My friend Abbie mentioned that she did not realise Kevin used to take the Steven family to church. Now that Kevin is studying in Australia, The family was walking to the bus stop when Abbie drove past. Of course Abbie stopped and offered a lift.
There are many children in church. We are a very young church in a metropolitan area. But I must say the Steven children are two precious gems. Abbie said they are well brought up the old fashion way. I said that it is not common to see respect for a grey haired woman in a child's eyes nowadays. Abbie concurred. When I had the rare occasion to talk to both the children (they are about eight and ten), they maintain eye contact with me and enunciate words clearly with a respectful look in their eyes.
What I normally see are eyes that glazed over, as long as the person they are focused on are above a certain age. At first I thought it was because I don't dress up to the city standard. Or perhaps because I don't hold any position of importance in church. But it was not that, I notice the same type of "bratty look" (that Abbie labeled) on the faces of the same children when women who are very well dressed and are holding some positions of importance both in and out of the church.
If it was the abundant wealth that God lavishes on these new rich first generation Christians that brought about such attitudes in the second generation, then I am glad that there are a few modest-income families who are not affected.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
(340)Ungainly movements/ Learning difficulties 16
The other evening I was attending a Christmas event in a home. There were many children, ranging from a few months, toddler, school-age children to teenagers. Since I was tired from the preparation and the actual cooking of my family's contributions, I just took it easy. I sat and relaxed. After eating and helping to remove a few serving dishes to the kitchen., I listened to conversations around me with half my attention and reverted to my hobby of watching children.
I noticed a three year old girl who was constantly running and in motion. First her mum ran after her. Then after the brother woke up, the maid took over. Trying to be friendly, I chatted to the mum while she fed the younger brother. Somehow she talked about the contrast of the activity levels of her two children. Then she mentioned how the younger boy could not crawl properly yet but has started to stand and toddle around the sofa holding on for dear life.
Since ninety per cent of my students who had reading problems never could crawl properly at that age but went on to walk rapidly, I tried to explain that in encouraging the child to practice crawling daily would reduce the future problems of reading difficulties. She obviously could not conceive what I was driving at, probably never met anyone who needed special tutors to learn to read English. Without being rude nor insistent, I tried to share what I know.
After I returned home Elizabeth commented on how the little girl was running away from the maid, in attempting to miss Sandy, her swinging arm hit Elizabeth's thigh. You see, Sandy and Elizabeth was deep in conversation with chairs all around them, they were effectively blocking the exit. The little girl lost her balance and fell headlong flat on all four, did not cry but immediately got up without any assistance to run on out the gate.
Now, that was something that would have happened to Elizabeth right up to the age of three plus. Remember Cassandra in my last learning disability post, she was like that right up to age eight. Many a times she would hit her toes against an offending chair leg while coming to the dinner table to have a meal in my house. Of course a girl at seven would have slowed down enough not to fall. But I have rubbed ointment on many a bruises on her limbs and bandaged her bleeding toes. After bringing up Elizabeth full-time and Cassandra part-time (for a few years), I become quite accomplished in first aid through practice.
From what little I know, the part of the brain that control spatial perception (height, width, depth and distance) and co-ordination in crawling is the same part that is involved in learning spelling and grammar and vocabulary in phonetic based languages like English. Mothers in economically fast emerging countries would do their children a favour in not hiring maids who would carry a baby or toddler all their waking hours to prevent them from whining or crying.
I noticed a three year old girl who was constantly running and in motion. First her mum ran after her. Then after the brother woke up, the maid took over. Trying to be friendly, I chatted to the mum while she fed the younger brother. Somehow she talked about the contrast of the activity levels of her two children. Then she mentioned how the younger boy could not crawl properly yet but has started to stand and toddle around the sofa holding on for dear life.
Since ninety per cent of my students who had reading problems never could crawl properly at that age but went on to walk rapidly, I tried to explain that in encouraging the child to practice crawling daily would reduce the future problems of reading difficulties. She obviously could not conceive what I was driving at, probably never met anyone who needed special tutors to learn to read English. Without being rude nor insistent, I tried to share what I know.
After I returned home Elizabeth commented on how the little girl was running away from the maid, in attempting to miss Sandy, her swinging arm hit Elizabeth's thigh. You see, Sandy and Elizabeth was deep in conversation with chairs all around them, they were effectively blocking the exit. The little girl lost her balance and fell headlong flat on all four, did not cry but immediately got up without any assistance to run on out the gate.
