Keziah's friend came to visit. Half listening to their animated conversation, it sounded like examination blues. When Keziah asked me to really listen and comment, I realized it was not the usual letting off steam.
This is almost the middle of the academic year. She put in her best effort but didn't seem to improve. It seemed a little late to switch from science to arts stream for a Grade 10 student. Yet she couldn't sleep at night for worries about her studies. She was losing her appetite. She stayed up to odd hours studying but she was not catching up. Would exchanging Physics and Chemistry for Economics and Accounting be wise? Missing half a year's work would mean a lot of catching up... Would that be like exchanging the frying pan for the fire?
Basically, the real problem is that she cannot accept her performance even though she had tried her very best.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
(381) Hearing problem/ Upbringing 44
Sue is a beautiful and accomplished young lawyer today. Years ago she was being treated as dull and slow by her teachers. Even her mum thought she lacked motivation and was a little lazy.
At that point one of her aunts turned up for a visit. This particular lady used to live near Sue's family and knew them well. A few years of living out of town did not take away the love and concern grown over the earlier years. This aunt could not believe her own eyes, on the surface it seemed like Sue became another child. Yet how could it be? Children do not change that much over two short years! Ah! As Mum scolded Sue for not listening or obeying her, the sharp aunt noted that at each instance Mum was not in the line of sight of Sue. Whenever Sue could see Mum's face, she was attentive and obedient. Could it be that Sue's hearing was compromised? A little far out, perhaps, but definitely worth checking! Near the end of the day visit, the visitor tactfully suggested an evaluation of Sue's hearing, she quoted each situation she observed and used her influence to make Mum promise she would do something soon.
Shall I say the rest was history? Sue's mum took her to consult a specialist and found that Sue's allergy was so bad that her tubes were blocked and that in turn reduced her percentage of hearing in both ears. Many strong courses of anti-histamine and regular check-ups improved her hearing to the extent that it showed in higher grades in Sue's report card.
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At that point one of her aunts turned up for a visit. This particular lady used to live near Sue's family and knew them well. A few years of living out of town did not take away the love and concern grown over the earlier years. This aunt could not believe her own eyes, on the surface it seemed like Sue became another child. Yet how could it be? Children do not change that much over two short years! Ah! As Mum scolded Sue for not listening or obeying her, the sharp aunt noted that at each instance Mum was not in the line of sight of Sue. Whenever Sue could see Mum's face, she was attentive and obedient. Could it be that Sue's hearing was compromised? A little far out, perhaps, but definitely worth checking! Near the end of the day visit, the visitor tactfully suggested an evaluation of Sue's hearing, she quoted each situation she observed and used her influence to make Mum promise she would do something soon.
Shall I say the rest was history? Sue's mum took her to consult a specialist and found that Sue's allergy was so bad that her tubes were blocked and that in turn reduced her percentage of hearing in both ears. Many strong courses of anti-histamine and regular check-ups improved her hearing to the extent that it showed in higher grades in Sue's report card.
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(380) The vital role of the caregiver/ Upbringing 43
Most young mammals in the wild need their mothers to nurse and nurture them until they become independent. Without the mother, they would naturally not survive into adulthood.
Children, like young mammals, need a caregiver to nurse and nurture, discipline and train them. Without this vital caregiver, they will most probably turn delinquent.
This caregiver can be the natural mother, an adoptive mother, a widowed loving father, a divorced single father, a grandma, an aunt, a stepmother etc. However, neither a maid nor a babysitter can take the place of the caregiver.
I know someone who is a successful professional. She works in a demanding position. Although the family lives in a lovely building, with a foreign maid, the children run wild with hardly any discipline. A string of maids could not provide the stability of a non-working mother. A visiting grandma could not or would not discipline the children. A loving aunt could not set boundaries for the children in this case. The father simply had no patience to train and oversee them.
There are obviously many families with working mothers whose children turn out well. If we sit down and analyze them, we will probably find supportive grandparents who live in or who live nearby, perhaps we find fathers who play their role actively to support the working wives. Where children grow up with a void in the nurturing, disciplining and training area, we are bound to find children
going awry.
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Children, like young mammals, need a caregiver to nurse and nurture, discipline and train them. Without this vital caregiver, they will most probably turn delinquent.
This caregiver can be the natural mother, an adoptive mother, a widowed loving father, a divorced single father, a grandma, an aunt, a stepmother etc. However, neither a maid nor a babysitter can take the place of the caregiver.
I know someone who is a successful professional. She works in a demanding position. Although the family lives in a lovely building, with a foreign maid, the children run wild with hardly any discipline. A string of maids could not provide the stability of a non-working mother. A visiting grandma could not or would not discipline the children. A loving aunt could not set boundaries for the children in this case. The father simply had no patience to train and oversee them.
There are obviously many families with working mothers whose children turn out well. If we sit down and analyze them, we will probably find supportive grandparents who live in or who live nearby, perhaps we find fathers who play their role actively to support the working wives. Where children grow up with a void in the nurturing, disciplining and training area, we are bound to find children
going awry.
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( 379) Sons vs daughters/ Upbringing 42
A long time ago my grandma used to say it was a blessing to have ten sons but not so to have ten daughters. I used to be a highly offended grand daughter who would fight verbal battles with her for days until she had to retract her proverbs. She realized that times had changed.
