When Elizabeth was young, we lived in a small town. Living standard was low and a group of mothers who were homemakers gathered often so that children could play with each other. When she was nine years old, Aunty Eileen offered to take Elizabeth and her girl to voice lessons. Elizabeth refused and that was that. A year later, Aunty Marion offered to take Elizabeth and her daughter to drama lessons. Again Elizabeth refused. Two years later, the Sunday School Superintendent chose Elizabeth for a duet in a concert. I didn't think too much of it even though a few people did take the trouble to encourage me to look into some form of voice development.
Then fast forward five years. When Elizabeth became active in her present youth group, she took out her savings to attend ten voice training lessons. Initially I don't hear much difference, a year to two later, her voice did change for the better. When we visited Switzeland, our hostess who was a soprano prophesied that soon Elizabeth would be able to play the piano and harmonise with the music. At that point, she could either play the piano or sing. Now, four years later, being able to sing and play either the piano or guitar simultaneously is something she is comfortable with. In the interim, she managed to get involved in just about every drama staged. Just a few weeks back, I waited for her during band practice. As I walked up the stairs, I heard a female vocalist singing and leading in an interesting and attractive manner. I was most surprised when I realised it was my daughter singing. She has improved a lot since that duet seven years ago.
Then I understand why she could not see herself becoming an accountant or economist. Unless she chooses to put music to a second place as a hobby, sitting in an office eight to twelve hours a day dealing with figures may not be her first choice. Even though she is good in accounting and economics, there is no passion in her heart for those two fields. At this point I must be honest that the fact I don't have half a million set aside for her tertiary education makes things simple. If it is God's perfect will, then she will be successful in winning a scholarship to go to an institution to pursue her passion. If it is not, then she will have to fall back on whatever offer the Government universities gives her. It is strange that my choice in major was heavily influenced by job opportunities. Now it seems that my daughter is following her heart. It is wonderful that I can pray and commit her to God, He knows what her future will be.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
(298) Summer home / Interesting bldg 33
It is such a pretty house that it looks unreal. Nonetheless it is the perfect place for romantic vacations.
We love because God first love us. 1 Jn 4:19
nantucket-decor-cottage-style.jpg from completely-coastal.com
Friday, November 19, 2010
(292) Working vs full time mom/ upbringing 32
A good friend was relating how a baby in church was entertaining her one Sunday. It is a very good looking baby girl. She has big eyes and readily smiles at strangers and friends. What is special about her is at one glance, those of us who have grown children can tell that she is alert, highly intelligent and is thinking meaningful thoughts. Actually she is Elizabeth's hot favourite, being extremely responsive to a teenager's playful interaction.
The mother of this baby said that she has to work at an admin job just to keep the accounts in the blue. And I believe her. Father and mother are young, just bought their first home and just changed an old car for a small new one.
My friend said that she hopes this young mother will stop work as soon as she can. It would be a waste that she does not have time to build on a good foundation. I agree. The first seven years of a child's life is formative. By the time that a child celebrates her seventh birthday, 95% of her brain has been developed already.
In my own family, I compare Elizabeth and Kenneth. Kenneth had my undivided attention for nine months. I almost did not survive from the experience, was almost suicidal with post-natal depression. When I next quit my part-time job, Elizabeth was 2 1/2 and Kenneth was seven. Today I see Elizabeth as much better adjusted socially and I have been privileged to be given ample opportunity to develop her potential to a high degree. To a different set of circumstances and timing, I had honestly tried my best with each child, and gotten different results. Of course God is still working at both of them. Each faces different circumstances and challenges. The more is given from on high, the more is expected of the person.
As my children leave the nest one by one, I am released to answer my own call. I wonder if indeed God will open a door for Kenneth to teach English in a foreign country. If Elizabeth applies to one college in America, will God sees it fit to give her sufficient financial aid to go? What started out as a hobby like fun time is becoming time consuming. It actually takes me a minimum of two solid hours daily to keep three or four of my blogs going.
Between 23 to 26 Nov I will be in a small town to help out in a Chinese Youth Mission Camp. I have never been to that part of the country before. According to my son, there is no cyber cafe or coffee bean there. So sorry, I am telling you my readers that I will be off line during those few days. For those of you who are new, please go back to the earlier posts. For readers in USA, please tune in to estateenthusiast.wordpress.com for a complete set of posts. For some reason, Americans are responding more to my Interesting buildings posts more than readers from any other country so far. Thank you, my American readers.
The mother of this baby said that she has to work at an admin job just to keep the accounts in the blue. And I believe her. Father and mother are young, just bought their first home and just changed an old car for a small new one.
My friend said that she hopes this young mother will stop work as soon as she can. It would be a waste that she does not have time to build on a good foundation. I agree. The first seven years of a child's life is formative. By the time that a child celebrates her seventh birthday, 95% of her brain has been developed already.
In my own family, I compare Elizabeth and Kenneth. Kenneth had my undivided attention for nine months. I almost did not survive from the experience, was almost suicidal with post-natal depression. When I next quit my part-time job, Elizabeth was 2 1/2 and Kenneth was seven. Today I see Elizabeth as much better adjusted socially and I have been privileged to be given ample opportunity to develop her potential to a high degree. To a different set of circumstances and timing, I had honestly tried my best with each child, and gotten different results. Of course God is still working at both of them. Each faces different circumstances and challenges. The more is given from on high, the more is expected of the person.
As my children leave the nest one by one, I am released to answer my own call. I wonder if indeed God will open a door for Kenneth to teach English in a foreign country. If Elizabeth applies to one college in America, will God sees it fit to give her sufficient financial aid to go? What started out as a hobby like fun time is becoming time consuming. It actually takes me a minimum of two solid hours daily to keep three or four of my blogs going.
Between 23 to 26 Nov I will be in a small town to help out in a Chinese Youth Mission Camp. I have never been to that part of the country before. According to my son, there is no cyber cafe or coffee bean there. So sorry, I am telling you my readers that I will be off line during those few days. For those of you who are new, please go back to the earlier posts. For readers in USA, please tune in to estateenthusiast.wordpress.com for a complete set of posts. For some reason, Americans are responding more to my Interesting buildings posts more than readers from any other country so far. Thank you, my American readers.
(291) Tranquility / Interesting bldg 30
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. 1 Co 14:33
38 04 4---Thatched-Cottage-Micheld freefoto.com
Thursday, November 18, 2010
(288)Stop using Kleenex/ Recycling 2
The following article was forwarded to me by my recycling partner who is a member of a Buddhist organisation from Taiwan. I will summarise the main point. The author was used to carrying handkerchief before he arrived in America. He could not recall when he stopped using cloth and started to use Kleenex.
A few years back he heard about the paper making and bleaching process would create a highly toxic side product: dioxane. Apparently dioxane harms our central nervous system, causes liver, kidney failure. It hurts our skin, lungs and creates health problems. From that point on, he stopped buying and using paper napkins.
