the perfect symmetry and the clean lines!
Though Poirot may be a fictitious character, but his exploits are on the side of angels.
The Lord delights in the way of a man whose steps he has made firm; though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. Ps 37:23-24
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(896) Direct Guidance
While I was working with special children, a friend recommended a child to me. Since I could not see any learning difficulties with the case history, I spent some time praying if I should take the child. When the answer came, it was in the form of vision when I was washing dishes. I saw the lesson clearly in my head. It was like this: I was to make jelly with the girl. In a clear glass, I was to make a jelly of three layers. The bottom layer is to be clear jelly with some red dye. In the middle a layer of jelly mixed with red dye and coconut milk. On top it was to be a layer of jelly with coconut milk alone.
Then the lesson came out of my heart: I was to tell her that the bottom layer is the way God made her heart, clear and pure. The top layer is the world: full of deceit and lies. The middle layer is what her heart was like when she came to me, affected by the lies she told. Her heart was no longer clear nor pure, but opaque with lies.
In the end, I did not carry out the lesson. While I considered about taking her, the step-mother of the girl changed her mind about sending the girl. It is not often that I was under direct guidance like this. I could see how much God loves this girl of mix parentage. While I was not given a chance to intervene in her life, God may send another person into her life further on in time. I believe in a God of love, who gives us second chance in his mercy.
Friday, April 20, 2012
(895) A remarkable couple
When I was abroad, I met a family who made a lasting impact on me.
Mr Grey worked in an educational institution. Mrs Grey was an artist. They lived in a small little house with their lovable daughters. They are not rich. Yet their house was filled with fun, laughter, guests, and music. Often times the house was dusty. I actually had to clear the sink and wash quite a few items to get myself a mug to make coffee in. But some how it was always a good experience visiting them. They were warm, they were loving. They encouraged me when I was sad. They brought out the best in me. It was in their house that I found myself an exciting and much sought after story teller. You see, without them, I probably would not be writing these tales for you to enjoy today.
An expensive house without love and laughter is not a home. A perfectly clean residence usually causes guests to feel ill at ease. All the luxury in this world could not buy a genuine good time.
Looking back, I recall the elder girl, Caroline, as the brainy one. Years later I heard that Caroline joined Yale, an ivy league college. The younger girl, Betsy, was probably having Attention Deficit problem. She had a fair bit of difficulty with spelling, too. It is not this that I remember most, it is how both Mr. and Mrs. Grey were equally accepting and encouraging to both their girls. With such exceptional parents, I am sure both children would have turned out well.
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(894) A place to lay my head
Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Mt 8:20
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(893) Hopscotch therapy
Just yesterday I was reading a book describing a far away country. The author related how from the window of a moving train he saw children playing hop scotch.
As a child, I spent many happy moments playing hop scotch on the dirt floor outside my grandma's squatter house. It was also one of the favourite games in primary school in the nineteen sixties.
Season after season flew by and by the time my children were born, computer games and game boys were what children in the late nineteen nineties chose. Being a nostalgic person, I would acquire some color chalk, draw on the cement floor and teach my children, nephews, nieces and their friends the 'aeroplane' hop scotch. Looking at how some of them struggled, I then realized how much physical games train a child in terms of balance and co-ordination.
When my daughter was in Grade One, her classmate used to come to our house at least two nights a week to do their homework together. All went well until it came to addition in Maths where the numbers they added bring them to carry tens or twenties from the digit column to the tens columns. There Aurora would either get the total wrong or she would forget to carry. Should she have gotten the digit column correct, the tens column would be out or vice versa.
I was obviously tearing my hair out, not angry at the girl; more of being frustrated at my inability to teach her. My son stepped in and suggested that we use a container; should there be one 'ten' to carry, we put in one chip. Then we introduced an extra step: (1) One chip for one 'ten', (2) Before writing down the 'ten' column total, we look at the plastic container. So far so good; as long as we did it step by step, guiding her along, she would get it right.
Then we jubilantly let her do the rest with less and less guidance. The results were mixed; should she remember to check the container, then she would successfully carry that ten. After Aurora went home, we shared our frustration with my husband. He asked a lot of questions. At the end he said that for whatever reason, Aurora had no storage space or 'buffer' apart from her main working area in her head. Oh dear, how would one go about creating a new register within a human brain?
It is now more than ten years later; I honestly cannot recall if we just stumbled on the solution?! Or did I pray and dream about the solution? One thing I do recall is seeing a book in the town council library about a snail hop scotch. I drew it and tested the game with my son. Then we played it once with both my son and daughter.
You may not believe it, but we had to simplify it for Aurora. The first day we just taught her the mechanics of alternating two feet with one foot around the circle (In terms of maths, it is like adding single digits not amounting to ten.). The next session we taught her going around to reach the center, turning around and retracing her steps to the beginning (like remembering to start adding from the right, moving onto the left). Then we had to teach her to pick up a stone before starting (like noting that we need to carry a 'ten'), then having to remember to drop the stone in the center before the about turn to get out of the circle (to remember to add the 'ten' or 1 to the 'tens' column).
It really took her an entire week of daily learning and practicing before she could do all of it together. Of course we had fun playing. My son was tall and had wide feet; his weakest point was stepping and erasing chalk line. I would try hopping in all the narrow confined boxes and get all out of breath. My daughter found it the easiest; she was tiny, quick and nimble.
The funny thing was, around the time Aurora could finally win the snail hop scotch, she also ceased having problems totting up multiple numbers into a final total. Somehow, the concrete physical actions to remember created the extra register space to keep track of 'carrying' for arithmetic.
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(892) Maths phobia
Math Phobia
A friend called and asked if I would take a case of math phobia. It never occurred to me to refuse. I did not think of asking for background either.
Then when the kid turned up, she was extremely nervous. My room was fairly cool actually. Yet I can see drops of sweat on her pointed delicate nose. She could not meet my eyes and seemed to be looking at a point in her lap. When I placed a work sheet in front of her, her lips started trembling. She began twisting her handkerchief. I felt like an executioner. Why did I ever move into special education without any proper training, anyway? My eyes darted around the room. Ah! There it was! I walked over to the cross stitch kit left on the small table next to the TV.
Next, I found myself chatting with Kimberly. She likes kittens. And, guess what? There was the gift wrapper I saved from Keziah's birthday present last year. We spent the dreaded hour tracing kitten shapes onto graph paper and inexpertly filling in the tiny squares with colours. When her mom turned up in the shining Camry, she could actually smile at her and asked if they could go shopping for embroidery thread.