And so I grew up telling myself that the more daughters my parents have, the more blessings they receive. It is hard luck that they have only one girl. A few days ago I met up with my old neighbours. She looked tired, defeated and generally the worse for wear. How can it be? Her husband's many enterprises are going well and she has good health. Moreover, I can't say she is unhappy.
Her eldest daughter is twenty seven years old while the second one is twenty three. Both possess reputable degrees and hold good jobs. Both have boy friends courting them. One to each,of course. What I have just related would have made any parent glow with pride. Yet there is a little hitch: both suitors spend every available weekends, holidays and nights in my friend's house. What this amounts to is more mouths to feed, more consumables are used; which adds to the workload of the mistress.
She happens to have quite a few more daughters growing up. I dare not even think of what life would be like for her when her youngest girl starts bringing her boy wonder home to add to the household. What if by then all the other sisters still decide to stay put and not get married! At this point I have to agree that there is something in what my grandma said. After all it comes from five thousand years of accumulated folk wisdom of ancient China.
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And so I grew up telling myself that the more daughters my parents have, the more blessings they receive. It is hard luck that they have only one girl. A few days ago I met up with my old neighbours. She looked tired, defeated and generally the worse for wear. How can it be? Her husband's many enterprises are going well and she has good health. Moreover, I can't say she is unhappy.
Her eldest daughter is twenty seven years old while the second one is twenty three. Both possess reputable degrees and hold good jobs. Both have boy friends courting them. One to each,of course. What I have just related would have made any parent glow with pride. Yet there is a little hitch: both suitors spend every available weekends, holidays and nights in my friend's house. What this amounts to is more mouths to feed, more consumables are used; which adds to the workload of the mistress.
She happens to have quite a few more daughters growing up. I dare not even think of what life would be like for her when her youngest girl starts bringing her boy wonder home to add to the household. What if by then all the other sisters still decide to stay put and not get married! At this point I have to agree that there is something in what my grandma said. After all it comes from five thousand years of accumulated folk wisdom of ancient China.
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(378) Following fashion/ Upbringing 41
One day I was chatting with my friend Kay around her dining table, her son popped in to ask for her car keys. While handing the keys over, Kay specified when she needed the car back. Then she glanced at him and asked whose shirt he had on.
"I bought it the other day" was the terse reply.
"You are not a singer or a male model, this is not suitable wear for going round town." Kay commented softly.
I turned around and took a close look. It was one of those Taiwanese shirts that almost looked feminine. It was made of translucent material, figure-hugging tight with a collar that opened nearly down to the sternum.
"But everyone wears clothes like this."
"Following the crowd would not bring you to where you want to go in life."
The teenager pretended he did not hear and left.
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Few months later, Kay mentioned that her son somehow never wore that offensive shirt again. We have a good laugh over teenagers' fad.
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(377) Upbringing 40
My husband paid a visit to his client. Since I have met her before, I tagged along. Her elder child, a Grade Four girl, was sitting in the lounge doing her homework
Barely three feet away was her younger brother watching ‘The Terminator’. The amazing part was she did not even look up once during the half hour we were there.
When the girl went into the kitchen, I asked a few questions. From what the mother said, I gathered they attended the primary school nearby. Mum sat with them at least for two years nightly to do homework. The girl didn’t need tutoring but mum sends the boy for extra classes.
What determines a child’s ability to concentrate? Training? Food? Heredity? Intelligence?
One thing this girl has in her favor is: her mum, who is a Divisional Manager in a Fortune 500 company, views her as important enough to spend two to three hours on every school night to make sure she builds a good foundation.
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(376) Upbringing 39
I was in Ikea the other day. Since it was during school vacation, there were many families. After hours of walking and admiring furniture, my companion and I sat near the snack bar to rest. We enjoyed ice-cream cones while watching the antics of children.
There was a family of five : father, mum and three boys who are all under the age of five. It was like a promenade, people streamed this way and that. First they walked from the check out counters towards the rest rooms. Then the father walked back past me to the snack bar with the eldest in tow. Then we saw them standing in queue. Five minutes later, the mum was holding the youngest, walking as fast as she could to catch up with the middle child. Finally, another ten minutes later, they passed in front of me again. This time the father was holding the two boys' hands, one on each side of him.
Out of the melee, we picked out this family to observe. Somehow they reminded us of a family we know. The mum was in her own world. She allowed her son to run ahead of her in the crowd. When she caught up with him, she merely wagged her forefinger at him. He ignored her mild rebuke completely. The eldest was totally not co-operative with the father. He was dragging the father on the way to the ice-cream queue. After having the snack, he was unwilling to leave. We can see the poor father was forcibly dragging him towards the exit door. The eldest acted up by bending his body backwards. He was looking at the ceiling and resisting the father's effort. The second child immediately copied his elder brother. It was amazing that they were holding up the crowd, yet neither parent uttered a single word. Let us fast forward ten years, what will the parents do when those two become taller than them?
The other family who are our friends is in the second stage now. Dad is retired. Mum is busy bringing home the bacon. The eldest boy is in high school and working part-time. The second girl is rebelling and the youngest boy is down right spoiled. All three defied the father as he is a mild-mannered man. Most of the time the mum leaves them alone as she sees no evil and hears no evil. When she gets frustrated enough she yells for a short spell. After an absence of about a year, we are shocked to see how thin she has become -- she must have lost twenty pounds. She claimed she did not purposely diet to lose weight. It was work pressure and stress at home that brought her a sprightly frame. We are just happy that her health is still good.