As China develops from an agricultural country to become an industrial giant, land usage would unavoidably be progressively converted to industrial purposes. As consumers demand high end products like beer, much grain would be channeled to the brewery away from the poor masses. As the per capita demand for meat, milk and eggs increases, the base prices of the main grain would shoot up. As the rich consumes more high end products, the poor would have less and less basic food to buy from as prices spiral upwards. The end result would be a small portion of the world would overeat and have to combat obesity, while the rest of the world face under nourishment and thousands would starve to death should there be any seasonal shortfall of grain harvest. There was a book written entitled:《Who Will Feed China》 by Lester Brown from World Watch Institute(W. W. Norton & CO: U. S. $8.95; TEL: 202-452-1999; Fax: 202-296-7365).
Reading this article, I felt terrible as I have been using paper napkins because of convenience for years. I must go and buy a few handkerchieves and stop using paper products for this purpose.
After all, nobody knows when our world would come to an end. Until then, we only have one world and we all have no choice but to live in the same world. No one can change the entire world. But I can change the consumption choices of my household.
小時候,每天上學口袋裡一定帶著一條手帕來擦汗、擦手等; 初中來美國之後,不知什麼時候跟著大家都用紙巾替代手帕, 只有喜愛戶外活動的人、運動員才用手帕。
幾年前我聽一位澳大利亞的醫生說, 在造紙和漂白過程產生的副產品—— Dioxane是毒性相當高的化學藥劑, 已嚴重地污染了整個地球,也造成健康的 問題。Dioxane會傷害中樞神經,造成肝、腎的壞死, 也會傷害皮膚、肺,同時也是致癌物。接著, 她拿出她的手帕示範她環保的對策,說用手帕擦鼻涕完全 合乎衛生,因為,只要布一乾,細菌即無法生存, 一條手帕可用多次之後才洗。
被她點醒後,我也開始隨身攜帶手帕,所用的是爬山用的大手帕, 長寬各二十英吋(五十公分)。剛開始時有點不習慣, 但很快的就習慣成自然,這幾年我沒 有再買紙巾,也不覺得有欠缺,看到各處大量使用紙巾, 覺得很浪費,也很污染。從手帕這個小事, 使我想到環保和污染僅是習慣的改變而已,只要我們願意多花一 分鐘去思惟平日的習慣所造成的後果,然後選擇善待環境的習慣, 我們可以改善我們生活的環境,也避免一些災難。
說到我們可能面臨的災難,糧食不足是其中之一。 生活在工業社會國家的人很難想像當其他農業社會也進入工業社會時 ,對有限的地球資源,如水、土地會造 成什麼樣的壓力,特別是有十二億人口的中國, 當中國人民也學著開汽車、吃肉、吃蛋、喝啤酒時,對地球的影響, 用「災難」兩字來形容不會過份。
早在一九八八年,「世界觀察所」(Worldwatch Institute)的Lester Brown先生就注意到所有人口密度高的國家, 一旦從農業社會進入工業社會,最大的改變是糧食不能自給自足, 必須依賴進口,這是因為農地被工業用替代掉, 或建公路佔用;另一方面,經濟發展之後,人們的飲食多元化, 多吃雞鴨肉奶和蛋、冰淇淋、啤酒等。台灣、 日本和南韓是地球上人口密度相當高的國家,三十年 來,已由農業社會轉入工業社會,據一九九四年的資料, 日本七十二%的食物是靠進口,南韓六十六%是靠進口, 台灣七十六%是靠進口;中國也是人口密度頗高的 國家,現在正在迅速的工業化,所會面臨的糧食不足是可想而知的, 一九九四年,Brown先生寫了一篇警惕世界的文章〈 誰來餵中國?〉(Who will Feed China)。依中國目前的消耗數量, 其所需依賴進口的糧食將沒有任何一個國家可以滿足, 一九九三至一九九四年,中國還出口八百萬噸糧食,到一九九四至一 九九五年,反而進口一百四十六萬噸的糧食, 實際上所欠缺的糧食不只這數量,為了平穩直線上升的糧食價錢, 中國政府施放了儲存的糧食。以此類推到二○三○年 的開發中國家,根據人口成長的速度,二○三○ 年所需進口的糧食將會是一九九四年全球出口糧食的總數, 中國將需進口三億到四億噸的糧食,是今日全世界出口糧 食的二倍,目前已有十個仰賴進口食物國家, 並且還繼續不斷增加新的進口糧食的國家,如印度、印尼、伊朗、 巴基斯坦、墨西哥等,我們將面臨嚴重的糧食不足, 一九九五年,Brown先生收集更詳盡的資料寫成一本書——《 Who Will Feed China》(W. W. Norton & CO: U. S. $8.95; TEL: 202-452-1999; Fax: 202-296-7365;中文版是廣西教育出版社;南寧, 廣西;郵編530022)。
世界糧食的生產受水源農地的縮小限制,很難增產。 世界人口不斷的膨脹、飲食的要求提升, 生產和需求的差距只有增加。解決的辦法有二,一、限制人口的 增長;二、飲食環保,以五穀雜糧、豆類為主食,配以蔬果。 中國會從一個出口糧食變進口糧食的國家,就是因為國民所得提高, 大家就多吃肉,特別是豬肉,肉的 食量從一九七三年每人八公斤增加到一九九四年的三十二公斤, 總食量已超過美國,此外,蛋的食量, 中國政府也有意鼓勵大家在二○○○年由現在的每人每年一百 粒增加到每人每年二百粒,和美國的每人每年二百三十五粒很接近, 要達到這個目標要養十三億隻雞,所需糧食是二千四百萬噸糧食, 正好是目前加拿大每年出口的 糧食總數。
除此之外,啤酒的消費也在增加, 中國每個成人喝一瓶啤酒使用的糧食總數就需用三十七萬噸的糧食, 一九八一年啤酒生產量是十億公升,一九九四年增加十 三倍——一百三十億公升的啤酒,中國啤酒的酒量已超過德國, 僅次於美國。 當我們每一個人警覺到生活上的習慣可以造成災難或平安, 我們會思惟,然後選擇用手 帕不用紙巾,喝水不喝啤酒,吃五穀蔬果,不吃肉蛋奶; 我們想創造一個人人有飯吃的地球,還是一部份人盡情吃喝, 另一部份的人餓死的悲慘世界?
A few years back he heard about the paper making and bleaching process would create a highly toxic side product: dioxane. Apparently dioxane harms our central nervous system, causes liver, kidney failure. It hurts our skin, lungs and creates health problems. From that point on, he stopped buying and using paper napkins.
As China develops from an agricultural country to become an industrial giant, land usage would unavoidably be progressively converted to industrial purposes. As consumers demand high end products like beer, much grain would be channeled to the brewery away from the poor masses. As the per capita demand for meat, milk and eggs increases, the base prices of the main grain would shoot up. As the rich consumes more high end products, the poor would have less and less basic food to buy from as prices spiral upwards. The end result would be a small portion of the world would overeat and have to combat obesity, while the rest of the world face under nourishment and thousands would starve to death should there be any seasonal shortfall of grain harvest. There was a book written entitled:《Who Will Feed China》 by Lester Brown from World Watch Institute(W. W. Norton & CO: U. S. $8.95; TEL: 202-452-1999; Fax: 202-296-7365).