We spent the next session outlining the cloth with a square box to contain the propose kittens' portrait. She counted out tens while I marked dots on the underside. By the time the entire area is divided into squares, I explained how the graph sheet relate to the target area on the cloth. She caught on really fast. Anyone could see Kimberly is intelligent. With weekly assignment of filling the kitten outlines with coloured crosses, we finished the project in six weeks. It was really satisfying to see her face when I praise her finished piece of work. I gently asked if she wanted to move back to the empty workbook, and she shook her head.
It's a good thing I anticipated that. Out came my shining beads of many colours and little coils of fishing line. After I explained to her about working times table into necklace and bracelets. She was really animated. As she threaded beads, I realised she has very good colour sense. By the time Mom turned up, she had created gifts for her seat mate, her cousin and a chum next door. Best of all, she could recite times table one to five.
And we went on enjoying our sessions. By the time she could relax enough to work on a revision test for her grade level, we know it is time to say good bye. Once she climbed out of her self-imposed psycological bind, she will not need any math tutor. If her school teacher did not punish students for making careless mistakes in test and if Mom did not ground the poor girl for dropping below eighty percent, she would have no need to come to me at all.
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(891) Loyal customers
When I was sending my children for ballet classes in Silver City, there was a coffee shop next door. After a while, the faces of the elderly men became familiar to me. I used to wonder, why would these men brave the hot sun to drink white coffee every afternoon?
Apparently, explained a friend who grew up there, once a regular customer got used to the way a coffee "sifu" brew a cup, he would "follow" the latter to the ends of the town. Some old timers suspected that such famous "sifu" would throw in a minute pinch of "shapu" (a type of habit forming narcotic) into his brew. Whoever who enjoys the "lift" the drug gives would often return day after day around the same time for a further cup. If the "sifu" moves to another shop, his regular customers would follow him en block there.
It is a good thing even though I did drink from that coffee shop once, I was thrifty enough to think of the cost saving of buying a bag of three-in-one white coffee from a supermarket to keep in my mother's house as an occasional treat. That way I did not number myself among the faithful followers.
Apparently, explained a friend who grew up there, once a regular customer got used to the way a coffee "sifu" brew a cup, he would "follow" the latter to the ends of the town. Some old timers suspected that such famous "sifu" would throw in a minute pinch of "shapu" (a type of habit forming narcotic) into his brew. Whoever who enjoys the "lift" the drug gives would often return day after day around the same time for a further cup. If the "sifu" moves to another shop, his regular customers would follow him en block there.
It is a good thing even though I did drink from that coffee shop once, I was thrifty enough to think of the cost saving of buying a bag of three-in-one white coffee from a supermarket to keep in my mother's house as an occasional treat. That way I did not number myself among the faithful followers.
(890) Tree House
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labours in vain. Ps 127:1
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(889) Force field of self control
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keep himself under control.
Bernard was sharing about how he taught his children on anger management. When we are talking to children, we have to explain things at their level. As the father of three boys close in ages, Bernard often need to act as their peace maker. He finds that when the boy under attack has a good grasp of self control, nothing the other two did or said could cause the victim to lash out in revenge.
Since the younger generation loves gaming and has their set of vocabulary, why don’t we make use of that? In this case he explained about how each person’s self-control and peace of mind are like a force field. If the force field is strong, then comments and criticism could not enter and do harm. The reverse is true when the force field is weak, the smallest attack could get through and hurt.
When one child gets irritated with small incidents, he would point out that he has to adjust and strengthen his force field. It works as the idea is communicated across well and his children respond by adjusting internal condition rather than lash out because of external provocation.
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
(888) I-communication
In Australia, we find seven young men visiting their mate who was hospitalized due to an automobile accident. In a way it was heart warming to find the young so concerned over their buddy's well being. But on the other hand none of the young men look nor talk to another. Each of them was busy texting each other, some were communicating with others not in that room. Others, I suppose, were playing games with the hand phone. I heard about this from one of the young man's mother who tagged along to see how poor Joshua was doing.
In a sense, our new generation are more at ease sms-ing each other. They are more into emoticon than body language. What George Orwell foretold about 1984, part of that had come to pass in 2012. The IT savvy crowd love to communicate using their Ipad, Ipod or whatever. Who needs to see one's friends and talk to one another face to face anyway?
Even my cousin in China met his wife on-line in a dating site. From all I can see, it is a good match and they are a loving couple. Now my neighbor is e-dating her boy friend from abroad. They are planning on meeting each other in July. Wonder never cease, my children are very tickled pink to see their dinosaur mom switching from one blogging site to another, from English to Chinese!
In a sense, our new generation are more at ease sms-ing each other. They are more into emoticon than body language. What George Orwell foretold about 1984, part of that had come to pass in 2012. The IT savvy crowd love to communicate using their Ipad, Ipod or whatever. Who needs to see one's friends and talk to one another face to face anyway?
Even my cousin in China met his wife on-line in a dating site. From all I can see, it is a good match and they are a loving couple. Now my neighbor is e-dating her boy friend from abroad. They are planning on meeting each other in July. Wonder never cease, my children are very tickled pink to see their dinosaur mom switching from one blogging site to another, from English to Chinese!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
(887) True Evil by Greg Iles
This book reminds me a lot about Agatha Christie's Pale Horse. In both books we have two parties offering murder for a price. Yet it was not mafia style execution. It was murder made to look like some form of natural but tragic illness.
I know both stories are just fiction. Yet I can't help but analyse Thora, the fictitious character in True Evil. She was the daughter of a medical doctor but she grew up with an alcoholic mother. While she won a scholarship to medical school, she dropped out because of an unwanted pregnancy. Her grand ma took pity on her and helped her through a nursing course. She nursed a rich oil man so well that he married her. He died of an illness naturally but she actually paid for his death before his disease showed. It is interesting that she married a medical man after her brief widowhood. Even though this second husband actually loved her and bonded with her son, she was out to kill him again to be free to mess with a married man, her husband's colleague in the hospital.
Is she by nature a play girl? Or was she following her father's foot steps in life? Is she trying to exact revenge from a fellow doctor, because she could not hurt her faithless father? We are talking about an independently rich woman who is healthy, beautiful and desirable to most men. She lacks nothing important in life except a good character. In this story, she was clobbered to death by her lawyer who panic at her threats.
I know both stories are just fiction. Yet I can't help but analyse Thora, the fictitious character in True Evil. She was the daughter of a medical doctor but she grew up with an alcoholic mother. While she won a scholarship to medical school, she dropped out because of an unwanted pregnancy. Her grand ma took pity on her and helped her through a nursing course. She nursed a rich oil man so well that he married her. He died of an illness naturally but she actually paid for his death before his disease showed. It is interesting that she married a medical man after her brief widowhood. Even though this second husband actually loved her and bonded with her son, she was out to kill him again to be free to mess with a married man, her husband's colleague in the hospital.