Now, that was something that would have happened to Elizabeth right up to the age of three plus. Remember Cassandra in my last learning disability post, she was like that right up to age eight. Many a times she would hit her toes against an offending chair leg while coming to the dinner table to have a meal in my house. Of course a girl at seven would have slowed down enough not to fall. But I have rubbed ointment on many a bruises on her limbs and bandaged her bleeding toes. After bringing up Elizabeth full-time and Cassandra part-time (for a few years), I become quite accomplished in first aid through practice.
From what little I know, the part of the brain that control spatial perception (height, width, depth and distance) and co-ordination in crawling is the same part that is involved in learning spelling and grammar and vocabulary in phonetic based languages like English. Mothers in economically fast emerging countries would do their children a favour in not hiring maids who would carry a baby or toddler all their waking hours to prevent them from whining or crying.
( 339)Four Little girls/ Upbringing 34
I will attempt to bring you notes of four small girls who caught my eyes. Certain unrelated facts will be changed deliberately so that no one can trace them once I become known as the Dyslexic Rambler.
The first girl, I shall call her Verity. She has an extrovert as a father but an artistic mum. She was perhaps a little clingy when she was a baby. Whenever I saw her, her mother would be holding her. I actually do not remember any neighbour or friends holding her at all. What I noticed about her then was the fact that she was strong willed. Mum was training her well as a single child, I saw good habits inculcated early on.
However, things changed after her sister was born. First Mum lost her clear, glowing complexion. Next I no longer see Mum smiling. Mum was still dutiful, conscientious but seemed to walk around as if she was in a world of her own. Next Mum's dressing become unco-ordinated, she was no longer as well turned out as before.
The shocking thing was Verity became withdrawn and sorrowful quite rapidly. She lost that stubborn sparkle in her earlier glinting eyes. To be honest, I have never come across personally a child with such sad eyes unless the child had lost one parent at a tender age.
Let us call the second one Veron. She has a talkative father and a sensible mum. An out and out extrovert is Veron. I have images of her singing or dancing, it is not unusual to see her admiring herself in front of a mirror. In my head, I named her Little Miss Sunshine. It is funny that when her brother was born, she became more feminine, fluffy and scatter-brain. She reminded me of many floor mates of mine in college. They were children of good circumstances, happy go lucky and outright optimists who would never imagine anything could go wrong in their lives.
Then the third one shall be Venice. A year ago I was naming her the best adjusted child, and she was too. I will always remember her as the self-absorbed child who would skippy-skipped with a happy smile towards her fashion-plate mum, totally unaware of onlookers all around. Now that her mum was totally stressed up by a difficult younger brother; she stands helplessly by her mum, unable to help. She realised that the world no longer revolve around her, and the sudden fast-foward growing up took away the sparkle I so like in her. Of course her mum had no more time to buy new outfits that I used to look foward to admiring from afar.
The last one shall be Vanessa. I am unable to decide if the mum or the child has a stronger will. I would imagine the mum would win at home but vice versa in public. A most pretty child but not easy to bring up. No one can attempt to help except the professionals. Mum claims to know best and keep every well wisher at arm's length. The smartest policy with such a defensive parent is not to say anything at all.
I am sure all these girls will grow up and become good citizens. The parents are all responsible and upright individuals holding good jobs. A certain level of wealth will ensure a good education for all. But it is interesting to follow them year by year and note their developments in real time.
The first girl, I shall call her Verity. She has an extrovert as a father but an artistic mum. She was perhaps a little clingy when she was a baby. Whenever I saw her, her mother would be holding her. I actually do not remember any neighbour or friends holding her at all. What I noticed about her then was the fact that she was strong willed. Mum was training her well as a single child, I saw good habits inculcated early on.
However, things changed after her sister was born. First Mum lost her clear, glowing complexion. Next I no longer see Mum smiling. Mum was still dutiful, conscientious but seemed to walk around as if she was in a world of her own. Next Mum's dressing become unco-ordinated, she was no longer as well turned out as before.
The shocking thing was Verity became withdrawn and sorrowful quite rapidly. She lost that stubborn sparkle in her earlier glinting eyes. To be honest, I have never come across personally a child with such sad eyes unless the child had lost one parent at a tender age.
Let us call the second one Veron. She has a talkative father and a sensible mum. An out and out extrovert is Veron. I have images of her singing or dancing, it is not unusual to see her admiring herself in front of a mirror. In my head, I named her Little Miss Sunshine. It is funny that when her brother was born, she became more feminine, fluffy and scatter-brain. She reminded me of many floor mates of mine in college. They were children of good circumstances, happy go lucky and outright optimists who would never imagine anything could go wrong in their lives.