Reading this article, I felt terrible as I have been using paper napkins because of convenience for years. I must go and buy a few handkerchieves and stop using paper products for this purpose.
After all, nobody knows when our world would come to an end. Until then, we only have one world and we all have no choice but to live in the same world. No one can change the entire world. But I can change the consumption choices of my household.
早在一九八八年,「世界觀察所」(Worldwatch Institute)的Lester Brown先生就注意到所有人口密度高的國家,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
(284)Reliving foreign student days/ Upbringing 31
Further Studies
When Elizabeth was 16, we were privileged to have a sponsored trip to Switzeland (Prayers 15 Wish come true). She was indeed a very blessed young lady. Our hostess actually invited her to stay in her house in Zurich and pursue her pre-university. For what ever reason, Elizabeth was not ready to leave home.
After she turned 17, she was talked into applying for a scholarship to study International Baccalaureate in Finland. She cleared her first interview. During the second interview, she was more of an observer than taking an active part in impressing the moderators. And she told her interviewing panel that it did not matter if she did not get the scholarship, for she did not mind going to pre-u in a government school. Therefore, I was not surprised that she was not chosen.
Now she is within days of sitting for her exams. I was indeed taken aback when she said she might apply to my old college for a scholarship. Oh! We will see if she still feels the same come December 15. Anyway, I had quite a journey down memory lane answering her questions. Of course I missed Asian food in America. But my mum and dad sent food parcels every three months and I often cooked up a storm in the middle of the night.
When I fried up chilli paste and dried shrimp, those true Americans all went looking for the dead rats they smelled. A few would follow their noses into the kitchen for a good feed. Those who like ethnic food usually had been living abroad as army brats or as children of ex-pats working in Asia. It was no co-incidence that those who like my cooking were the more international youth who befriend anyone from any part of the world.
Who did the cleaning up after my kitchen adventure? I would not leave behind any dirty sauce pans or dishes. The maid would wipe down the walls and the floor. God had been very kind to me. I remember the maid was most sympathetic to me as she had a daughter volunteering as a Peace Corp teacher in South America. The loving Mum would send monthly food parcel. She would imagine her darling cooking up a hurricane during the weekends in the school kitchen too. During my last year, my friend the maid told me the good news that her daughter was going to marry an engineer from a good family in the country she worked in. She met her Prince Charming when he came with the survey team to bring pipe water to her adopted village.
When Elizabeth was 16, we were privileged to have a sponsored trip to Switzeland (Prayers 15 Wish come true). She was indeed a very blessed young lady. Our hostess actually invited her to stay in her house in Zurich and pursue her pre-university. For what ever reason, Elizabeth was not ready to leave home.
After she turned 17, she was talked into applying for a scholarship to study International Baccalaureate in Finland. She cleared her first interview. During the second interview, she was more of an observer than taking an active part in impressing the moderators. And she told her interviewing panel that it did not matter if she did not get the scholarship, for she did not mind going to pre-u in a government school. Therefore, I was not surprised that she was not chosen.
Now she is within days of sitting for her exams. I was indeed taken aback when she said she might apply to my old college for a scholarship. Oh! We will see if she still feels the same come December 15. Anyway, I had quite a journey down memory lane answering her questions. Of course I missed Asian food in America. But my mum and dad sent food parcels every three months and I often cooked up a storm in the middle of the night.
When I fried up chilli paste and dried shrimp, those true Americans all went looking for the dead rats they smelled. A few would follow their noses into the kitchen for a good feed. Those who like ethnic food usually had been living abroad as army brats or as children of ex-pats working in Asia. It was no co-incidence that those who like my cooking were the more international youth who befriend anyone from any part of the world.
Who did the cleaning up after my kitchen adventure? I would not leave behind any dirty sauce pans or dishes. The maid would wipe down the walls and the floor. God had been very kind to me. I remember the maid was most sympathetic to me as she had a daughter volunteering as a Peace Corp teacher in South America. The loving Mum would send monthly food parcel. She would imagine her darling cooking up a hurricane during the weekends in the school kitchen too. During my last year, my friend the maid told me the good news that her daughter was going to marry an engineer from a good family in the country she worked in. She met her Prince Charming when he came with the survey team to bring pipe water to her adopted village.
(283) Away assignment
My friend Lee Lee was sent by her boss to a branch in a northern city. I kind of assumed that it was another book shop needing help to have a stock take at the end of the year. Well, it wasn't! It turned out to be a mini market in a shopping centre near a village.
The shop was run by a young Indian man with the help of a shop assistant. The first few days Lee Lee did was have a spring cleaning. Much accumulated rubbish was thrown out. Cockroaches and rats were killed and chased away. Next she and the assistant wiped away lots of dust. Expired foodstuff was thrown out. Things that were not sold for years were marked down in prices and sold off. Next she rearranged everything according to the classification, eg. kitchen utensils all on the same side, cleaning supplies all on the other side ...
I sat there listening to her practical steps to make the shop a nicer place to shop in. She was very effective, the regular customers commented how much the shop has improved within the month she was there. Even salesmen told her that their goods were arranged to a much better effect, everything could be seen at one glance. She was much pleased that from now on, she only needs to go there once a month for three days.
It goes to show that even though Lee Lee does not have much qualification, she is a very efficient person with lots of common sense. I won't be surprised that in a short few months, she could turn the shop around and cause it to be profitable.
The shop was run by a young Indian man with the help of a shop assistant. The first few days Lee Lee did was have a spring cleaning. Much accumulated rubbish was thrown out. Cockroaches and rats were killed and chased away. Next she and the assistant wiped away lots of dust. Expired foodstuff was thrown out. Things that were not sold for years were marked down in prices and sold off. Next she rearranged everything according to the classification, eg. kitchen utensils all on the same side, cleaning supplies all on the other side ...
I sat there listening to her practical steps to make the shop a nicer place to shop in. She was very effective, the regular customers commented how much the shop has improved within the month she was there. Even salesmen told her that their goods were arranged to a much better effect, everything could be seen at one glance. She was much pleased that from now on, she only needs to go there once a month for three days.
It goes to show that even though Lee Lee does not have much qualification, she is a very efficient person with lots of common sense. I won't be surprised that in a short few months, she could turn the shop around and cause it to be profitable.
(281) Safety / Interesting bldg 23
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me Ps 23:4
country-house-hotel.jpg ballinderrypark.com
(280) Rock solid / Interesting bldg 22
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Mt 11:28
Rankin House.jpg ohiohistorycentral.org
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
(279) Cats Locked out / Cat tales 12
Lately there are many cats on my street. My children said that it was my blog that attracted them. Since cats do not read blogs, it obviously cannot be.