Is she by nature a play girl? Or was she following her father's foot steps in life? Is she trying to exact revenge from a fellow doctor, because she could not hurt her faithless father? We are talking about an independently rich woman who is healthy, beautiful and desirable to most men. She lacks nothing important in life except a good character. In this story, she was clobbered to death by her lawyer who panic at her threats.
(886) Paranormal
There was this house that we lived in for close to two years. That was the period when my youngest was sick often. These were the months that I would drink enough water to wake myself up a few times at night to check on my children.
One night, as I was changing the hand towels that absorb their sweat, the youngest woke up, turned towards the window and talked to me. At that point in time, I heard sounds of vehicles passing as the mid-night show in the nearby theatre ended.
"Mummy, why do people walk in the dark?"
"Hush! The show is over and folks got to go home."
I petted her back to sleep after I stole a glance towards the window. It was a bright moon-lit night and not a shadow could be seen. We were sleeping in a bedroom on the first floor. Whatever she saw was not human beings.
Much later, we requested the prayer team in our church to cleanse and bless our house. The team prayed in each room and olive oil was anointed at every doorpost and window. My pastor looked out the very room which my daughter saw "shadows" at the window and asked me what was outside. It was another house opposite and beyond that house was the part of an army camp that was not being used. Old timers told me that it was the very spot where Japanese soldiers buried civilians that they tortured and executed. Those remains have been removed, but a sense of evil and violence is left.
After the blessing, nothing further was sighted.
(885) Dead Simple by Peter James
Our world is populated by all types of people. We often find crooks like Ashley and Victor fleecing the innocent rich. They do more than fleece, they actually murder.
It is a good thing we have Interpol and special database of crimes which crosses national boundaries. When a female has beauty, a shapely body, an above average brain, ability to act and a twisted nature about fooling the rich to marry her, then kill her new husbands making it look like accidents; suckers beware!
At the end of this gig, Michael (the intended groom) was lucky to be alive. His partner in business, Mark Warren died because his jealousy of his senior partner clouded his judgement. He was happy to believe that for once, a beauty preferred him to his partner. His dream was to have Ashley marry Michael, divorce him and give him a chance of having majority control of the joint business. He wanted so badly to be better than Michael that he was willing to resort to dishonest means.
It was sweet justice that Ashley and Vic died in the police cars chase. You may think that I am quite a violent person. But truth be told, if they had lived, fancy lawyers would be able to either acquit them or plead a plea bargain for a few years' imprisonment.
It is a good thing we have Interpol and special database of crimes which crosses national boundaries. When a female has beauty, a shapely body, an above average brain, ability to act and a twisted nature about fooling the rich to marry her, then kill her new husbands making it look like accidents; suckers beware!
At the end of this gig, Michael (the intended groom) was lucky to be alive. His partner in business, Mark Warren died because his jealousy of his senior partner clouded his judgement. He was happy to believe that for once, a beauty preferred him to his partner. His dream was to have Ashley marry Michael, divorce him and give him a chance of having majority control of the joint business. He wanted so badly to be better than Michael that he was willing to resort to dishonest means.
It was sweet justice that Ashley and Vic died in the police cars chase. You may think that I am quite a violent person. But truth be told, if they had lived, fancy lawyers would be able to either acquit them or plead a plea bargain for a few years' imprisonment.
(884) Double Eagle by James Twining
As the author enjoyed imagining about the activities of the world's great art thieves: "dancing around infra-red trip wires, abseiling down the side of buildings, cracking open safes.", I love the high drama of a grand theft. Not that I want to steal anything myself! Neither do I want anyone to steal from me, after all nothing I own approach the value of anything worth stealing.
It is fun to read of an adrenalin fueled adventure. It is a bonus that the hero and heroine survive to live another year. This book brings such excitement into my extremely normal and mundane life. Thank the good Lord that there are good authors like Twining.
It is fun to read of an adrenalin fueled adventure. It is a bonus that the hero and heroine survive to live another year. This book brings such excitement into my extremely normal and mundane life. Thank the good Lord that there are good authors like Twining.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
(883) House Rules by Jodi Picoult
It was an emotional experience reading a second book by Picoult in close succession.
In House Rules, we have a single mother who was struggling to bring up two boys, the elder boy was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. The Aspie brother displayed an obsessive interest in crime scene investigation. He was somehow involved when his social skills tutor, a female graduate student, disappeared and later found killed. Much of the book related what happened in the court as this Aspie boy was charged with murder.
I suppose I am a typical woman who spent the greater part of my adult life bringing up my children. I have much to be thankful for that none of my children displays any hall mark Asperger's symptoms. It was much easier in comparison to deal with mild to mid range symptoms of dyslexia.
After reading this book, I begin to understand why my cousin was feeling so low when he told me there was no chance for his only daughter to enter his alma mater (Stanford University) as she was diagnosed with Autism.
In House Rules, we have a single mother who was struggling to bring up two boys, the elder boy was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. The Aspie brother displayed an obsessive interest in crime scene investigation. He was somehow involved when his social skills tutor, a female graduate student, disappeared and later found killed. Much of the book related what happened in the court as this Aspie boy was charged with murder.
I suppose I am a typical woman who spent the greater part of my adult life bringing up my children. I have much to be thankful for that none of my children displays any hall mark Asperger's symptoms. It was much easier in comparison to deal with mild to mid range symptoms of dyslexia.
After reading this book, I begin to understand why my cousin was feeling so low when he told me there was no chance for his only daughter to enter his alma mater (Stanford University) as she was diagnosed with Autism.
(882) My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Probably more people watched the movie than read this book. According to Elizabeth, the movie has a better ending than the book. I have a bad habit, when I run short of time in reading I would turn to the last page and find out the ending. Elizabeth(my daughter), warned me against doing that with this book.
For those of my readers who have not read the book, I will not reveal anymore of the ending. It suffices to say that reading this book gave me a different perspective in seeking treatment for diseases such as leukemia. I actually have a sister-in-law who went through the nine steps in caring for a child who could die any moment until she had a successful bone marrow transplant. Years ago, when she was at wit's end with her daughter's treatment, she asked me what would I do if Elizabeth, my youngest, needed a bone marrow transplant. I replied without any hesitation that I would mortgage my house, borrow or beg for charity to treat until there is no more possible treatment. If it comes to that, I told her, then I would let her die in a dignified manner at home. Now that I really sat down to go through an entire medical history of Katie(the patient in the book), I am not sure I would tell any mother what I told my sister-in-law years ago.