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(375) Interesting buildings 63
Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 The 4:18
(374) Beauty/ Interesting buildings 62
Yet I look at this garden, it is lovely in its own way. Not only beauty is in the eye of the beholder, beauty is everywhere. It just took the photographer to capture this picture in this angle to present its beauty to me.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen 1:31
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(372) Upbringing 38
I accompanied my husband on a visit to his ex-colleague. My husband worked in Company A in Perth before joining Company B in Sydney. This person, we’ll call him Sam, used to work in Company B and now is in Company A.
He visits his family once a fortnight. What really impressed me was not his well-renovated house, not his swanky new car…it was his obedient son.
Sam sat with us and his son served us drinks. Later, Sam called him to get his diary, medical cards, insurance policies, brochures, quotation to renovation, name cards…The poor boy must have been interrupted at last ten times during our visit of one and a half hours, yet he was prompt in answering his father’s summons. There wasn’t any sign of irritation and I saw patience and respect.
Seldom do I see such obedience in this modern generation. I take off my hat to this special young man and his father who had taught him so well.
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He visits his family once a fortnight. What really impressed me was not his well-renovated house, not his swanky new car…it was his obedient son.
Sam sat with us and his son served us drinks. Later, Sam called him to get his diary, medical cards, insurance policies, brochures, quotation to renovation, name cards…The poor boy must have been interrupted at last ten times during our visit of one and a half hours, yet he was prompt in answering his father’s summons. There wasn’t any sign of irritation and I saw patience and respect.
Seldom do I see such obedience in this modern generation. I take off my hat to this special young man and his father who had taught him so well.
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Friday, January 21, 2011
(370) upbringing 37
Private school education
Recently in our life group, it was mentioned that Cyrus' son switched to a private school at Grade nine. Titus' son is there too. Apparently they play futsal together weekly. Sebastian's daughter is there too. All these are present or past Life group members. It does seem that private school education is quite a norm now.
All these parents, Cyrus, Titus and Sebastian are in their mid or late forties. When they were in High School, all of them went to Government schools. Only those who failed Public examinations went to private schools then. In a short thirty year time span, the trend has reversed. Granted now that the economy has grown by leaps and bounds. Most folks in the city who have good jobs possess high disposable income. Perhaps the government school system is no longer as good as thirty years ago.
Thirty years ago many ethnic Chinese children were sent to English and National language Government schools. Now most ethnic Chinese children are sent to Chinese language semi Government schools. After primary education, most parents feel that six years of education in Chinese is enough. These children then transfer to English and National language Government Secondary schools. Here is where a lot of them find the adjustment difficult. Titus' son and Sebastian's daughter fall neatly into this category. At Grade eight or nine parents look at the problems they face and decided to dole out thousands of dollars yearly to give them a chance to study for the O levels in English.
At this point, let us look at another point of view. We all agree that in the twenty first century China is the dynamo that drives world economics. So it will be advantageous to speak and read Mandarin. But would it be possible for a graduate with a first degree to spend one year in Beijing to study Mandarin? The answer is yes, we have seen on satelite TV that both Whites and Blacks could speak fluent Mandarin after intensive language study in China. Personally, I would prefer that my children learn English and our national language in Primary and Secondary Schools, perhaps work on learning Mandarin as an adult if the need arises. But I see my friends' children suffer through six years of Chinese education, scoring strings of distinctions but as soon as they walk out of the Chinese schools, they hate all things Chinese (that includes language, culture, custom, history, literature ...). Sad, isn't it?
Recently in our life group, it was mentioned that Cyrus' son switched to a private school at Grade nine. Titus' son is there too. Apparently they play futsal together weekly. Sebastian's daughter is there too. All these are present or past Life group members. It does seem that private school education is quite a norm now.
All these parents, Cyrus, Titus and Sebastian are in their mid or late forties. When they were in High School, all of them went to Government schools. Only those who failed Public examinations went to private schools then. In a short thirty year time span, the trend has reversed. Granted now that the economy has grown by leaps and bounds. Most folks in the city who have good jobs possess high disposable income. Perhaps the government school system is no longer as good as thirty years ago.
Thirty years ago many ethnic Chinese children were sent to English and National language Government schools. Now most ethnic Chinese children are sent to Chinese language semi Government schools. After primary education, most parents feel that six years of education in Chinese is enough. These children then transfer to English and National language Government Secondary schools. Here is where a lot of them find the adjustment difficult. Titus' son and Sebastian's daughter fall neatly into this category. At Grade eight or nine parents look at the problems they face and decided to dole out thousands of dollars yearly to give them a chance to study for the O levels in English.
At this point, let us look at another point of view. We all agree that in the twenty first century China is the dynamo that drives world economics. So it will be advantageous to speak and read Mandarin. But would it be possible for a graduate with a first degree to spend one year in Beijing to study Mandarin? The answer is yes, we have seen on satelite TV that both Whites and Blacks could speak fluent Mandarin after intensive language study in China. Personally, I would prefer that my children learn English and our national language in Primary and Secondary Schools, perhaps work on learning Mandarin as an adult if the need arises. But I see my friends' children suffer through six years of Chinese education, scoring strings of distinctions but as soon as they walk out of the Chinese schools, they hate all things Chinese (that includes language, culture, custom, history, literature ...). Sad, isn't it?