Then the third one shall be Venice. A year ago I was naming her the best adjusted child, and she was too. I will always remember her as the self-absorbed child who would skippy-skipped with a happy smile towards her fashion-plate mum, totally unaware of onlookers all around. Now that her mum was totally stressed up by a difficult younger brother; she stands helplessly by her mum, unable to help. She realised that the world no longer revolve around her, and the sudden fast-foward growing up took away the sparkle I so like in her. Of course her mum had no more time to buy new outfits that I used to look foward to admiring from afar.
The last one shall be Vanessa. I am unable to decide if the mum or the child has a stronger will. I would imagine the mum would win at home but vice versa in public. A most pretty child but not easy to bring up. No one can attempt to help except the professionals. Mum claims to know best and keep every well wisher at arm's length. The smartest policy with such a defensive parent is not to say anything at all.
I am sure all these girls will grow up and become good citizens. The parents are all responsible and upright individuals holding good jobs. A certain level of wealth will ensure a good education for all. But it is interesting to follow them year by year and note their developments in real time.
Friday, December 17, 2010
(338)A world Choke by plastics/ recycling 5
Do you know that by 2003 statistics, 500 billion plastic bags were consumed yearly?
Yet less than 1% was recycled because it costs more to recycle than to make new ones. Plastic bags was found floating north of the Arctic Circle near Spitzbergen. They are found as far south as the Falkland Islands.
Plastic bags photo degrades. Over time they break down into smaller, more toxic petro-polymers, which would eventually contaminates soil and water ways. Microscopic particles of such polymers are entering the food chain and we have yet to see the full effects on wild life. The pictures I saw on line was heart rending, birds were entangled in plastic bags and starved. Whales, dolphins, seals and turtles would mistake them for food. They die after eating plastic bags.
Ireland took the lead in Europe by taxing plastic bags in 2002. Consumption had been reduced by 90%. Israel, Canada, Western India, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Taiwan, and Singapore have banned or are working towards banning plastic bags. On March 27, 2007, San Francisco became the first US city to ban ...
I know I am contributing to the contamination whenever I forgot to bring reusable containers to buy food. Even when I buy a loaf of bread, I end up with one plastic bag. As much as in using trolley and boxes to transport groceries home, it is just lessening the number of plastic bags consumed. The invention of thermoplastic made from petroleum is what got us into this self-imposed bind.
Yet less than 1% was recycled because it costs more to recycle than to make new ones. Plastic bags was found floating north of the Arctic Circle near Spitzbergen. They are found as far south as the Falkland Islands.
Plastic bags photo degrades. Over time they break down into smaller, more toxic petro-polymers, which would eventually contaminates soil and water ways. Microscopic particles of such polymers are entering the food chain and we have yet to see the full effects on wild life. The pictures I saw on line was heart rending, birds were entangled in plastic bags and starved. Whales, dolphins, seals and turtles would mistake them for food. They die after eating plastic bags.
Ireland took the lead in Europe by taxing plastic bags in 2002. Consumption had been reduced by 90%. Israel, Canada, Western India, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Taiwan, and Singapore have banned or are working towards banning plastic bags. On March 27, 2007, San Francisco became the first US city to ban ...
I know I am contributing to the contamination whenever I forgot to bring reusable containers to buy food. Even when I buy a loaf of bread, I end up with one plastic bag. As much as in using trolley and boxes to transport groceries home, it is just lessening the number of plastic bags consumed. The invention of thermoplastic made from petroleum is what got us into this self-imposed bind.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
(336)Poor Black Cat/ cat tales 27
Long ago, one winter night I was sitting in Dianne's room, begging for a story. I had completed my homework and prepared for the next two days' lectures. As usual, I went to disturb my friends in the Arts Faculty who never seemed to work. That night, someone told me that should I one day be driving in the Midwest of America on a full moon night, never should I stop even if there be a chain of people blocking the road.
They told me about the Black Sabbath, sacrifice of young women, torture, drinking of blood, ... Being curious, I asked what if there was no young female to be caught, what would happen then? No ceremony? Some one told the story of a poor black cat found more dead than alive. The poor thing had been mercilessly tortured. Its skin was sliced in so many places that it was more detached than intact. It had lost more than half the normal volume of blood. It was the paramedic that promptly infused in saline that saved its life.
There are groups in America that look into the welfare of animals. Once news broke, lots of kind folks offered to adopt this cat. In the end a very rich woman managed to win the right to pamper the cat. For the rest of its life, it lived in clover. There was a maid dedicated to the caring for this cat. Special food was prepared daily by the kitchen staff. The cat had its personal bedroom with ensuite toilet. Even if Mistress had flown to St Tropez, the cat got its daily drive. With clauses well written into the Mistress' will, the future of this cat was taken care of even beyond the owner's death.
-Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully. -
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They told me about the Black Sabbath, sacrifice of young women, torture, drinking of blood, ... Being curious, I asked what if there was no young female to be caught, what would happen then? No ceremony? Some one told the story of a poor black cat found more dead than alive. The poor thing had been mercilessly tortured. Its skin was sliced in so many places that it was more detached than intact. It had lost more than half the normal volume of blood. It was the paramedic that promptly infused in saline that saved its life.
There are groups in America that look into the welfare of animals. Once news broke, lots of kind folks offered to adopt this cat. In the end a very rich woman managed to win the right to pamper the cat. For the rest of its life, it lived in clover. There was a maid dedicated to the caring for this cat. Special food was prepared daily by the kitchen staff. The cat had its personal bedroom with ensuite toilet. Even if Mistress had flown to St Tropez, the cat got its daily drive. With clauses well written into the Mistress' will, the future of this cat was taken care of even beyond the owner's death.
-Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully. -
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(334)Moses the Royal cat/ Cat tales 26
There was a very special cat called Moses in the Court of Egypt. Little Princess Nerfeti found her along the bank of River Nile. Moses had a fantastic time growing up in the luxurious women's apartments. Moses had markings on its side like a tiger. That was why she was called Moses, meaning the reeds the grew along the river.
Just like royal personages, animals do not live long. Possibly it was because food was plentiful and available in all attractive forms and delicious guise, folks tend to over eat daily. Moses lived onlly seven years. The sad Princess had her embalmed and kept the remains in two containers, one of the body and the other all the internal organs. Egyptians believed in an after life, hence all the elaborate funeral ritual of supplying everything the deceased Pharoah would possibly need.
After Moses went on to the happy hunting ground, our Princess dreamed of her often. In the dreams, the cat was able to talk and guide the Princess in palace intrigue. Later the grown up Princess made a most advantageous marriage and became Queen Nerfetiti. When Queen Nerfetiti passed on her mummy was duely interred with her husband in an underground chamber. Moses was kept there as her cherished possession. Today, the two containers were found in a British Museum.
- for there is no authority except that which God has established. -
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Just like royal personages, animals do not live long. Possibly it was because food was plentiful and available in all attractive forms and delicious guise, folks tend to over eat daily. Moses lived onlly seven years. The sad Princess had her embalmed and kept the remains in two containers, one of the body and the other all the internal organs. Egyptians believed in an after life, hence all the elaborate funeral ritual of supplying everything the deceased Pharoah would possibly need.
After Moses went on to the happy hunting ground, our Princess dreamed of her often. In the dreams, the cat was able to talk and guide the Princess in palace intrigue. Later the grown up Princess made a most advantageous marriage and became Queen Nerfetiti. When Queen Nerfetiti passed on her mummy was duely interred with her husband in an underground chamber. Moses was kept there as her cherished possession. Today, the two containers were found in a British Museum.
- for there is no authority except that which God has established. -
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(333) Cat and Fish/ cat tales 25
Many years ago, I used to take my toddler to see a doctor. While waiting for our turn, we would look at a fish in an aquarium. More often than not, a black cat was also sitting in front of the aquarium, caught up just like us, staring at the colourful fish swimming about.
As my children grow older, they fell sick less often. Before I know it, I had not been to the doctor's for years. Just two months back, we were back to the same place, this time it was a sports injury. We recognised the nurse, who smiled warmly. But the aquarium had been changed, the fish is of a different type. They are colouful and attractive, but not as big as the old one. Ah! There was no cat. After we came out of the doctor's room, my daughter asked the nurse what happened to the big fish.
Apparently there was a black out two years back for more than ten hours. Without the air blower, the big fish died. Sad, wasn't it? After all, it had been with the clinic for eight years. What about the cat? It never came back, after the fish died. At first, the nurses looked for it, they had been feeding it out of their lunch and dinner. It was one of those cats that lived on the kindness of restaurant workers and in this case, the nurses who grew fond of it. Later, an old lady who lived nearby said that the cat died in front of the clinic, a street sweeper wrapped it in newspaper and disposed it.
It was interesting to hear of the deaths of two animals so close to each other. Could animals communicate? Could cats befriend a fish?
- And Johnathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. -
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As my children grow older, they fell sick less often. Before I know it, I had not been to the doctor's for years. Just two months back, we were back to the same place, this time it was a sports injury. We recognised the nurse, who smiled warmly. But the aquarium had been changed, the fish is of a different type. They are colouful and attractive, but not as big as the old one. Ah! There was no cat. After we came out of the doctor's room, my daughter asked the nurse what happened to the big fish.