I am glad that my sister-in-law did borrow enough money and found a matching donor for the bone marrow transplant. It was a success and her daughter lives normally now.
For those of my readers who have not read the book, I will not reveal anymore of the ending. It suffices to say that reading this book gave me a different perspective in seeking treatment for diseases such as leukemia. I actually have a sister-in-law who went through the nine steps in caring for a child who could die any moment until she had a successful bone marrow transplant. Years ago, when she was at wit's end with her daughter's treatment, she asked me what would I do if Elizabeth, my youngest, needed a bone marrow transplant. I replied without any hesitation that I would mortgage my house, borrow or beg for charity to treat until there is no more possible treatment. If it comes to that, I told her, then I would let her die in a dignified manner at home. Now that I really sat down to go through an entire medical history of Katie(the patient in the book), I am not sure I would tell any mother what I told my sister-in-law years ago.
I am glad that my sister-in-law did borrow enough money and found a matching donor for the bone marrow transplant. It was a success and her daughter lives normally now.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
(881) Out of the World
How do people build such a structure? It is amazing! Is it a temple? A palace? Do people actually live there? Suppose there is a power failure, no one can enter nor leave because cable car won't work.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2
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(880) Birds of a feather flock together
I went for a conference. There I met three ladies. I told one of them that I blog. This is a one of a kind blog that I do not disclose my blog name to any one (whether friends or strangers) from my country. My aim in blogging is not to have high hits. But if you are attracted to my writings, then chances are that you or someone dear to you struggles with some learning difficulties.
Let me tell you about lady number one. We will call her Martha. Martha related to me that she was a good student in elementary school. After her big sister started taking her to Sunday School, she started to strive for excellence. Please note that in her school(age 6 to 12) the medium of instruction is Mandarin. By the time she went on to high school, she went with her friends to a Government school where the medium of instruction is the national language. Throughout her years of education, she was exposed to three languages.
Thereafter she worked progressively harder but actually gotten more behind in her studies. Her grades in all language related subjects dropped year after year. She knew that God had given her intelligence, but even with hours of daily intensive work, she could not do well. Today she volunteers in Church and lives very simply on love gifts. What she said struck me: "If I had had the fore sight at age 12 to choose to enter a private school where the medium of instruction is in Mandarin, today I would have become a different person."
Remember my two articles on Genetic variations? If God is willing, there will be seven of them by the time I finish writing. Just out of curiosity I asked her about three and she said yes to one of them. Then I know that it was not by chance that we met. I suspect she was dyslexic but possess gifts that she has not discovered yet. While I was asking questions and telling her bits of information that would help her to successfully search for her rightful heritage, the conversation attracted a second lady.
This second person is a young fresh graduate. From her few questions I can sense that she was fishing for information. Of course it is difficult to guess correctly when the info seeker does not disclose any clue. Time was short and I simply mentioned that I blog and only those who are really interested would search by keywords to hit my blog site. I mentioned that if I choose to, I could attempt to write in such a way that even the person being written about might not be certain that he or she had been featured in my writings. However, in this case I want her to be sure to know that this article is written for her, just in case she went home to search for my writings in cyberspace.
The third person also was drawn into the discussion. I could see that there was great desire in her for self discovery. Later she told me that she suspected that she probably was mildly autistic when she was young. I pointed her to the bible where it says, "seek and you shall find." and disclosed briefly how God led me step by step to discover my disabilities (most of which I had over come by age 21) in order to claim my gifts. For emotional disturbances, the solution is 1. daily bible reading
2. prayer
3. singing spiritual songs
4. scripture meditation
5. scripture memory
Once they have started on the journey of discovery, God will lead them on. I may not be able to do much for each of them. But at the right time in the right place, I hope to point the right person either to God or if the person is already walking with God on the path of self discovery, I may be able to encourage her and point her to the next marker. But only God can lead her to where she desired and was supposed to go.
(879) An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor
This story reminds me of All Creatures Big and Small. It relates how a brand new medical doctor found himself a job and it was fun to follow him as he learnt to deal with small town patients.
As all good stories possesses, some love interest is included. There are also interesting patients in that town. The most "outstanding" one being a stubborn old man who would not bow to dealing with a corrupt politician who also happened to be a building contractor. Once his roof was taken off, the mean contractor wanted to over charge him. He flatly refused to negotiate. Out of many options, he chose to resign his city job and live in his car and survived on selling vegetables and scrap iron. This humble old man happened to be a Ph.D. holder who used to work in an international company.
As junior doctor helps with the boss' work load, the boss became creative in solving quite a few people's problems at one swell step. With his not very ethical method, the stubborn old man got his roof repaired for free. The old man would be able to marry his sweetheart after many years of waiting. On top of that, a not-exactly hard-working man sold his batch of rocking ducks and recovered his capital so that he, his wife and baby could afford to immigrate to USA. Besides this family's new lease of life, another couple obtained enough money to get married so that the poor pregnant girl need not deliver as an unwed mom and give up the baby for adoption.
Like many other sweet stories, this ended with the junior doctor getting together with his own sweetheart after some misunderstanding.
As all good stories possesses, some love interest is included. There are also interesting patients in that town. The most "outstanding" one being a stubborn old man who would not bow to dealing with a corrupt politician who also happened to be a building contractor. Once his roof was taken off, the mean contractor wanted to over charge him. He flatly refused to negotiate. Out of many options, he chose to resign his city job and live in his car and survived on selling vegetables and scrap iron. This humble old man happened to be a Ph.D. holder who used to work in an international company.
As junior doctor helps with the boss' work load, the boss became creative in solving quite a few people's problems at one swell step. With his not very ethical method, the stubborn old man got his roof repaired for free. The old man would be able to marry his sweetheart after many years of waiting. On top of that, a not-exactly hard-working man sold his batch of rocking ducks and recovered his capital so that he, his wife and baby could afford to immigrate to USA. Besides this family's new lease of life, another couple obtained enough money to get married so that the poor pregnant girl need not deliver as an unwed mom and give up the baby for adoption.
Like many other sweet stories, this ended with the junior doctor getting together with his own sweetheart after some misunderstanding.
(878) One Night at the Call Center by Chetan Bhagat
This is a rather amusing story of six call center agents in India. While the main strain weaves around a couple, Priyanka and Bakshi, the other four individuals' lives are covered too.
Out of a life or death situation the group of six faced one night, each of them gained the motivation and courage to face the main issue in their lives. For Radhika, she decided to leave her cheating husband and her bullying, poisonous mother-in-law. As to Military Uncle, he resolved to go to USA and work out his differences with his son and family. Vroom resigned that night and gone on to start a web design company with Bakshi. Esha gave up her modelling aspirations and tried her hand at fund-raising for an NGO.