One day I happened to drive up and saw the cats trailing behind my new neighbour and went into her house. Then I realize that these are outside cats when the owner is at work. There after I make doubly sure that my dustbin is properly closed and standing upright on a flat area.
Among the cats, one of them came to look me up. While I was unloading things from my car, it sneaked into my house. The minute it noticed that I saw it, it ran away like a tornado and knocked down a few of my purchases that I hadn't had time to move to my kitchen. That was a predominantly black cat with a patch of white on its back and tail. It was sleek and looked handsome.
There was another one that was somewhat smaller. It was also black and white, but more of white background with big patches of black. This cat looked sweet and and was very people oriented. It did not run when I walked closer to talk to it.. There are two more, one with orangy stripes and the other gray. Those two are shy, I did not get a good look at them yet.
Fear not, for I have redeem you; I have called you by name; you are mine.
six cats.jpg from clowder.net
(278) Rescue / Cat tales 11
One day my daughter and I went to church early. Instead of parking in front and running the car air-conditioning, we decided to park in the shadow of the block and open all the car windows. We sat in the car listening to FM radio and watched people walking up and down the street.
In a moment of silence, both of us were looking at a kitten climbing up a tree across the road from us. We were fascinated by its repeated attempts which more often ended in failures. Probably after attempt number twenty three, it managed to climb up the trunk and was hanging on to the first branch precariously. Then we heard the mother cat meowing to locate the naughty kitty. When the kitten heard the call, it wanted to come down but it dared not. And so they called each other, back and forth. Then the mother cat was directly below the kitten. After futile encouragements asking kitty to jump down, mum had no choice but to carry out a rescue operation.
The nimble mother cat climbed up expertly and brought the kitty down by the scuff of its neck.
Are we not sometimes like this adventurous kitty, we wander out of the straight and narrow pathway and need to ask God to rescue us?
- Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me.-
Cat picture2.jpg from dellone2one.com
In a moment of silence, both of us were looking at a kitten climbing up a tree across the road from us. We were fascinated by its repeated attempts which more often ended in failures. Probably after attempt number twenty three, it managed to climb up the trunk and was hanging on to the first branch precariously. Then we heard the mother cat meowing to locate the naughty kitty. When the kitten heard the call, it wanted to come down but it dared not. And so they called each other, back and forth. Then the mother cat was directly below the kitten. After futile encouragements asking kitty to jump down, mum had no choice but to carry out a rescue operation.
The nimble mother cat climbed up expertly and brought the kitty down by the scuff of its neck.
Are we not sometimes like this adventurous kitty, we wander out of the straight and narrow pathway and need to ask God to rescue us?
- Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me.-
Cat picture2.jpg from dellone2one.com
(273) Airy / Interesting bldg 19
There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God. Ecc 2:24
Home-Decor-Tips-from-Mark womansday.com
(272) Community development
There is this couple who gave up good jobs to be blessings to minority tribes in the mountains. Raymond was a highly paid chartered accountant. Evelyn was a mover and shaker in trading shares, earning millions in a bull run.
Evelyn started a cottage industry sewing small items for sale. The latest batch includes cotton purses that come in four colours: purple, blue, green, and yellow. There were flowers embroidered in matching colours on the upper panel that is beige in shade. Many friends and relatives who visit Raymond and Evelyn would bring these light weight items back. A local mission organization would sell such handicraft alongside the books and audio bibles in churches..
Over the years, I have seen note pads with magnets, book marks, tiny shoes to be tied to hand phones, four different ethnic shoes in a wooden frame with magnet, ethnic shirts with magnet ... all lovely to behold. It is a non profit community project to benefit the marginalised minorities living in the hills. Each woman was given a micro loan and was given training to enable her to produce marketable items. With the small profit of items produced, they are able then to repay the micro loan in installments. Usually the first beneficiary of such a project are the children, they are then able to go to school as their mothers could pay whatever fee that they previously could not.
Behind each handicraft, there is a small piece of paper showing a tiny photo of the minority woman with her name and story. It could be she was a widow having a tough time raising six young children. Or she could be handicapped with a withered leg, that means she could not farm or rear pigs in a mountainous area.
The producers are living in an Asian country. The finished products are sold in a small scale in a South East Asian country. What I am wondering is: would a blog like mine be able to play a role in helping to widen the scope of this already successful project? Would you, my readers, be interested to see photos of the products with histories of the makers? Would you write to an e-mail address to order such gifts for your friends? At the last count, readers come from twenty-six countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Macedonia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom and U.S. of America. Thank you for following this blog.
If your answers to these questions are yes, please make a comment below this post or e-mail to ramblingsofadyslexic@gmail.com.
FlagsOfTheWorld.gif from journeywithjesus.net
Evelyn started a cottage industry sewing small items for sale. The latest batch includes cotton purses that come in four colours: purple, blue, green, and yellow. There were flowers embroidered in matching colours on the upper panel that is beige in shade. Many friends and relatives who visit Raymond and Evelyn would bring these light weight items back. A local mission organization would sell such handicraft alongside the books and audio bibles in churches..
Over the years, I have seen note pads with magnets, book marks, tiny shoes to be tied to hand phones, four different ethnic shoes in a wooden frame with magnet, ethnic shirts with magnet ... all lovely to behold. It is a non profit community project to benefit the marginalised minorities living in the hills. Each woman was given a micro loan and was given training to enable her to produce marketable items. With the small profit of items produced, they are able then to repay the micro loan in installments. Usually the first beneficiary of such a project are the children, they are then able to go to school as their mothers could pay whatever fee that they previously could not.
Behind each handicraft, there is a small piece of paper showing a tiny photo of the minority woman with her name and story. It could be she was a widow having a tough time raising six young children. Or she could be handicapped with a withered leg, that means she could not farm or rear pigs in a mountainous area.
The producers are living in an Asian country. The finished products are sold in a small scale in a South East Asian country. What I am wondering is: would a blog like mine be able to play a role in helping to widen the scope of this already successful project? Would you, my readers, be interested to see photos of the products with histories of the makers? Would you write to an e-mail address to order such gifts for your friends? At the last count, readers come from twenty-six countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Macedonia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom and U.S. of America. Thank you for following this blog.
If your answers to these questions are yes, please make a comment below this post or e-mail to ramblingsofadyslexic@gmail.com.
FlagsOfTheWorld.gif from journeywithjesus.net
Monday, November 15, 2010
(269) Dream / Interesting bldg 17
What I want to be when I grow up... Where I will live when I become rich... Don't we all dream at some point of our lives?
Yet all these are temporary... What we are here and now... What we own in this world... These are all transient.
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. Lk 21:33
hotel1.jpg millionface.com
Saturday, November 13, 2010
(263) Recycling
When I told friends and acquaintances that I recycle, sometimes I end up with a car load of all kinds of everything. There was this old lady who gave us more than fifty brown bottles which she kept from her husband's consumption of bee propolis.