(369) Cat tales 33
Veron is the youngest in her family. She is used to being spoilt rotten by everyone in her family. Since both her parents work long hours, Veron depends on her elder siblings for company. The second week in September, her eldest brother went abroad to read law. Her elder sister won a government scholarship and went to a residential school. Veron found that even the computer and the TV could not fill her day. She asked for a cat.
Her father is a very wise man. He did not say no, but he actually sat her down and laid down quite a few ground rules. The animal they are going to adopt will be Veron's very own pet. She alone is responsible for her upkeep. She is to feed the cat daily and keep a stock of cat food. If the cat needs any medical attention, Veron will either pay for the bills out of her savings in the bank or work to earn the money needed. Should she have any difficulty earning money outside the house, mum and dad will give her paid tasks at home. Before the cat comes in, Veron will have to learn about toilet training either from books or from an experienced cat owner like their neighbour Mrs. Rozario.
As her father sets the conditions, Veron goes about preparing for the new addition to the family. When everything is ready, she picked a black cat with four white feet and called her Socks. To earn the money needed to keep the cat, she took over many of her parents' responsibilities. She sweeps the entire house every morning. Then she empties the dish drainer. She reads the list of daily tasks her mum left on the fridge door. Accordingly she prepares whatever that is specified and keeps them in containers in the fridge. After all that is done, the washing is ready to be hung in the porch ... Her days are full and interesting. She has a great sense of accomplishment when all the tasks are done and she can play with her pet.
Without knowing it, Veron has chosen to grow up when she asked for a pet. For once in her life, she is responsible for another life. She is no longer that spoilt princess that depends on others to entertain her any hour in the day or night.
-To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness-
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Her father is a very wise man. He did not say no, but he actually sat her down and laid down quite a few ground rules. The animal they are going to adopt will be Veron's very own pet. She alone is responsible for her upkeep. She is to feed the cat daily and keep a stock of cat food. If the cat needs any medical attention, Veron will either pay for the bills out of her savings in the bank or work to earn the money needed. Should she have any difficulty earning money outside the house, mum and dad will give her paid tasks at home. Before the cat comes in, Veron will have to learn about toilet training either from books or from an experienced cat owner like their neighbour Mrs. Rozario.
As her father sets the conditions, Veron goes about preparing for the new addition to the family. When everything is ready, she picked a black cat with four white feet and called her Socks. To earn the money needed to keep the cat, she took over many of her parents' responsibilities. She sweeps the entire house every morning. Then she empties the dish drainer. She reads the list of daily tasks her mum left on the fridge door. Accordingly she prepares whatever that is specified and keeps them in containers in the fridge. After all that is done, the washing is ready to be hung in the porch ... Her days are full and interesting. She has a great sense of accomplishment when all the tasks are done and she can play with her pet.
Without knowing it, Veron has chosen to grow up when she asked for a pet. For once in her life, she is responsible for another life. She is no longer that spoilt princess that depends on others to entertain her any hour in the day or night.
-To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness-
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(367) Dog n cat / Cat tales 31
A friend bought a puppy and brought it up in her household with a cat. It is a rare instance that the cat accepted the puppy with no hesitation. The puppy, took to the cat too. In fact, the two spent a lot of time together.
Well, the puppy is grown now. The interesting part is that no one has heard it bark! It is a silent and tiny house dog. The character of most house dogs is a high pitch yelping. No one knows if the dog is mute or if it just decided to mimic the cat. The master and mistress just accepted it as a blessing that no neighbours will complain about their pet.
Cats are very fond of jumping to a high place and sitting there for long periods of time. Our dog can't jump, but it will beg the humans to pick it up and place it on a high cupboard. More than once, the person that placed it on the perch went out. The poor dog could not jump down, or rather dared not. So it just sat quietly up there waiting to be rescued. Isn't that fascinating? A dog that thinks it is a cat!
How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Ps 104:24
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Well, the puppy is grown now. The interesting part is that no one has heard it bark! It is a silent and tiny house dog. The character of most house dogs is a high pitch yelping. No one knows if the dog is mute or if it just decided to mimic the cat. The master and mistress just accepted it as a blessing that no neighbours will complain about their pet.
Cats are very fond of jumping to a high place and sitting there for long periods of time. Our dog can't jump, but it will beg the humans to pick it up and place it on a high cupboard. More than once, the person that placed it on the perch went out. The poor dog could not jump down, or rather dared not. So it just sat quietly up there waiting to be rescued. Isn't that fascinating? A dog that thinks it is a cat!
How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Ps 104:24
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(366) Prison/ Interesting buildings 60
I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Mat 25:36
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(365) Fort/ Interesting buildings 59
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. Psa 18:2
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(364) Farm house/ Interesting buildings 58
Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the whole land Deu 34:1
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(363) Two Hotels in Hong Kong
Two years ago Elizabeth and I visited Hong Kong. We stayed in Dorset Sea View. While it was satisfactory in every way, the price tag was quite high. Therefore we decided that if we visit again, we would trawl the net for something more affordable.