Apparently there was a black out two years back for more than ten hours. Without the air blower, the big fish died. Sad, wasn't it? After all, it had been with the clinic for eight years. What about the cat? It never came back, after the fish died. At first, the nurses looked for it, they had been feeding it out of their lunch and dinner. It was one of those cats that lived on the kindness of restaurant workers and in this case, the nurses who grew fond of it. Later, an old lady who lived nearby said that the cat died in front of the clinic, a street sweeper wrapped it in newspaper and disposed it.
It was interesting to hear of the deaths of two animals so close to each other. Could animals communicate? Could cats befriend a fish?
- And Johnathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. -
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
(327) Chance meeting
I went to purchase lunch and happened to fall into conversation with a lady in the eatery. The conversation started with her commenting that she was being unnecessarily good to her son. I smiled and responded with some common place remark.
She went on to tell me how her husband's family forced her to convert to Christianity. She went to church for many years and brought many to church. Apparently now, she no longer goes for service. Then she found out that I am a church going Christian. So she asked me why some Christians, specifically her parents-in-laws, are two faced?
This incident set me thinking for a while. Many people equate God with so called "Christian behavior"! There are all types of people in church. For that matter, we cannot assume that everyone who happened to be attending Sunday service in every church to be saved. Even in the bible we find:
Not everyone who says to me,"Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day,"Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?" Then I will tell them plainly, " I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers." Matt 7:21-23
It is sad that my own brother would not step into any church because he detests the behaviors of some so-called Christians in his work place. I thank God that even though I have professed Christ for twenty six years now, my brother had not accused me of being a hypocrite yet. I know he is still watching, that I am walking a lifetime of testimony in front of my unbelieving family.
She went on to tell me how her husband's family forced her to convert to Christianity. She went to church for many years and brought many to church. Apparently now, she no longer goes for service. Then she found out that I am a church going Christian. So she asked me why some Christians, specifically her parents-in-laws, are two faced?
This incident set me thinking for a while. Many people equate God with so called "Christian behavior"! There are all types of people in church. For that matter, we cannot assume that everyone who happened to be attending Sunday service in every church to be saved. Even in the bible we find:
Not everyone who says to me,"Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day,"Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?" Then I will tell them plainly, " I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers." Matt 7:21-23
It is sad that my own brother would not step into any church because he detests the behaviors of some so-called Christians in his work place. I thank God that even though I have professed Christ for twenty six years now, my brother had not accused me of being a hypocrite yet. I know he is still watching, that I am walking a lifetime of testimony in front of my unbelieving family.
(326) Wuthering Heights/ Interesting buildings 45
What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed, or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth? Job 38:24
Coillabus Cottage-JPG embrace
(325)A Beach wedding/ Interesting buildings 44
The man said,"This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Gen 2:23-24
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
(323)A match-making cat/ Cat tales 24
Vena was sitting on the verandah, her faithful suiters surrounding her. She was the village beauty. In certain parts of the world, a young girl would not be allowed to refuse a proposal of marriage once too often. Sooner rather than later some bully would put together a raiding party to kidnap the "proud" girl for force marriage.
Vena's great aunt came to visit her mum, bringing the reputed expensive pet cat. The jolly group of young folks were playing with the cat. This cat was different from other village cats because it had one blue and one brown eyes. One bold fellow who was trying to examine the eyes too closely was scratched.
Later that night, after the visitors all left, Vena's mum again urged her daughter to choose one suiter so that she could be safely and joyfully married off. Vena mentioned that she could not decide which of her childhood friends to pick. Mum said to set them a task, whoever who complete it well first would be the one. Vena said, may her God set the task and choose the right one for her. They left the matter at that.
Early next morning, the cat was no where to be found. There was panic in the household, Great Aunt Pook would return that afternoon, what would they tell her? Vena sent three identical messages to her three friends, urging them to look for her Great Aunt Pook's cat.
An hour later, it was a fourth young man who carried the cat back into Vena's arms. She remembered what she promised her mother. Obediently she brought the victor of the "task" to her father in the rice field. Within the week representatives from the young man's family came to ask formally for her hand. Within the month Vena was happily married. Interestingly, her husband knew nothing about the cat being lost, He was just observant enough to notice the cat being trapped on a high branch with a dog barking below. And he was kind enough to rescue the cat as well as took the trouble to return it to its home.
- He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. -
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Vena's great aunt came to visit her mum, bringing the reputed expensive pet cat. The jolly group of young folks were playing with the cat. This cat was different from other village cats because it had one blue and one brown eyes. One bold fellow who was trying to examine the eyes too closely was scratched.
Later that night, after the visitors all left, Vena's mum again urged her daughter to choose one suiter so that she could be safely and joyfully married off. Vena mentioned that she could not decide which of her childhood friends to pick. Mum said to set them a task, whoever who complete it well first would be the one. Vena said, may her God set the task and choose the right one for her. They left the matter at that.