It is a good thing that I live near a recycling station. On the way back to where I live, I would unload all the glass bottles. The next time she gave us two electrical gadgets. My son who at one glance could tell what the items were, said that there were one VCD player and one DVD player. And so that was that. I was surprised as I remember the old lady said she had an old VCD player that still worked and that she would pack all the clothes that her daughters and grand children left in her house. So I thought, maybe her daughter bought a new DVD player a few days back. Then it is natural that she would want to get rid of the old one. We unloaded the two electrical items as usual. I took the clothes home to sort. Our recycling centre was run by a family who collects items to convert to cash for disaster relief.
Two weeks down the line, I had a frantic call from the old lady saying that her daughter could not find the latter's projector. The former was calm enough to tell me that she believed that projector was probably overseas. Only her daughter had forgotten where it was. Just in case we recycled an expensive projector, I paid a special visit to our recycling partner. After listening to what happens to our items after it left the home centre, I went back to find out more details of the missing item.
To facilitate communication, I sms the recycling centre's hand phone number to the recycling party and vice versa. Then I put the matter out of my mind. Three days later, a happy call came telling us that the old lady was right, the missing projector was located in a South East Asian country. Her daughter had forgotten that she left it in a business associate's house the last visit three months ago. I immediately informed my recycling partner the good news. We both learned a lesson from the incident. Should there be an expensive item given, we would keep it for a period and confirm that it was meant to be given away.
It is a good thing that I live near a recycling station. On the way back to where I live, I would unload all the glass bottles. The next time she gave us two electrical gadgets. My son who at one glance could tell what the items were, said that there were one VCD player and one DVD player. And so that was that. I was surprised as I remember the old lady said she had an old VCD player that still worked and that she would pack all the clothes that her daughters and grand children left in her house. So I thought, maybe her daughter bought a new DVD player a few days back. Then it is natural that she would want to get rid of the old one. We unloaded the two electrical items as usual. I took the clothes home to sort. Our recycling centre was run by a family who collects items to convert to cash for disaster relief.
Two weeks down the line, I had a frantic call from the old lady saying that her daughter could not find the latter's projector. The former was calm enough to tell me that she believed that projector was probably overseas. Only her daughter had forgotten where it was. Just in case we recycled an expensive projector, I paid a special visit to our recycling partner. After listening to what happens to our items after it left the home centre, I went back to find out more details of the missing item.
To facilitate communication, I sms the recycling centre's hand phone number to the recycling party and vice versa. Then I put the matter out of my mind. Three days later, a happy call came telling us that the old lady was right, the missing projector was located in a South East Asian country. Her daughter had forgotten that she left it in a business associate's house the last visit three months ago. I immediately informed my recycling partner the good news. We both learned a lesson from the incident. Should there be an expensive item given, we would keep it for a period and confirm that it was meant to be given away.
(262) Sun n water / Interesting Bldg 12
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Rev 21:4
cottage5.JPG breezybaycottage.com
(260) Winter wonderland / Intere. Bldg10
He had made everything beautiful in its time. Ecc 3:11
cottage big.jpg cybermall.co.nz
Friday, November 12, 2010
(259) Phobia / Cat tales 9
Afraid of cats
There is an old lady who was eighty years old last year. Let us call her Auntie Yong. She was almost a teenager when the Japanese overrun her country. Her dad passed away before World War Two. Her mum was an iliterate rubber tapper who struggled to bring up five children. The entire family had to hide in the jungle and was forced to plant vegetables and roots to keep themselves alive.
Auntie Yong was sick most of those difficult months. She had slow fever, often had chills even at high noon, her feet swelled ... In modern terms, she probably had anemia and was malnourished. Her kidneys were probably overworked and as a result weakened. Her mum loved her and went to ask old ladies for folk medicine to heal her. Things often worked for a little while, but then the symptoms would return, with a vengeance.
That was until the loving mum started trading her valuables for meat. Once a hunter traded part of a monkey carcass with a tea set from China. Another time Mum traded a golden hair pin for two bats. And so Auntie was fed periodically on wild cat, rat, squirrel, wild boar, even dogs and cats that were unlucky enough to be caught.
Years later, Auntie Yong was afraid of cats. As children, they used to play with the cats they kept to catch mice. They particularly loved one that had yellow fur. They called it the Yellow Emperor. She suspected that cat was slaughtered to keep her alive. Perhaps it was guilt, maybe the childish way of fear took root in her heart. She avoided cats from then on.
And my god will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Phi 4:19
cat.jpg from internetvideomag.com
There is an old lady who was eighty years old last year. Let us call her Auntie Yong. She was almost a teenager when the Japanese overrun her country. Her dad passed away before World War Two. Her mum was an iliterate rubber tapper who struggled to bring up five children. The entire family had to hide in the jungle and was forced to plant vegetables and roots to keep themselves alive.
Auntie Yong was sick most of those difficult months. She had slow fever, often had chills even at high noon, her feet swelled ... In modern terms, she probably had anemia and was malnourished. Her kidneys were probably overworked and as a result weakened. Her mum loved her and went to ask old ladies for folk medicine to heal her. Things often worked for a little while, but then the symptoms would return, with a vengeance.
That was until the loving mum started trading her valuables for meat. Once a hunter traded part of a monkey carcass with a tea set from China. Another time Mum traded a golden hair pin for two bats. And so Auntie was fed periodically on wild cat, rat, squirrel, wild boar, even dogs and cats that were unlucky enough to be caught.
Years later, Auntie Yong was afraid of cats. As children, they used to play with the cats they kept to catch mice. They particularly loved one that had yellow fur. They called it the Yellow Emperor. She suspected that cat was slaughtered to keep her alive. Perhaps it was guilt, maybe the childish way of fear took root in her heart. She avoided cats from then on.
And my god will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Phi 4:19
cat.jpg from internetvideomag.com
(258) Adopted / Cat tales 8
My neighbour, Roger, is a dog lover. Their dog was expecting a litter many years ago. As the date drew near, mother-to-be was restless. Dog owners were worried. The tiny dog was round and bursting with puppies. Sad to say, something went wrong with the birth and all were still born. The first time mum was grief stricken. She went off food and was reduced to skin and bones within days.
Miss Rini brought a stray kitten back from her school. The poor little thing was pathetically thin and cold. As soon as the kitten was placed next to the listless dog, the former nuzzled and started to suckle. The dog pushed her away a few times and later gave up. In the next few days, the kitten brought the dog from the brink of giving up on life. As the kitten became sleek and good looking, the dog started to live again since losing the puppies.
This story was told by my grandma. I was about nine years old and came home with the proverb: raining like cats and dogs. Being curious, I asked my grandma why Mr. Roger's dog and cat were such good friends. Far from fighting, they actually enjoyed each other's company. On rainy days, they would snuggle closely together to keep warm.
- The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. -
american-bob-tail-cat-facts.jpg from catfacts.org
Miss Rini brought a stray kitten back from her school. The poor little thing was pathetically thin and cold. As soon as the kitten was placed next to the listless dog, the former nuzzled and started to suckle. The dog pushed her away a few times and later gave up. In the next few days, the kitten brought the dog from the brink of giving up on life. As the kitten became sleek and good looking, the dog started to live again since losing the puppies.