This round we found another hotel which is way lower in room rate. A few days before we left, I actually wondered what would be the reason for such low rates in such an expensive place. Later I found out. All around and behind the hotel we find shops selling wreaths, cremation urns, joss sticks, paper clothes, paper handphones ... and yes, in the back streets: coffins of every shape and style.
I personally don't mind all these shops, in fact I enjoyed all the fragrant flowers: big and small and of all colours. But my mother has a pathological fear of coffins. So I took care to by pass that short street as soon as I fixed it in my mind. Funny thing I saw four coffin shops but neither my mum nor my daughter noticed them.
We counted six Red Bridal Teashops in one area. While it offers every necessity for weary travelers, it was pathetically small. I suppose it was my fault for not persuading another soul, whether friend or relative, to make up a group of four. I tried, honestly I did. Once the air tickets were purchased, the die was cast. My aged mum and underage daughter refused to entertain the thought that I might be given a room on another floor. They agreed to make do and crowd three to one room.
You should see and hear us laugh each time we enter our room. I would slot in the card and hold the door open as widely as it would go, my mum who is seventy eight would walk in side way with her huge hold all with her tumbler of water, warm clothing and umbrella .. Then she would sit on the toilet seat leaving the narrow passage way for my daughter to bring in the many shopping bags. Elizabeth would walk to the head of the bed, take off her shoes and crawl up the bed. Then I would go in, lock the door, bring out the first suitcase from the window recess to take out clothing for my shower ... At any one time two people must sit down, one on the bed and the second on the chair before a third can pack or unpack.
But you can't beat the low room rate. The bed is solid and comfortable. The toilet is clean. Everything from TV to air con to tea kettle are new and in working order. For one person, or for a loving couple on honeymoon, you cannot get a better hotel room for the asking price.
This round we found another hotel which is way lower in room rate. A few days before we left, I actually wondered what would be the reason for such low rates in such an expensive place. Later I found out. All around and behind the hotel we find shops selling wreaths, cremation urns, joss sticks, paper clothes, paper handphones ... and yes, in the back streets: coffins of every shape and style.
I personally don't mind all these shops, in fact I enjoyed all the fragrant flowers: big and small and of all colours. But my mother has a pathological fear of coffins. So I took care to by pass that short street as soon as I fixed it in my mind. Funny thing I saw four coffin shops but neither my mum nor my daughter noticed them.
We counted six Red Bridal Teashops in one area. While it offers every necessity for weary travelers, it was pathetically small. I suppose it was my fault for not persuading another soul, whether friend or relative, to make up a group of four. I tried, honestly I did. Once the air tickets were purchased, the die was cast. My aged mum and underage daughter refused to entertain the thought that I might be given a room on another floor. They agreed to make do and crowd three to one room.
You should see and hear us laugh each time we enter our room. I would slot in the card and hold the door open as widely as it would go, my mum who is seventy eight would walk in side way with her huge hold all with her tumbler of water, warm clothing and umbrella .. Then she would sit on the toilet seat leaving the narrow passage way for my daughter to bring in the many shopping bags. Elizabeth would walk to the head of the bed, take off her shoes and crawl up the bed. Then I would go in, lock the door, bring out the first suitcase from the window recess to take out clothing for my shower ... At any one time two people must sit down, one on the bed and the second on the chair before a third can pack or unpack.
But you can't beat the low room rate. The bed is solid and comfortable. The toilet is clean. Everything from TV to air con to tea kettle are new and in working order. For one person, or for a loving couple on honeymoon, you cannot get a better hotel room for the asking price.
(362) Safety rules for college/Upbringing 13a
A good friend's daughter finished high school, just obtained her driving license and started college all within two months. We'll call her Fay.
Since she chose to study law in a not so nice part of town, I gave her a few tips on how to avoid trouble. The first thing I drum in is not to hang around fools. To define what a fool is to a seventeen-year-old, I have to borrow one incident involving Elizabeth. I acted as driver in transporting Elizabeth and three other friends to a nearby shopping mall. Two of the friends I have met and I find them respectful and sensible. The new one, however, was another kettle of fish. From the time she got into the car, apart from greeting me, she talked non-stop. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually like listening to another person who can give me interesting and informative facts. What this girl talked about, is something she did not know very well. Worse than that, she revealed a lot of things about herself and the person she was addressing in a loud voice.
As I pointed out to Elizabeth when she came back from that outing, I pointed out to Fay how loud and indiscriminate talk at the wrong place can endanger the talker or the girls she was with. All it takes is ten minutes of such loose talk, unknowingly offending a suspicious character while they were waiting for pick up. A potential stalker would have sufficient information to look the target up in face book and create havoc. It does not matter that we are comfortable or happy, a cafe, a subway station, walking area of a shopping mall are not appropriate places to loudly talk about personal information such as name, college, places we live in, or any other info that others can use to find out more about us.
A second tip is to place her hold all under the passenger seat. If we place our handbag on the passenger seat, a criminal can break the passenger window with a heavy object and snatch it within seconds, even in front of a traffic light. If we put our back-pack on the back seat, it means we have to spend a minute more to retrieve it. While we bend down to pick it up, we would be standing inside the door. If a bad person block us right behind us, we may be molested by that person and we cannot run away as the car door blocked us. Therefore, we should do everything while the doors are locked. Pick up our bag, our keys or whatever, only when we have got everything ready then only unlock and walk out immediately. Lock the car as soon as we can and leave the parking area without undue lingering.