Early next morning, the cat was no where to be found. There was panic in the household, Great Aunt Pook would return that afternoon, what would they tell her? Vena sent three identical messages to her three friends, urging them to look for her Great Aunt Pook's cat.
An hour later, it was a fourth young man who carried the cat back into Vena's arms. She remembered what she promised her mother. Obediently she brought the victor of the "task" to her father in the rice field. Within the week representatives from the young man's family came to ask formally for her hand. Within the month Vena was happily married. Interestingly, her husband knew nothing about the cat being lost, He was just observant enough to notice the cat being trapped on a high branch with a dog barking below. And he was kind enough to rescue the cat as well as took the trouble to return it to its home.
- He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. -
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(322) A Cat "stork"/ Cat tales 23
For years Nam had longed for a child of her own. While her sister-in-law bore twins and her own sisters went for abortions, Nam would pray and hope month after month for a baby. One year her unmarried aunt passed away and left her sufficient money for medical tests. Both Nam and Lang went to the big hospital for a few visits. Sad to say, the verdict was Nam was infertile, and it was irreversible. Sadden, Nam returned to her mother's house and mourned. All her sisters promised to give her the next child they conceived. Not knowing what else to do, she agreed. A few days later, Lang came to take her home.
The first night she was home, she dreamed that a very loving and gentle voice told her that she would be given a child. It was a vivid dream, not hazy as most went. After she woke up, she could close her eyes and hear the promise which gladden her heart. The next morning, as she opened her front door, she saw a kitten outside. Being a kind person, she took water and what food she could find to feed the weak and struggling little thing. A few days later after the kitten managed to survive and thrived. Despite numerous attempts to give her away, the cat stubbornly remained stationed in Nam's front yard. What can Nam do, her husband was allergic to cat fur? On stormy nights, Nam would keep the cat in the shed.
As Nam worked in her humble house day after day, she sang. Lo and behold, shortly after the cat adopted her, she conceived. Nine months later, she gave birth to a strong boy. A year later, she adopted a new born girl her youngest sister carried to term. Soon her house was bustling with voices and songs and cries of many children. True to the dream, she had only one biological offspring - her first born son. She loved all her children, she had five. Each of her sisters duely gave her one child each, as promised. And to this day, Nam looked upon her one cat as a harbinger of hope, her own divine tangible answer to a promised child.
-Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.-
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(321) Snowball, a blessed cat/ Cat tales 22
Long ago in a small town far away, there was a woman named Rose. Her parents left her some inheritance. She was comfortable and lived a simple life. By the time her husband passed on, she had no need to work another day for the rest of her life. The apple of her life was a cat called Snowball.
Rose lived in a small house surrounded by a huge garden. She spent all her spare time raising flowers. Small flowers, big flowers, potted flowering plants, flowering bushes, and flowering trees. She collected and planted them all lovingly in her vast land. Really, her garden looked like paradise on earth.
Since young, Snowball was fascinated by butterflies. She would spend all her daylight hours chasing them in the garden. But never did she catch any for many years. One Christmas, Rose bought a light and soft blanket covered with multi-coloured butterflies in flight. Initially, Snowball pounced on the blanket and played with it. After a while she must have realised that they were not real. then she spent hours looking intently at the window scene of a snow covered garden. Often she would snooze on the lovely blanket.
Spring came. The first green shoot was spotted. The first bird returned. the flowers bloomed. Butterflies emerged. Our Snowball no longer would chase the butterflies. It was beautiful sight to behold, swirling butterflies in the air, a dancing cat on the ground, with a host of flowers strategically placed to bring about the greatest contrast in colours.
-The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. -
Monday, December 6, 2010
(318) Good old USA /Interesting bldg 41
What do you think of when you look at this house? For me, I imagine the windows all lit at night, then one by one, the lights go out. It is a livable house. And I can see myself sitting on a rocking chair on the porch.
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Ps 46:10
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(317) Clean n Bright / Interesting bldg 40
It is strange that this little building reminds me of country churches! I used to love to locate each church building in each hamlet I passed in mountainous regions.