There is a lesson to be learnt in this story: that no matter how bad the situation is, if a group put their creative minds together; they can definitely do something to improve their lot. Instead of sitting there passively afraid of being retrenched, they took a big risk to change their future; it paid off.
Out of a life or death situation the group of six faced one night, each of them gained the motivation and courage to face the main issue in their lives. For Radhika, she decided to leave her cheating husband and her bullying, poisonous mother-in-law. As to Military Uncle, he resolved to go to USA and work out his differences with his son and family. Vroom resigned that night and gone on to start a web design company with Bakshi. Esha gave up her modelling aspirations and tried her hand at fund-raising for an NGO.
There is a lesson to be learnt in this story: that no matter how bad the situation is, if a group put their creative minds together; they can definitely do something to improve their lot. Instead of sitting there passively afraid of being retrenched, they took a big risk to change their future; it paid off.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
(877)The Carribean Mystery by Agatha Christie
Do you remember Miss Jane Marple, our village investigative detective? I remember my frequent visits of second hand book stores with my children who read avidly. This is the first Marple book I bought. Through the years, I must have read it more times than I care to count. Often I went to reread certain sections. My favorite scene is where Marple woke the rich millionaire up to prevent a fourth murder. She called herself nemesis. Years later, the old man remembered her fluffy, pinkish and delicate head wrap.
It is this book that I remember so well that led me to realize that Michael, my first born, inherited my intuitive thinking. One day, the entire family was at a wedding luncheon. I was loosening my belt to enjoy some Briyani rice that was made from Bismati. I tell you, my brain grinds to a halt with yummy food in front of me. Michael, who loves his food too, was busy observing and cataloging people. He whispered that his dad's friend was like Rafael's valet. I was stumped for a good five minutes. By that year, I must have read and reread at least forty of Christies' books. I stopped eating and channeled my energy into an emergency search.
While Elizabeth and the rest were having seconds and thirds, I sat there, lost in thought. I must have appeared funny: dressed in finery in honour of the newly wed, with my forehead wrinkled like a gnome, eyes staring into the distant running search routines globally in my data base of everything related to Christie. It's a good thing that no alcoholic beverage was served. Else I must have given everybody an impression that I was drunk.
After the torturous five minutes, Michael threw me another clue: West Indies Beach. Immediately I got it. Then I took a good look at my husband's friend talking to some folks at the next table. And without another word, I fully comprehended his remark. That begun our talk in riddles. Michael uses partial name, key words, book name, place name, case name, and most difficult of all: the investigative officer's last name to test if my data bank is as up to date as his. After about eight years of testing, he said,"not too bad for a declining brain." What do you do with an apprentice that out performed the mentor? I chose to rejoice that the next generation is an improved model of this obsolete one!
(876a) Cat Among Pigeons by Agatha Christie
In page 179, we find Jennifer's mother saying," Jennifer has really been most tiresome. After having made a great fuss about going to Meadowbank and being quite sure she wouldn't like it there, and saying it was a snobby kind of school and not the kind she wanted to go to, now she sulks all day long because I've taken her away. ..."
Now that sounds very familiar. I have come across parents who send their children to whichever school they like, perhaps because it is famous. But they never pause to consider if such a school would suit the child. The thought of whether their child would be happy there never cross their minds. Maybe they think that children are supposed to be seen and not heard. They themselves live in the twenty first century but they expect their children to behave like Victorian children.
Such parents would inevitably find that the older their children become, the less the children would talk to them. It is futile to try to communicate with such people with fixed mind sets. My sympathies go to teenagers with parents like that!
(876) The Watchman by Robert Crais
This is one of the fourteen books Crais wrote about Elvis Cole and Joe Pike. Four others were chosen for condensation too: Demolition Angel (2000), Hostage (2001), The Last Detective(2003) and The Two Minute Rule(2006).
After reading The Watchman, I thought of the deaths of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Jackson, Houston, and Conner Barkley had serious wealth, even if Barkley was a fictitious character. Yet Jackson resorted to cocktails of drugs which eventually led to his accidental death. Houston was also high on different things, had a heart attack and as a result drown in a bathtub. All three probably at some time or other felt lonely and hollow inside which might lead to risky behavior. For Barkley, it was running red lights in the middle of the night in the city of the lost angels.
The next thought comes to wealth may or may not come with sorrows. It would mean something if wealth brings happiness, peace, kind deeds, real friends, family closeness, honors ... Otherwise, it might just be lots of money with pain, emptiness and ultimately a life tragically cut short.
After reading The Watchman, I thought of the deaths of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Jackson, Houston, and Conner Barkley had serious wealth, even if Barkley was a fictitious character. Yet Jackson resorted to cocktails of drugs which eventually led to his accidental death. Houston was also high on different things, had a heart attack and as a result drown in a bathtub. All three probably at some time or other felt lonely and hollow inside which might lead to risky behavior. For Barkley, it was running red lights in the middle of the night in the city of the lost angels.
The next thought comes to wealth may or may not come with sorrows. It would mean something if wealth brings happiness, peace, kind deeds, real friends, family closeness, honors ... Otherwise, it might just be lots of money with pain, emptiness and ultimately a life tragically cut short.
(875) Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie
Let's look at Tuppence scolding herself, page 122: "Fool," murmured Tuppence at length, making a grimace."Little fool. Everything you want -- everything you have ever hoped for, and you go bleat out "no" like an idiotic little sheep. It's your one chance. Why don't you take it? Grab it? Snatch it? What more do you want?"
That happened directly after she rejected Julius's marriage proposal. Julius was an American multi-millionaire. He may not be in love with Tuppence. But it was a genuine proposal. I can't say things of this kind happen to every young lady in real life. But between you and I, I will tell you that my friend Zelda had a similar experience. Before listening to her colourful life, I used to think such things only happened in books.
However, there is one difference. Tuppence married Thomas, her true love. Zelda is still waiting for the man meant for her.
(874) Things not seen by Andrew Clements
It is a book left at my door by a neighbour. This author wrote Frindle, which won the 1997 Christopher Award. "Things not seen" was published by Scholastic Inc. It was distributed through the school market.
Elizabeth read it and told me it was good. It is almost like a science fiction. Fifteen year old Bobby became invisible one morning. His life turned upside down. Coupled with the fact that his parents became injured in an automobile accident, he had a difficult time.
He met a blind girl and built a warm friendship through the mutual problem of visibility. The girl could not see others. Bobby could not be seen by others. Together they are a sound team. Bobby can be her eyes and she can be Bobby's body.