As a young person grows older, freedom comes with responsibilities. As parents cannot continue to escort or send young adults everywhere, it is up to the youth to learn and practice a few safety rules that really is common sense in moving around a city.
Since she chose to study law in a not so nice part of town, I gave her a few tips on how to avoid trouble. The first thing I drum in is not to hang around fools. To define what a fool is to a seventeen-year-old, I have to borrow one incident involving Elizabeth. I acted as driver in transporting Elizabeth and three other friends to a nearby shopping mall. Two of the friends I have met and I find them respectful and sensible. The new one, however, was another kettle of fish. From the time she got into the car, apart from greeting me, she talked non-stop. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually like listening to another person who can give me interesting and informative facts. What this girl talked about, is something she did not know very well. Worse than that, she revealed a lot of things about herself and the person she was addressing in a loud voice.
As I pointed out to Elizabeth when she came back from that outing, I pointed out to Fay how loud and indiscriminate talk at the wrong place can endanger the talker or the girls she was with. All it takes is ten minutes of such loose talk, unknowingly offending a suspicious character while they were waiting for pick up. A potential stalker would have sufficient information to look the target up in face book and create havoc. It does not matter that we are comfortable or happy, a cafe, a subway station, walking area of a shopping mall are not appropriate places to loudly talk about personal information such as name, college, places we live in, or any other info that others can use to find out more about us.
A second tip is to place her hold all under the passenger seat. If we place our handbag on the passenger seat, a criminal can break the passenger window with a heavy object and snatch it within seconds, even in front of a traffic light. If we put our back-pack on the back seat, it means we have to spend a minute more to retrieve it. While we bend down to pick it up, we would be standing inside the door. If a bad person block us right behind us, we may be molested by that person and we cannot run away as the car door blocked us. Therefore, we should do everything while the doors are locked. Pick up our bag, our keys or whatever, only when we have got everything ready then only unlock and walk out immediately. Lock the car as soon as we can and leave the parking area without undue lingering.
As a young person grows older, freedom comes with responsibilities. As parents cannot continue to escort or send young adults everywhere, it is up to the youth to learn and practice a few safety rules that really is common sense in moving around a city.
Monday, January 10, 2011
(361) Zelda's decides on 6 month mission
My friend Zelda came back from her one month in London. Her face was glowing when she shared about how she had confirmation after confirmation about her evangelistic call. To me, it was nothing new. She had had that gifting since the first day I met her four years ago. It might have been a little rough and over enthusiastic, now her inner burning is a little more tempered and controlled.
Now she is exploring the possibility of another three-month attachment. This round she is asking the Lord to release funding to discharge her bank debts before she leaves. If God wants her to go to UK to talk to the unreached about Him, I am certain the money would come into her hands in a timely manner.
According to her, we can learn all we can about methods like the four spiritual laws or evangelistic explosion, but if we are not personally burdened about the person we are facing, any sharing may be in vain. Since she was a hundred percent sure that knowing and accepting Jesus' love would do her target a world of good, people do listen to her more than her team mates. On the spot, she received wisdom in overcoming objections in ways her personal intellect would not come up with in a thousand years. Thank God that the holy spirit is our helper.
Accordingly she continues to give away her possessions, I have been her agent of disposal. Books, furniture, clothes,stationery, kitchen utensils, ... all that she owns can fit into one small room now. Still, she wants to minimise further because once she leaves for the field, she wants her room to be of use to her niece.
I admire her guts in street evangelism. Here I am, hiding behind a Canadian goose photo, writing what I should proudly proclaim to the world from the roof top. I often have difficulties telling what is closest to my heart to close friends, let alone talking to people in door-to-door witnessing. I thank God that the internet is available to me, if not, would I really write all these in log books and hide them in my book shelves?
Zelda's trip to London (749), read also (383), (401) and (487), (520), (994), and (9)
Now she is exploring the possibility of another three-month attachment. This round she is asking the Lord to release funding to discharge her bank debts before she leaves. If God wants her to go to UK to talk to the unreached about Him, I am certain the money would come into her hands in a timely manner.
According to her, we can learn all we can about methods like the four spiritual laws or evangelistic explosion, but if we are not personally burdened about the person we are facing, any sharing may be in vain. Since she was a hundred percent sure that knowing and accepting Jesus' love would do her target a world of good, people do listen to her more than her team mates. On the spot, she received wisdom in overcoming objections in ways her personal intellect would not come up with in a thousand years. Thank God that the holy spirit is our helper.
Accordingly she continues to give away her possessions, I have been her agent of disposal. Books, furniture, clothes,stationery, kitchen utensils, ... all that she owns can fit into one small room now. Still, she wants to minimise further because once she leaves for the field, she wants her room to be of use to her niece.
I admire her guts in street evangelism. Here I am, hiding behind a Canadian goose photo, writing what I should proudly proclaim to the world from the roof top. I often have difficulties telling what is closest to my heart to close friends, let alone talking to people in door-to-door witnessing. I thank God that the internet is available to me, if not, would I really write all these in log books and hide them in my book shelves?
Zelda's trip to London (749), read also (383), (401) and (487), (520), (994), and (9)
(360) Snow White/ Interesting buildings 57
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11
Make a Wish Cottage.jpg from
(359)A well tended Garden/ Interesting buildings 56
But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. And his name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. 1 Ch 22:9
snape cottage garden 600x.jpg from garden
(358)A Hunting Lodge/ Interesting buildings 55
There is something old and rustic about the wooden cabin. And yet the reflective glass panels are modern.