This story was told by my grandma. I was about nine years old and came home with the proverb: raining like cats and dogs. Being curious, I asked my grandma why Mr. Roger's dog and cat were such good friends. Far from fighting, they actually enjoyed each other's company. On rainy days, they would snuggle closely together to keep warm.
- The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. -
american-bob-tail-cat-facts.jpg from catfacts.org
(257) Rescuing the mistreated / Cat tales 7
I know a girl who loves all kinds of animals since young. She cares for the hungry, the sick, the strays and the down troddens. It is not unusual to see a sick bird with a mended wing in her bed room. Of course she had a guard dog and two kitty cats. On top of that she befriends the neibourhood cats.
One evening I was in her house having dinner. You see, my folks did not own a car. In order to attend a school event at night, I went to her home after school so that it would be easy for her dad to take us both to school without travelling to another part of town to pick me up. As I was helping with washing up, I noticed her saving some left over for a stray. She related the 'phantom' cat who was so shy that although she had been feeding it for the past month, she had not had a good look at it.
Two years later, she told me she finally won the trust of that illusive cat. Even though it was a lame cat, it was capable of hiding and disappearing within moments. The day the cat allowed her to pet it, she was jubilant. Another day, she came to school really angry. Apparently, she suspected the cat was a victim of cruelty. We were poor students, each had little allowance. A few of us actually pooled our change so our friend could buy some disinfectant and possibly some bandage so that our animal doctor could attempt to remove the foreign object inserted into the cat's front paw.
A few days later, she reported that the offending nail had been removed and the paw was on the mend. Two weeks later, a home had been found for this shy cat. We were all happy that the cat had found a loving owner. It is unthinkable that people could be that cruel to purposely hurt an innocent and helpless cat when it was too young to defend itself.
A father to the fatherless, a defender to the widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Ps 68:5
Cat2.jpg from cvcl.mit.edu
(256) Pleasing / Interesting Bldg 9
And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground -- trees that are pleasing to the eye and good for food. Gen 2:9
stonetree-cottage.jpg stonetreecottage.com
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
(252) Detox / Upbringing 27
Elizabeth has been having allergies for as long as I can remember. Her triggers could be dust, cold air, food or at times unknown causes. Throughout her childhood, I used to force her drink cod liver oil. It did reduce her common colds. Then at one point when she was about eight, I bought spirulina powder imported by my cousin's good friend. I used to spend hours filling in capsules for her easy swallowing. That helped for a few years until she kept putting on weight. After taking her off spirulina for a few months, her allergies returned. You may be laughing at me by now, why not buy capsules in the first place? The reason is that pharmacy capsules don't work. I guess it has to do with the purity of the content. Shortly after we stopped spirulina, the supplier migrated to another country, ending my first workable solution.
A month back she switched food supplements. Since then she found herself going through healing crisis. Her allergies came on more frequently. She had mild rashes now and then. From past experience we know that this is a necessary stage before she will improve. After reading through more information, she decided to go through the detox. In five days, she will replace her daily three meals with liquid meal replacement. In between the liquid meals, she will take snacks of raw fruits and vegetables. In the process of this regiment, she will probably lose some weight. Looking at the BMI, she does not need to lose any weight.
On November 1, her first day of detox, she had diarrhea. Today is Nov 2, she had blocked nose in the morning, loose stool when she visits the little room, and runny nose in the evening.
- to be continued -
A month back she switched food supplements. Since then she found herself going through healing crisis. Her allergies came on more frequently. She had mild rashes now and then. From past experience we know that this is a necessary stage before she will improve. After reading through more information, she decided to go through the detox. In five days, she will replace her daily three meals with liquid meal replacement. In between the liquid meals, she will take snacks of raw fruits and vegetables. In the process of this regiment, she will probably lose some weight. Looking at the BMI, she does not need to lose any weight.
On November 1, her first day of detox, she had diarrhea. Today is Nov 2, she had blocked nose in the morning, loose stool when she visits the little room, and runny nose in the evening.
- to be continued -
(251) Detox 2 / Upbringing 28
Detox - part 2 (continue from upbringing 27)
On Nov 3 In the morning Elizabeth had slight stomach upset for a few minutes right before bowel motion. From morning to night she had intervals of light-headedness and mild headache, especially in between her liquid meals and snacks of fruit or raw vegetable. She had intermittent gas discharge.
When she stayed still for long, there was numbness in her limbs. On her neck she had patches of itchiness.
On Nov 4 there was numbness and sneezing in the morning.
On Nov 5 there were loose stools (one bowel movement) and the tendency to feel numb if her limbs stay still.
Here I repeat her goal of undergoing this detoxification program is not to lose weight. But inadvertently a person who follow all the rules would lose some weight. Elizabeth is slim and reasonably healthy. She lost 2 kilograms within the five day meal replacement program.
Now she has moved to phase two of the program: to replace two meals with liquid meal replacement. The third meal is to be made up of low glyceamic index food and lots of vege and fruits. Since phase 2 is in progess, I would record it in another post.
Please direct queries to ramblingsofadyslexic@gmail.com
On Nov 3 In the morning Elizabeth had slight stomach upset for a few minutes right before bowel motion. From morning to night she had intervals of light-headedness and mild headache, especially in between her liquid meals and snacks of fruit or raw vegetable. She had intermittent gas discharge.
When she stayed still for long, there was numbness in her limbs. On her neck she had patches of itchiness.
On Nov 4 there was numbness and sneezing in the morning.
On Nov 5 there were loose stools (one bowel movement) and the tendency to feel numb if her limbs stay still.
Here I repeat her goal of undergoing this detoxification program is not to lose weight. But inadvertently a person who follow all the rules would lose some weight. Elizabeth is slim and reasonably healthy. She lost 2 kilograms within the five day meal replacement program.
Now she has moved to phase two of the program: to replace two meals with liquid meal replacement. The third meal is to be made up of low glyceamic index food and lots of vege and fruits. Since phase 2 is in progess, I would record it in another post.
Please direct queries to ramblingsofadyslexic@gmail.com
(250) Virginia Garden / Interesting bldg 6
It is such a lush and colourful garden. The house may be a plain board house, but the garden makes it a five-star cottage.
See how the lilies of the field grow.They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. Mt 6:28
Virginia-garden-cottage-m.jpg from southernliving.com
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
(247) God our helper / Prayers 22
- God is a present help in trouble. -
My friend Ruby went to Vietnam as a missionary. She heard a direct call from God and obeyed by faith. After she took out just about all the spare cash from her bank and brought along all the love gifts given from those near and dear to her, which was just enough for about half a year's expenses, she simply trusted that somehow God will supply the rest.