When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Ex 33:22
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(316)Save the earth/ recycling 4
This topic relates to recycling. I pledged to use my little effort and circle of influence to bring about the awareness of recycling and the cutting down of carbon footprint we leave on planet earth.First I have to state that my family are not vegetarians. However, I did spend one thanksgiving break with an American white family who were vegans but did not believe in Hinduism. I was very fond of their two children and almost decided to relocate to Michigan with them. The only thing that kept me south was my full scholarship. I remember I love their vegetables dishes. Now that I am back in Asia, living in a metropolitan city, it is common to eat in vegetarian restaurants. If you think that those who promote vegetarian lifestyle are all Bhuddists, then I am afraid you are wrong. In England alone, by the year 1998, there were four millions vegetarians. Out of every six persons, one is a vegetarian or is deciding to become one. Among those aged 15 to 34, there is 11% who turned from a meat diet. Moreover almost half the population cuts down on meat intake.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
(315) Two kitties / Cat tales 21
There was a young girl, pretty and sweet, who helps her mum to care for the family ducks. Ducklings are incredibly cute little things. Since she is the only girl among six siblings, she was the only one who would pet and play with such fluffy pets.
One ducking in particular took to our young lady, she was only ten years old then. The blessed duck grew up following her beloved owner daily every where the latter went. Everyone in the neighbourhood got used to seeing the unlikely pair, a teenage girl and a mummy duck. Every morning the teenager would don her school uniform, her escort would unfailingly accompanied her to the main road quite a distance away. The amazing part is that the duck knew time and would be dutifully waiting at the drop-off point when our young lady came home in the afternoon. On weekends the duck would not be found waiting for the owner's return, as our lady puts it, she would not change into uniform then.
On a rare Saturday, Mum took daughter to the market. The butcher had two kittens on display in a small basket. One was yellow and white. The other was black with a white nose. Since there were field mice that sneaked into the house, Mum let our duck lover chose one to take home. Thereafter, we have a much loved owner walking with the dignified duck, with a yellow kitten trailing behind. As the duck ruled the yard, the kitten would gambol in the house. This kitten grew to be a good mouser. As the duck lays an egg each day, the cat would show off its daily kill, be it mouse, lizard or cockcroaches.
Ah! There is one more feat, difficult to believe as it is! One morning, for whatever reason our beloved owner overslept. Imagine her face when the duck quacked at the window until she appeared to shush her. Lo and behold, the cat was also scratching and meowing at her bedroom door. After all the fuss, she still managed to catch her bus to school!
This blessed lady grew up to become the mother of my daughter's best friend in school.
- He will bless your land with produce: grain, new wine, and olive oil ... the increase of your livestock ... -
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(314) Cat in a Mansion / Cat tales 20
Talking to my son, I recalled one very clever cat I had a glimpse of many years ago. The mistress of the cat was rich, cultured, hospitable, kind but her blind spot was her beloved cat.
I was invited to her mansion in a surburb of Lexington as the foreign visitor of her cousin's family over that Christmas and new year period. I still remember that was the very first time I had a chance to eat a French hen as an entree of lunch. Her house was well decorated with good taste showing it was old money.
This much talked about cat was the apple of Madame's eyes. However, the Master had nothing good to say about it. As she sang its praises, he underminded every point with a counter tale. Madame would resume her song without any visible reaction. And you can imagine how confused I was about these crazy Americans' funny ways. Fancy throwing a big party of sixty for a formal sit down luncheon, spending thousands of dollars and having profesional staff waiting at the spiffily set tables and the topic of conversation was a cat.
Then as I patiently listened on I realised it was no ordinary cat. It was a cat that had mastered the art of crossing roads at zebra crossings. It actually would look left, right and left again after all traffic stopped. Mind boggling! Later I learned that in spite of all the fire and smoke of the Master, he actually was very fond of the cat. Why was that so? Well, because after the cat started ruling the house, the mistress had had less time, leisure and will to go for impulsive shopping. His credit card bills halved in payments and that left him much funds to acquire more rare books. Talk about the good a pet brings.
- You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everyone under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swims the paths of the sea. -
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(313) Beloved Persian / Cat tales 19
There was a poor pretty girl that married into a rich family. Her husband was fond of dogs and set up a compound behind his property to breed expensive dogs. Her mother-in-law had a persian cat. This bride started her married life waking up at four am every morning to cook dog and cat food.
It was quite an amazing tale as it developed. Each pair of dogs had its own enclosure. They were fed in the morning and let out in the evening to run about on the extensive property. Soon neighbours complained to the town council. The authorities came twice, once at ten am and the second time at three pm. Both times they could not hear a thing and just wrote a report stating there was no basis for complaints. As fads went, it lasted its due course. The dogs were transferred to another more isolated property and sold off pair by pair.
The persian cat, however, lived and ruled supreme in that household for years. It was a house filled with women. Apart from the rich son and his bride, his mum and a few unmarried sisters, the next generation was two more girl babies. This lucky cat was loved and pampered by all the females of the household. Here is one cat that sat pretty and did not have to catch one rat in its entire life.