Our God is the Lord of Moses and also the Lord of the internet age.
For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Pro 2:6
cottage plans classic cottage count from the cottage
Monday, January 3, 2011
(356) The high light of travelling - talking to a local person
It was rather cold in Hong Kong. Since I have a seventy-eight-year-old in my care, we did not go sight seeing. We went on one sub-way journey and it was enough to frighten my mother who had never seen people rushing around in such a manner. Thereafter we "sight see" from the bus.
We found neighbourhood shopping centres to have our meals in. We particularly enjoyed the low rise and scattered shop lots in Yow Onn. There we had to share a table with a local man. He proved to be friendly and interesting to talk to.
According to him, Hong Kong changed a lot the last thirteen to fourteen years. That many years ago, one who was prepared to work hard could find a job, by working hard at it would earn enough to live on. Now, there are many positions available all over the street, but the pay is actually less than the rates twelve years ago in real terms.
He has three children. The eldest just graduated in Canada. He went for her graduation and found that food was so costly that if he converts everything into Hong Kong dollars he could not swallow a bite. His eldest girl is looking for a job now. Failing that, she plans to marry her sweet heart and stays on. His two other children are studying in Hong Kong. He would consider migrating should the daughter decides to apply for the family later on. He said that of course he prefers Hong Kong over Canada. But at the rate things are moving, he fears for his family's future.
This man looks like he is in his late thirties. We were surprised that he has a daughter at least twenty one years old. He has gentle eyes and talks in a very quiet and unassuming manner. He works for a company that helps people move, they renovate apartments and refurbish old buildings. Now I realise why a lot of Hongkies migrated before China took over, it was probably because of precisely this reason.
We found neighbourhood shopping centres to have our meals in. We particularly enjoyed the low rise and scattered shop lots in Yow Onn. There we had to share a table with a local man. He proved to be friendly and interesting to talk to.
According to him, Hong Kong changed a lot the last thirteen to fourteen years. That many years ago, one who was prepared to work hard could find a job, by working hard at it would earn enough to live on. Now, there are many positions available all over the street, but the pay is actually less than the rates twelve years ago in real terms.
He has three children. The eldest just graduated in Canada. He went for her graduation and found that food was so costly that if he converts everything into Hong Kong dollars he could not swallow a bite. His eldest girl is looking for a job now. Failing that, she plans to marry her sweet heart and stays on. His two other children are studying in Hong Kong. He would consider migrating should the daughter decides to apply for the family later on. He said that of course he prefers Hong Kong over Canada. But at the rate things are moving, he fears for his family's future.
This man looks like he is in his late thirties. We were surprised that he has a daughter at least twenty one years old. He has gentle eyes and talks in a very quiet and unassuming manner. He works for a company that helps people move, they renovate apartments and refurbish old buildings. Now I realise why a lot of Hongkies migrated before China took over, it was probably because of precisely this reason.
(355) Injustice
While I was in Hong Kong, I caught a brief glimpse of the notable events of 2010 on TV. The most memorable was the strike of a group of cafe workers. Why did they demonstrate? It was because the hourly paid workers who worked the full eight-hour day was not given a paid lunch or dinner hour.
One face in particular, I find that it was engraved on my mind. I can close my eyes right now and recall how emphatic she was, what she said and how she held up her work-worn hands to the cameras. She worked in the cafe washing dishes to bring up her two children. She told the audience that it was not true that if she worked hard, her family would be provided for. She worked many hours every day and her hands that cracked and the skin that was worn thin by manual labour as well as the strong detergent testified to her diligence. Yet month by month she was barely making ends meet. She said that the system sucked blood out of simple folks like her. And she cannot imagine what will happen to people like her with no savings when she grows older and cannot put in as many hours.
Looking at that somewhat overweight and short woman, I can see that she had not spent any extra money on herself. Her graying hair was not dyed. Her hair was badly cut. She probably did not use any face cream on a daily basis. Here is one responsible citizen who was working hard at giving her children a better future. It is sad that rich and fashionable Hong Kong could not or would not pay their workers equitable rewards that would enable them to earn a reasonable living.
One face in particular, I find that it was engraved on my mind. I can close my eyes right now and recall how emphatic she was, what she said and how she held up her work-worn hands to the cameras. She worked in the cafe washing dishes to bring up her two children. She told the audience that it was not true that if she worked hard, her family would be provided for. She worked many hours every day and her hands that cracked and the skin that was worn thin by manual labour as well as the strong detergent testified to her diligence. Yet month by month she was barely making ends meet. She said that the system sucked blood out of simple folks like her. And she cannot imagine what will happen to people like her with no savings when she grows older and cannot put in as many hours.
Looking at that somewhat overweight and short woman, I can see that she had not spent any extra money on herself. Her graying hair was not dyed. Her hair was badly cut. She probably did not use any face cream on a daily basis. Here is one responsible citizen who was working hard at giving her children a better future. It is sad that rich and fashionable Hong Kong could not or would not pay their workers equitable rewards that would enable them to earn a reasonable living.