Here I will record one particular incident of extra ordinary providence. Right after she collected her air-ticket to return to her home country (after one year in the field), she went to apply for a returning permit. She was very low in cash. In order to keep her bank account in Vietnam active, she could not take out everything she has. Here she was in a catch twenty two situation. Should she return to her home without the permit, she would have difficulty reentering. But how was she going to find enough money to obtain that important piece of document? Whispering a quick prayer to commit the entire situation to God, she took the crowded public transport back to the missionary base.
When she entered her base, the administrator handed her a tissue paper wrapped item to her. When she asked what it was, the latter said probably money. It is common that the giver wishes to remain anonymous. Therefore the latter merely said, "Don't ask me who gave you this. I cannot reveal the name." After thanking the 'post man', Ruby mounted the stairs to her second floor bedroom. After she closed the door and sat on her bed, she opened the tissue and counted the money. It was the exact amount she needed plus the transportation cost to go to town to get the permit. She was so overwhelmed that she knelt down and cried for quite a while.
When she related the incident to me, it was Chinese New Year. I went for many lavish celebrations that cost far more than what Ruby needed that day. Since I could not ask those generous friends and relatives to give me cash instead, I thought and thought about ideas of fund raising. By March I started a drive to collect all kinds of recyclable items: you name it, I collect it. Newspaper, glass, plastic, metal, aluminium, ... My neighbours, two care groups, church friends, personal friends ... Between March and December my children and I sold slightly above one thousand dollars worth of materials.
My friend Ruby went to Vietnam as a missionary. She heard a direct call from God and obeyed by faith. After she took out just about all the spare cash from her bank and brought along all the love gifts given from those near and dear to her, which was just enough for about half a year's expenses, she simply trusted that somehow God will supply the rest.
Here I will record one particular incident of extra ordinary providence. Right after she collected her air-ticket to return to her home country (after one year in the field), she went to apply for a returning permit. She was very low in cash. In order to keep her bank account in Vietnam active, she could not take out everything she has. Here she was in a catch twenty two situation. Should she return to her home without the permit, she would have difficulty reentering. But how was she going to find enough money to obtain that important piece of document? Whispering a quick prayer to commit the entire situation to God, she took the crowded public transport back to the missionary base.
When she entered her base, the administrator handed her a tissue paper wrapped item to her. When she asked what it was, the latter said probably money. It is common that the giver wishes to remain anonymous. Therefore the latter merely said, "Don't ask me who gave you this. I cannot reveal the name." After thanking the 'post man', Ruby mounted the stairs to her second floor bedroom. After she closed the door and sat on her bed, she opened the tissue and counted the money. It was the exact amount she needed plus the transportation cost to go to town to get the permit. She was so overwhelmed that she knelt down and cried for quite a while.
When she related the incident to me, it was Chinese New Year. I went for many lavish celebrations that cost far more than what Ruby needed that day. Since I could not ask those generous friends and relatives to give me cash instead, I thought and thought about ideas of fund raising. By March I started a drive to collect all kinds of recyclable items: you name it, I collect it. Newspaper, glass, plastic, metal, aluminium, ... My neighbours, two care groups, church friends, personal friends ... Between March and December my children and I sold slightly above one thousand dollars worth of materials.
(245)God cares for the poor/ Prayer 20
When I was living in a northern small town, I attended a small fellowship group. The leader of the group was good at caring for the needy. Members were spurred into action. I remember buying grocery with my spare cash, pooled together with contributions from others and delivering necessities to a blind person called Aunty Chan.
She was a dressmaker by profession. Her taxi driver husband died a few years back. She was childless. Her best friend's children whom she sacrificially helped to bring up refused to care for her. Sad to say, her so called best friend came back from two decades of working illegally in the United Kingdom and fought with her.
By the time we see that she was surviving on welfare payments and the kindness of neighbours and well wishers, we would expect her to die alone and uncared for. The truth turned out to be the opposite. Her next door neighbour was poor, but they cooked for her when she was ill. When she could no longer clean herself, another neighbour who is childless came to her aid. She actually was surrounded with these neighbours while she breathed her last.
* melbourne-international-flower-and- from forvogue.com
Monday, November 8, 2010
(241) Eva/ Prayers 17
Imagine a woman in her seventies, poor in eye sight and slow in movement, who still cared for the less fortunate ones among us; and you are thinking of Eva. I was privileged to know her and get to see her heart of gold. When I told her about the homeless man who came to beg, she asked enough questions to determine his one need: a pair of proper crutches. She actually went to talk to her charitable friend who promised the funds for the aluminium aide. I knew of a person who was willing to sell a redundant pair. So the two of us went to pick the crutches up. We were afraid of any untoward incident and decided to meet him in front of a shopping centre. She had the presence of mind to bring a screw driver in her hold all. So we found ourselves adjusting the height of the crutches for the poor man. He was in tears by the time the pair of us helped him up with the crutches.
That was not all. When his feet deteriorated and we found out he owed the hospital money, Eva and I went to see the hospital authorities to plead his case. We were referred to the state social welfare office. The kind officer gave us a letter which canceled his debt after the initial investigation. Can you see a more unlikely threesome? Eva with her orange coloured hair and electric pink dress. Me in my somber wall flower attire. And the homeless man in his rags. Eva drove her trusty little car to my house, I took over and drove to the nearest bus stop. We then took a bus to town and got down in front of the shopping centre. Three of us actually walked and limped quite a distance to that office. You see, we want to help him but we don't trust him to let him into our car. Subsequently he was put on probationary roll for a monthly allowance. Within six months officers visited all his known siblings to gather his case history. Before a year was up he was put on permanent roll for disability welfare stipend. When the officers learned that he had a motor cycle license, they put him on the waiting list for a state provided motor cycle with a side car for handicap folks.
The last time I met him, the homeless man had hope for a better future. He was grateful and told me so. All because Eva, a retired social worker for the blind, did not rest on her laurels. Good work is the other side of the coin of prayer.
*lily pad lotus flower from teachenglishinasia.net
(240) Faith/ Prayers 16
When we pray for something, what do we really expect from god?
If we believe that God is good, that he loves us; then how can he not give us good things?
Yet, sometimes what he gives is not like what we ask for, what then?
My heart ached for a mother who asked for a child, specifically many qualities that her heart desired. Yet the miracle child turned out to be late in development. It is very hard for a not very young mum who knows nothing very much about special children to handle a seemingly difficult child.
It is very easy to say, have faith. Especially for women who have perfectly delightful children with fairly normal childhoods. When things go wrong, too many people seemed to turn experts over night. It could be a very lonely place for the parents involved. How to seek a quiet place to hide in to withstand the storms raging outside? For that matter, it may not be possible to find a quiet physical place at all. One may need to create a quiet corner inside. Yes, finding the eye of the hurricane within one's soul.
* animal 101 from media.bigoo.ws
If we believe that God is good, that he loves us; then how can he not give us good things?
Yet, sometimes what he gives is not like what we ask for, what then?
My heart ached for a mother who asked for a child, specifically many qualities that her heart desired. Yet the miracle child turned out to be late in development. It is very hard for a not very young mum who knows nothing very much about special children to handle a seemingly difficult child.