To solve his problem, Bobby stole some information from a retail giant with the girl's help. Based on findings from the girl's father and the girl's hunch, Bobby experimented and turned visible. The most touching part is the fact that Bobby wanted to remain friends but his friend started to have misgivings. While Bobby wants to become visible again, the person he found (another lady living in a different state) opted to remain invisible.
Should I have found this book ten years ago, I would have used it to teach my children
1. the basis of different types of friendships
2. a Chinese proverb that states that after a few days of being a beggar, even an ex-emperor may not want to return to his palace.
(873) Second Chance?
Phoebe was interviewed by a radio program announcer when she was fifteen. A few weeks later she was reinvited to take part in a youth panel discussion. Much later she was given a chance to read her short story over the short wave. These two activities were held in the government broadcasting department.
She was told that she possessed potential in broadcasting. If she chooses to be trained in enunciation in her mother tongue, at the end of her course she would be offered an internship which will lead to her eventual taking over of a school program.
Her father was concerned that she would have to travel by bus alone to night classes in a not very safe part of town. He advised her to wait until she was older and able to find friends who would accompany her.
Years later, she actually met two of her former school mates who went to that speech coaching class. Out of which one works part time in radio drama series. Who knows, one day when it is in step with God's timing, Phoebe may get a second chance at broadcasting.
* FoodControlService.gif from
(872) To each his own
Elsie is the answer to many mothers' dream. She is pleasant to look at. Her voice is attractive. More than any other good qualities she possesses, her healthy self image draws mothers. As a result, her school friends' mums are very fond of her. Whenever Elsie's parents go out of town, it is easy to place her for a few nights with friends.
Ken, on the other hand, is a diamond in the rough. No parents of his friends would take any notice of him. Yet when he attended the One Story World Seminar, the Senior Trainer invited Ken to his home in Lima to learn more individually. He duly went and developed a strong interest in the Youth With A Mission movement. It does not surprise those who know Ken. After all, he went through thousands of book in a few libraries since he was very young. He loves a good yarn.
Next he saved up his hard earned money to attend Discipleship Training School. This time Ken was invited by his instructor to be part of his team in a North American facility. Whether this shall come to pass or not is in God's hand. Many admire the rose, yet the yew endures.
* dogcat animals up for adoption from
* dogcat animals up for adoption from
Friday, April 6, 2012
(871) Remedial lessons
There was a time I was teaching remedial English in a local public university. I was young and idealistic. My students were mainly arts students who did not want to improve their English. After a few weeks I was playing tactical games with the sign in sheet. At first I passed it out for the students to initial as soon as I walked into class. Then I realized that my student number dwindled by half when I let them out for a break. Thereafter I sometimes passed it out first thing class started, other times I passed it out after break, once I even passed it around ten minutes before class ended.
With me varying the time of signing in, I did managed to maximize the number of classes most students attended. For they have to achieve at least 80% English class attendance or be barred from sitting all their examinations. Now that I am more cynical and not willing to force my will on others, I found my passion in those days a little aggressive! One of my students actually told me that he received a Government scholarship and would be given a life-long job by the time he graduated. It would not matter if he knew English or not. After all, all citizens going to a Government department would be forced to speak the National language anyway, which is his mother tongue. I remember telling him that my job is to encourage my student to learn, if he refused to learn, as long as he sat in my class and not disrupt the lesson; there is not much I could do about it.
By the time a rather arrogant young man told me that English is the corrupt language of the colonizer and that as a devout Muslim he refused to be corrupted, I told him to sit a few rows to the back if he intended to do other homework or talk to fellow die hard of the same faith while I was teaching.
By then about 60% of my students sat in the front rows, the die hard fellows would sit at the back and did whatever they please as long as my lesson was not disturbed. Some how that class still did well compared to the other classes. I heard that everyone was tested before attending classes, and then after 17 weeks, they were tested again. The two batches of scores were graphed and each instructor was graded depending on the improvement of the students as a class. The following semester I was posted to teach medical students, based on what the full timers said, it was rather an honor for me to be assigned to the cream of the crop as I was just a part-timer.
With me varying the time of signing in, I did managed to maximize the number of classes most students attended. For they have to achieve at least 80% English class attendance or be barred from sitting all their examinations. Now that I am more cynical and not willing to force my will on others, I found my passion in those days a little aggressive! One of my students actually told me that he received a Government scholarship and would be given a life-long job by the time he graduated. It would not matter if he knew English or not. After all, all citizens going to a Government department would be forced to speak the National language anyway, which is his mother tongue. I remember telling him that my job is to encourage my student to learn, if he refused to learn, as long as he sat in my class and not disrupt the lesson; there is not much I could do about it.
By the time a rather arrogant young man told me that English is the corrupt language of the colonizer and that as a devout Muslim he refused to be corrupted, I told him to sit a few rows to the back if he intended to do other homework or talk to fellow die hard of the same faith while I was teaching.
By then about 60% of my students sat in the front rows, the die hard fellows would sit at the back and did whatever they please as long as my lesson was not disturbed. Some how that class still did well compared to the other classes. I heard that everyone was tested before attending classes, and then after 17 weeks, they were tested again. The two batches of scores were graphed and each instructor was graded depending on the improvement of the students as a class. The following semester I was posted to teach medical students, based on what the full timers said, it was rather an honor for me to be assigned to the cream of the crop as I was just a part-timer.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
(870) The Hand of God
Since my move from Silver City to where I am now, I have had one student learning English for a few months a few years ago. He was an ex-patriot employee from Japan.
Last December I went to visit my neighbor's sister and ended up on the floor playing with her only son who is rather lonely. Before I left that house, the hostess asked me to consider tutoring the boy in Chinese. To be honest, my strongest language is English now. But of course I still know enough to teach a six year old my mother tongue.
I bounced the idea around my over heated head for quite a few weeks. This idea is very exciting to me, I even planned some games to improve his eye-hand co-ordination. From playing with him "hit the box with an eraser", I realized he is at least two years behind in eye-hand co-ordination. Teaching was and is still my passion. By now I know, if I am allowed to teach, I will not find time to write. It is definitely much more fun and satisfying to teach than to write. When I am teaching children, I see improvements weekly. Now when I diligently write, my only feedback is statistics. I naturally enjoy the former much more, given a choice.