(354)Music Training/ Upbringing 36
Today I visited an old church friend whom I have not met for at least six years. She has three children. Her eldest, a girl, is now a doctor in a neighbouring country. Her second, a son, is now married living across the sea. The youngest, a girl, is in the final year in a psychology program locally.
I remember that when my children were toddlers and babies, she was already driving her elder two to the next town twice a week for violin and piano lessons. Each way was a good one and a half hours during normal traffic situations. Her youngest displayed no interest in her early years, therefore my friend was too lazy to bother as the third is quite many years younger compared to the other two. But interestingly when the youngest reached her teenage years, she started to play the piano by ear with no formal training. This time, the mother just found a teacher in the nearest music school and enrolled her for informal lessons.
The doctor is active in missions. She would save up her hard-earned money to volunteer her expertise in poor countries. The married son is serving in worship leading. It is the psychology student who does not sit for a single music examination that is playing the keyboard in the music team. Our children sometimes surprise us in what they do, don't they?
I remember that when my children were toddlers and babies, she was already driving her elder two to the next town twice a week for violin and piano lessons. Each way was a good one and a half hours during normal traffic situations. Her youngest displayed no interest in her early years, therefore my friend was too lazy to bother as the third is quite many years younger compared to the other two. But interestingly when the youngest reached her teenage years, she started to play the piano by ear with no formal training. This time, the mother just found a teacher in the nearest music school and enrolled her for informal lessons.
The doctor is active in missions. She would save up her hard-earned money to volunteer her expertise in poor countries. The married son is serving in worship leading. It is the psychology student who does not sit for a single music examination that is playing the keyboard in the music team. Our children sometimes surprise us in what they do, don't they?
(351)All that Glitter/ Interesting buildings 53
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine," declares the Lord Almighty. Hag 2:8
Cottage and mill.JPG from
(350)A Romantic View/ Interesting buildings 52
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- To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. Karen Sunde-
Saturday, January 1, 2011
(348)Life saver/ Cat tales 29
When my college buddy Ellen's father passed away unexpectedly, her mother was left alone. Ellen's eldest sister was working in New york. Ellen was in my college. Ellen's brother was married and worked in the West Coast. All three of them could see that their mum, Mrs Johnson, would not be able to cope on her own.
Ellen's sister decided to leave her cat behind to keep Mrs Johnson company. Each day after that, Ellen would call before leaving her dorm room to make sure her mum was alright. Ellen's sister would call during lunch break and the brother would call when he got home. The first few days, with neighbours coming in to help her, they would bring food and sat with her. After the first week, each sibling would take turn to spend the week-end with the grieving one. Mrs Johnson admitted that she had to drag herself up from bed to give the cat her saucer of milk every morning.
In the kitchen, she would pick up Ellen's call to coax her to eat. The cat was like a silent nurse, unless Mrs Johnson take some food or drink a glass of milk, it would keep walking round and round her feet preventing her from leaving the kitchen. After some token breakfast, human and cat would go to sit in the den and turned on the TV. By the time the lunch call came, Kitty would demand a biscuit and once again looked at Mrs Johnson and expected her to heat up something to eat. With something in her stomach, she would adjourn to the study to force herself to do some paper work like writing cheques to pay bills. Then came the cat's supper hour at six. Mistress and cat would eat their respective supper. The phone call would come from California, the son and daughter-in-law would tell Mrs Johnson something funny that happened at work. Often Ellen would call again to say good night.
And day by day, Mrs Johnson had to take care of the cat, she had to buy cat food and milk. She shopped for TV dinners when food from neighbours run out. She needed to run out to replenish cat biscuit and cat litter when what her eldest daughter brought run out. Slowly, she began to function and focus again. For the aged and the berieved who live alone, it is often the dependent pet that gives the human meaning and purpose to live on.
- Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. -
cat-facts.jpg from
Ellen's sister decided to leave her cat behind to keep Mrs Johnson company. Each day after that, Ellen would call before leaving her dorm room to make sure her mum was alright. Ellen's sister would call during lunch break and the brother would call when he got home. The first few days, with neighbours coming in to help her, they would bring food and sat with her. After the first week, each sibling would take turn to spend the week-end with the grieving one. Mrs Johnson admitted that she had to drag herself up from bed to give the cat her saucer of milk every morning.
In the kitchen, she would pick up Ellen's call to coax her to eat. The cat was like a silent nurse, unless Mrs Johnson take some food or drink a glass of milk, it would keep walking round and round her feet preventing her from leaving the kitchen. After some token breakfast, human and cat would go to sit in the den and turned on the TV. By the time the lunch call came, Kitty would demand a biscuit and once again looked at Mrs Johnson and expected her to heat up something to eat. With something in her stomach, she would adjourn to the study to force herself to do some paper work like writing cheques to pay bills. Then came the cat's supper hour at six. Mistress and cat would eat their respective supper. The phone call would come from California, the son and daughter-in-law would tell Mrs Johnson something funny that happened at work. Often Ellen would call again to say good night.
And day by day, Mrs Johnson had to take care of the cat, she had to buy cat food and milk. She shopped for TV dinners when food from neighbours run out. She needed to run out to replenish cat biscuit and cat litter when what her eldest daughter brought run out. Slowly, she began to function and focus again. For the aged and the berieved who live alone, it is often the dependent pet that gives the human meaning and purpose to live on.
- Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. -
cat-facts.jpg from
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