- May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord. -
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Friday, December 3, 2010
(312) Security / Interesting bldg 39
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Ps 91:11
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(311) Paradise / Interesting bldg 38
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Ps 34:4
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
(306) Aging parents
I just came back from a reunion luncheon. It is school holidays for a neighbouring country. My friend Lilian rushed back to be with her mother. Her husband came along and her only son enjoyed playing with his cousins.
Since we already reached the half century mark, our parents are at least in their seventies. My dad was eighty seven when he passed on. My mum is seventy eight years old. Right now she is looking forward to her trip to Hong Kong. Everyday she walks in the morning, on a good day she can walk non-stop for forty five minutes. Apart from her medications, she takes her many food supplements faithfully. That includes unprocessed honey, spirulina, calcium magnesium, vitamin C and Omega 3 fish oil.
Lilian's mum does not go out. She has a tendency to brood over things that upset her. Not surprisingly each time Lilian comes home, her mother talks about death and the old lady worries about how her three grand sons would cope without her caring for them. After everyone asked their questions, our general consensus is that the old lady is not having a good diet, especially breakfast and lunch. There is a lack of exercise and she lacks friends and hobbies. It is tough that the only daughter she communicates well with resides four hundred miles away.
The most frightening thing is that the old lady talks about dead relatives as if they are around her daily. If we apply western psychology, we would say she hallucinates. By eastern traditions, perhaps these spirits are a harbinger of death, which the old lady seemed to concentrate much on since her husband passed away.
Since we already reached the half century mark, our parents are at least in their seventies. My dad was eighty seven when he passed on. My mum is seventy eight years old. Right now she is looking forward to her trip to Hong Kong. Everyday she walks in the morning, on a good day she can walk non-stop for forty five minutes. Apart from her medications, she takes her many food supplements faithfully. That includes unprocessed honey, spirulina, calcium magnesium, vitamin C and Omega 3 fish oil.
Lilian's mum does not go out. She has a tendency to brood over things that upset her. Not surprisingly each time Lilian comes home, her mother talks about death and the old lady worries about how her three grand sons would cope without her caring for them. After everyone asked their questions, our general consensus is that the old lady is not having a good diet, especially breakfast and lunch. There is a lack of exercise and she lacks friends and hobbies. It is tough that the only daughter she communicates well with resides four hundred miles away.
The most frightening thing is that the old lady talks about dead relatives as if they are around her daily. If we apply western psychology, we would say she hallucinates. By eastern traditions, perhaps these spirits are a harbinger of death, which the old lady seemed to concentrate much on since her husband passed away.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
(305) Sinking buildings
During my trip to a river side town a few days back, I saw sights that I have read about. There are cities like Venice that sinks a few inches a year. So this is really nothing new.
A kind soul who used to pastor in that town had access to her former parishioner's car. She took us round her former parish and we were shocked to see double storey houses that sunk until only half of the downstairs stick out of the stagnant water. The sad part is that folks are dwelling in the upstairs portion with make shift stairs linking the house and the road that is dry.
It is a very rich part of the country. Just two streets away we see mansions that are well set in landscape gardens. And I mean mansions that probably boast at least fifteen bedrooms. I obviously do not belong to this upper class or I would take it as a matter of course.
According to our volunteer tour guide, the longest river in the province floods periodically. Her former church owns a few small motor boats for rescue purposes. The youth group turns out in full force for rescue efforts during the flood and for the cleaning up after the water recedes. It is all very good for these people to do what they can to help. But more importantly the town council ought to make use of the abundance in taxes to up grade the drains that has no cement sides nor base. It was a whole town of clog drains with full stagnating water. I certainly had not seen the likes of this since my childhood forty over years ago. Shocking!
A kind soul who used to pastor in that town had access to her former parishioner's car. She took us round her former parish and we were shocked to see double storey houses that sunk until only half of the downstairs stick out of the stagnant water. The sad part is that folks are dwelling in the upstairs portion with make shift stairs linking the house and the road that is dry.
It is a very rich part of the country. Just two streets away we see mansions that are well set in landscape gardens. And I mean mansions that probably boast at least fifteen bedrooms. I obviously do not belong to this upper class or I would take it as a matter of course.
According to our volunteer tour guide, the longest river in the province floods periodically. Her former church owns a few small motor boats for rescue purposes. The youth group turns out in full force for rescue efforts during the flood and for the cleaning up after the water recedes. It is all very good for these people to do what they can to help. But more importantly the town council ought to make use of the abundance in taxes to up grade the drains that has no cement sides nor base. It was a whole town of clog drains with full stagnating water. I certainly had not seen the likes of this since my childhood forty over years ago. Shocking!
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