Guess, here I have to confess that I really do not have a choice anymore. I know my current assignment from on high is to write, not to teach. But I still tried to ask God to let me teach this child for just a few months. He did not say yes or no for a few days. So I asked again. The bible said to seek, knock and ask, right? The answer came as an impression when I was scrubbing floor. As I sensed the impression, I asked that if God is the one behind the message, that he would grant me peace and certainty that it was him speaking to me. As peace transcends my being and I became more certain day by day that God did tell me,"Now what did you lack these six years?" My answer was, "God, you supplied everything my children and I needed for all these years, I cannot complain. I am most thankful. But if I don't teach this child and save up some money, this year I don't seem to be going anywhere out of my country, and I really would like to save up some money to travel to Thailand to visit a friend and encourage her in a difficult time of her life."
The following week, my friend with whom I was planning the visit to Thailand told me that she would cover my air ticket when she books hers. I was overjoyed. I know that I could stay in my Thai friend's house and she would definitely feed me. Therefore I will need very little spending money. Thank God that my currency is still bigger than Thai Baht.
Two weeks after that, a contact gave my husband two coupons for a paid trip to China. My husband was excited but he prayed and put out a fleece to see if we should book the air tickets as suggested. He got his answers within thirty six hours. It was a go - so he promptly chose the cheapest fares and booked two tickets. After the contact confirmed that we did proceed, she passed an envelope to my husband. When he came home, he found a cheque of $1,000. We were surprised, he quickly called and asked if a mistake had been made. But, interestingly enough, the money came from probably the person who gave the coupons, it is meant for those who would make use of the coupons as spending money in China. I was speechless. God is indeed good! He works in mysterious ways. He also has a great sense of humor. My last trip to China was eleven years ago. Each time different people challenged me to teach English short-term in China, I always respond positively and pray for open doors. So far, three doors closed tightly these eleven years. Now I am much excited, why is it that he suddenly created a trip to China out of absolutely nothing, of all places, which he denied me entry for eleven long years?
Last December I went to visit my neighbor's sister and ended up on the floor playing with her only son who is rather lonely. Before I left that house, the hostess asked me to consider tutoring the boy in Chinese. To be honest, my strongest language is English now. But of course I still know enough to teach a six year old my mother tongue.
I bounced the idea around my over heated head for quite a few weeks. This idea is very exciting to me, I even planned some games to improve his eye-hand co-ordination. From playing with him "hit the box with an eraser", I realized he is at least two years behind in eye-hand co-ordination. Teaching was and is still my passion. By now I know, if I am allowed to teach, I will not find time to write. It is definitely much more fun and satisfying to teach than to write. When I am teaching children, I see improvements weekly. Now when I diligently write, my only feedback is statistics. I naturally enjoy the former much more, given a choice.
Guess, here I have to confess that I really do not have a choice anymore. I know my current assignment from on high is to write, not to teach. But I still tried to ask God to let me teach this child for just a few months. He did not say yes or no for a few days. So I asked again. The bible said to seek, knock and ask, right? The answer came as an impression when I was scrubbing floor. As I sensed the impression, I asked that if God is the one behind the message, that he would grant me peace and certainty that it was him speaking to me. As peace transcends my being and I became more certain day by day that God did tell me,"Now what did you lack these six years?" My answer was, "God, you supplied everything my children and I needed for all these years, I cannot complain. I am most thankful. But if I don't teach this child and save up some money, this year I don't seem to be going anywhere out of my country, and I really would like to save up some money to travel to Thailand to visit a friend and encourage her in a difficult time of her life."
The following week, my friend with whom I was planning the visit to Thailand told me that she would cover my air ticket when she books hers. I was overjoyed. I know that I could stay in my Thai friend's house and she would definitely feed me. Therefore I will need very little spending money. Thank God that my currency is still bigger than Thai Baht.
Two weeks after that, a contact gave my husband two coupons for a paid trip to China. My husband was excited but he prayed and put out a fleece to see if we should book the air tickets as suggested. He got his answers within thirty six hours. It was a go - so he promptly chose the cheapest fares and booked two tickets. After the contact confirmed that we did proceed, she passed an envelope to my husband. When he came home, he found a cheque of $1,000. We were surprised, he quickly called and asked if a mistake had been made. But, interestingly enough, the money came from probably the person who gave the coupons, it is meant for those who would make use of the coupons as spending money in China. I was speechless. God is indeed good! He works in mysterious ways. He also has a great sense of humor. My last trip to China was eleven years ago. Each time different people challenged me to teach English short-term in China, I always respond positively and pray for open doors. So far, three doors closed tightly these eleven years. Now I am much excited, why is it that he suddenly created a trip to China out of absolutely nothing, of all places, which he denied me entry for eleven long years?
(869) Diving through Clouds by Nicola Lindsay
Apart from the fact that the theories propounded in this book is contrary to what we learn in the bible, it is a most funny story to read. (It was very sad right up to the point that the heroine died)
I just take it as a modern day fairy tale. It illustrated realistically how a man chose to marry a woman who did not suit him and his temperament. But married her he did, legally and the relationship was binding. The book did not explain what exactly happened after the daughter was born. Gradually they drew apart and existed as father and mother in a sexless union in the same house. Interestingly he did not divorce her, she bent herself double to tolerate him and finally alienated her daughter as well. The daughter rebelled and walked out one day. Neither Dad nor Mum looked for her.
It is very interesting that after her death, the heroine found that her husband had a ten year affair with her supposed best friend. I don't know whether it is a case of stupidity on her part or it is a matter of great acting on her "best friend"'s part!
Anyway, the heroine worked really hard and managed to bring her estranged daughter and grandson born out of wed lock back to her old home. At first the daughter found the fact that her dad had an affair with another woman before her mum died shocking! The strange situation went to the point that the daughter finally worked towards supporting the affair between her father and her deceased mum's "best friend". Stranger still, the one man who had an affair with the heroine many years ago came back to visit and kept coming back. The story ended with this man and the heroine's daughter falling for each other. This very capable author actually made the entire caboodle of distasteful behavior very funny and palatable. Unfortunately, modern life is like this book, people contravene every law God placed in the bible and it seemed not only OK, it was most fashionable! (like life in Hollywood) But this world is created by God, we all belong to Him whether we realize it or not. There are consequences to breaking God's Laws.
I just take it as a modern day fairy tale. It illustrated realistically how a man chose to marry a woman who did not suit him and his temperament. But married her he did, legally and the relationship was binding. The book did not explain what exactly happened after the daughter was born. Gradually they drew apart and existed as father and mother in a sexless union in the same house. Interestingly he did not divorce her, she bent herself double to tolerate him and finally alienated her daughter as well. The daughter rebelled and walked out one day. Neither Dad nor Mum looked for her.
It is very interesting that after her death, the heroine found that her husband had a ten year affair with her supposed best friend. I don't know whether it is a case of stupidity on her part or it is a matter of great acting on her "best friend"'s part!
Anyway, the heroine worked really hard and managed to bring her estranged daughter and grandson born out of wed lock back to her old home. At first the daughter found the fact that her dad had an affair with another woman before her mum died shocking! The strange situation went to the point that the daughter finally worked towards supporting the affair between her father and her deceased mum's "best friend". Stranger still, the one man who had an affair with the heroine many years ago came back to visit and kept coming back. The story ended with this man and the heroine's daughter falling for each other. This very capable author actually made the entire caboodle of distasteful behavior very funny and palatable. Unfortunately, modern life is like this book, people contravene every law God placed in the bible and it seemed not only OK, it was most fashionable! (like life in Hollywood) But this world is created by God, we all belong to Him whether we realize it or not. There are consequences to breaking God's Laws.
(868) The Closers by Michael Connelly
Connelly wrote quite a few in the Harry Bosch series. the Closers featured him rejoining the LAPD three years after retirement.
He was recalled to be a part of the open-unsolved murder cases. The first case he and his old partner Rider handled was a seventeen-year-old murder of a biracial girl, Rebecca. Like many innocent but romantic girls in high schools, Rebecca decided to have unprotected sex with her beloved. She was not any worse than dozens of girls who took their chances at having illicit fun. But I suppose the one mistake she made was to fall in love with someone not only much older than her, but she risked sexual relationship with her teacher. In his case, he could not risk his career by marrying her. He pressured her into having an abortion. That turned her against him. He became too emotionally unbalanced and ended up killing her.
Looking back, the girls that I know who were smart enough to take proper precautions and had multiple sex partners especially while overseas had came back and each had married well. A few could not conceive naturally but one who decided to seek fertility treatment early enough did have a biological child. Two who were caught with pregnancies before marriage in their home towns were forced into shot-gun marriages. I must say neither was particularly happy with their respective husbands. There were two who co-habit with their partners for years, neither is married today. Out of that, one is financially secured because her partnership with her partner in business and living arrangement brought her decent profit when she cashed out. The other one was left high and dry, existing from month to month. All these confirmed what my grandma said, a girl's reputation counted very much in the far east. It is not what you are that matters, it is what others (particularly prospective husbands and prospective in-laws) perceive you that count.
In the book, the murderer was caught. Then there was a twist, the suspect did not live to go to court, the victim's father found a way to kill him in a high security prison.
He was recalled to be a part of the open-unsolved murder cases. The first case he and his old partner Rider handled was a seventeen-year-old murder of a biracial girl, Rebecca. Like many innocent but romantic girls in high schools, Rebecca decided to have unprotected sex with her beloved. She was not any worse than dozens of girls who took their chances at having illicit fun. But I suppose the one mistake she made was to fall in love with someone not only much older than her, but she risked sexual relationship with her teacher. In his case, he could not risk his career by marrying her. He pressured her into having an abortion. That turned her against him. He became too emotionally unbalanced and ended up killing her.
Looking back, the girls that I know who were smart enough to take proper precautions and had multiple sex partners especially while overseas had came back and each had married well. A few could not conceive naturally but one who decided to seek fertility treatment early enough did have a biological child. Two who were caught with pregnancies before marriage in their home towns were forced into shot-gun marriages. I must say neither was particularly happy with their respective husbands. There were two who co-habit with their partners for years, neither is married today. Out of that, one is financially secured because her partnership with her partner in business and living arrangement brought her decent profit when she cashed out. The other one was left high and dry, existing from month to month. All these confirmed what my grandma said, a girl's reputation counted very much in the far east. It is not what you are that matters, it is what others (particularly prospective husbands and prospective in-laws) perceive you that count.
In the book, the murderer was caught. Then there was a twist, the suspect did not live to go to court, the victim's father found a way to kill him in a high security prison.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
(867) Ice
What a wonderful view! I suppose it takes lots of planning to be able to get to this location to see the panorama. While it is good to have ambitions, leisure activities and achievements, we are made to help God build His kingdom, not our kingdoms!
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34
Photograph is used with the permission of Ms Ong Bee Lian
(866) Dawn
"I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12
Picture used by permission of Ms Ong Bee Lian
(865) The hills
Where does my help come from? Look to the hills! Ultimately money, status, power, influence and other things we value do not help us in a real crisis. We should look to God, who is a very present source of help.
Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in your way. Psalm 119:37
Picture used with permission from Ms Ong Bee Lian
(864) A difficult man
There is a man who had fought with just about everyone he came across in my housing area. He is a single father with two daughters. We heard rumours that his wife run off when the younger daughter was just two. After that, his mother came to look after the children. A few years after, the old lady passed on. An unmarried aunt turned up to help. She did not last long. In turn, an unmarried sister came. This one stayed long enough to bring up the younger girl. By the time the "baby" was about thirteen, the caring sister left.
This lonely man either did not or could not find a second wife. He loaned money to a neighbour. When that neighbour absconded, he harassed the wife and the two sons. After witnessing him yelling at a closed door for more than an hour, everyone who walked past had a fair idea what kind of man he was.
Apparently, he accused a boy of scratching his car. Nobody knows if it was fact or suspicion. But he went too far by almost knocking down the boy with his car. Since there were a bunch of neighbourhood boys playing football, there were witnesses. And a police report was made. Even with that kind of track record, he went on to tell all the different boys' parents a list of things against the poor boy. He was hoping to alienate and isolate this boy he disliked that much. But the fact of the matter is, not many people would believe him, he had too much of a reputation as a "trouble maker".
That day I drove past, I had to roll down the window before I realized this man was giving others a hard time for parking on his grass verge. I shook my head, after all, it was during office hours. The land outside of one's house actually is public area. As long as a visitor parks in such a way as not to block traffic or block his gate, he has no right to complain about others using the lot temporarily. Still, hard luck for anyone who is within shouting distance of this man.
(863) Visual feast
What a delightful picture! The many shades of red bring a mood of celebration. Just like being faced with many types of mouth-watering delectable cuisine, this is to me like a visual feast.
While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Psalm 146:2
(862) Pain Threshold
Physical pain: Women who gave birth naturally without pain relief know high threshold of pain
Emotional pain: Unlike labour pain, this type of pain can be infinite.
A friend mentioned in passing that a divorcee who continued to love her ex-husband suffers pain even eighteen years later. Now this woman has a successful career with well brought up children who are close to her. She contributes to society and does not live below the poverty line.
(861) solitude
As work piled up, deadlines neared and pressure mounted, all of us need a break to rest our overworked minds. Where can we go? To a solitary place where there is no crowd and no activity.
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they(Jesus and his disciples) did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them,"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31
Photograph used by permission from Ms Ong Bee Lian
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