It is very easy to say, have faith. Especially for women who have perfectly delightful children with fairly normal childhoods. When things go wrong, too many people seemed to turn experts over night. It could be a very lonely place for the parents involved. How to seek a quiet place to hide in to withstand the storms raging outside? For that matter, it may not be possible to find a quiet physical place at all. One may need to create a quiet corner inside. Yes, finding the eye of the hurricane within one's soul.
* animal 101 from media.bigoo.ws
Sunday, November 7, 2010
(235) Chocolate Dream / Interes. bldg 2
Isn't this every young child's dream? Not just a cake that looks like a house, but a real sized abode that is made up of edible chocolate and cream!
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Ps 34:8
gingerbread house.jpg from blogs.urbanbaby.com
(231) Dementia
Over the week end I met my husband's former colleague's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tan are retirees. While their daughter and family went for a package tour, they came to house sit to look after the family pet dog. In fact I blogged about their remarkable grand daughter in my no 2 post many months ago.
Mr. Tan is a healthy and hardy seventy-six year old. He was a former sportsman and a retired military personnel. Mrs Tan was diagnosed with dementia at age seventy two. By the time I met her, she was in the final stage. She no longer knows her own name. Neither could she write any number or letters. It was fortunate that she has a good pension as she used to hold a high post in the government. Her husband is her sole care-giver. She is totally dependent on him day and night. A year back, her children paid and gotten a full-time foreign maid to help care for her. She was suspicious of another woman staying in her domain and was very jealous of the time and attention her husband spent in training the maid. Day and night she fought to send the maid away. In the end, they took the maid to another family just to restore peace.
It is not easy to care for a fully grown adult with the mental capacity of a three year old. Once Mrs Tan wander off in a shopping centre and was lost for more than five hours. When the police located her, she was miles away in another commercial centre trying to open the car doors of every single car parked along the street. In addition to that, she was petrified with hands involuntarily shaking and she had soiled herself. Her husband had made sure she wore a stainless steel wrist band with his hand phone number engraved on it. Despite the fact that she was scared, she did not know how to ask for help. Mrs Tan is physically fit and may have the normal life span up to the average expectation of eighty odd years. As a result of the stress of caring for her, Mr Tan had accepted that he might lose six to eight years of his own life expectancy.
Here is the lives of a happily married couple adversely affected by disease. As in the marriage vow of dwelling with each other through sickness and health, this is the flip side of the coin. Mr. Tan has passed the test with flying colours. He still takes his wife overseas twice a year because dementia did not take away her enjoyment in sight-seeing and trying new food. Mrs Tan is indeed a very blessed woman.
There is no cure once dementia sets in. One can only monitor, treat the symptoms and delay the process of worsening. Not much is proven about the cause of dementia. We are almost dealing with a black box.
Mr. Tan is a healthy and hardy seventy-six year old. He was a former sportsman and a retired military personnel. Mrs Tan was diagnosed with dementia at age seventy two. By the time I met her, she was in the final stage. She no longer knows her own name. Neither could she write any number or letters. It was fortunate that she has a good pension as she used to hold a high post in the government. Her husband is her sole care-giver. She is totally dependent on him day and night. A year back, her children paid and gotten a full-time foreign maid to help care for her. She was suspicious of another woman staying in her domain and was very jealous of the time and attention her husband spent in training the maid. Day and night she fought to send the maid away. In the end, they took the maid to another family just to restore peace.
It is not easy to care for a fully grown adult with the mental capacity of a three year old. Once Mrs Tan wander off in a shopping centre and was lost for more than five hours. When the police located her, she was miles away in another commercial centre trying to open the car doors of every single car parked along the street. In addition to that, she was petrified with hands involuntarily shaking and she had soiled herself. Her husband had made sure she wore a stainless steel wrist band with his hand phone number engraved on it. Despite the fact that she was scared, she did not know how to ask for help. Mrs Tan is physically fit and may have the normal life span up to the average expectation of eighty odd years. As a result of the stress of caring for her, Mr Tan had accepted that he might lose six to eight years of his own life expectancy.
Here is the lives of a happily married couple adversely affected by disease. As in the marriage vow of dwelling with each other through sickness and health, this is the flip side of the coin. Mr. Tan has passed the test with flying colours. He still takes his wife overseas twice a year because dementia did not take away her enjoyment in sight-seeing and trying new food. Mrs Tan is indeed a very blessed woman.
There is no cure once dementia sets in. One can only monitor, treat the symptoms and delay the process of worsening. Not much is proven about the cause of dementia. We are almost dealing with a black box.
(229) Psychotic/ Depression 6
- Depression varies from mild to severe, chronic or even psychotic disorder. -
While I was living in Silver city, I had a neighbour who was a psychotic case. We will call him Ding. He was in his forties when I moved in. Every afternoon, as I busy myself washing vegetables and getting ready to cook dinner, he would walk up and down the back street and talk to himself.
As I settled in the area, I went to his mother's for a cooking demonstration. There I learned that his father was in his eighties. His mum was a sprightly seventy two. The gutsy old lady would drive Ding to a mental hospital 40 miles away to get his monthly jab. Ding's elder brother holds a Ph.d. and has tenure in a famous university in UK. Ding's younger sister married her Australian classmate and resides down under.
It seemed that Ding was very bright. He had wanted to be a medical doctor since he was little. Somehow his missed his first choice by two marks. No matter how his family or friends comforted him, he insisted on repeating his pre-u. Sad to say he missed again by a wider margin on second try. From then on, he deteriorated and had not recovered despite constant monitoring and treatment.
To me, it was such a waste! Ding was still good looking when he was approaching his late forties. He was not violent. On a good day he could carry on a normal conversation with me. If he had given up his first choice, he could have studied dentistry instead all those years ago.
Anyway, God was merciful to this family. In his early fifties, Ding was diagnosed with liver cancer. He knew that his parents had prayed for years that they would live long enough to care for him until Ding breathed his last. Within a year of the diagnosis, Ding died in his childhood home with his parents and a nurse in attendance. He was wise to insist he would receive no treatment. He passed into the next world with dignity and little suffering. His dad followed him two months later. The old lady packed up and sold her house to shuttle between UK and Australia.
While I was living in Silver city, I had a neighbour who was a psychotic case. We will call him Ding. He was in his forties when I moved in. Every afternoon, as I busy myself washing vegetables and getting ready to cook dinner, he would walk up and down the back street and talk to himself.
As I settled in the area, I went to his mother's for a cooking demonstration. There I learned that his father was in his eighties. His mum was a sprightly seventy two. The gutsy old lady would drive Ding to a mental hospital 40 miles away to get his monthly jab. Ding's elder brother holds a Ph.d. and has tenure in a famous university in UK. Ding's younger sister married her Australian classmate and resides down under.
It seemed that Ding was very bright. He had wanted to be a medical doctor since he was little. Somehow his missed his first choice by two marks. No matter how his family or friends comforted him, he insisted on repeating his pre-u. Sad to say he missed again by a wider margin on second try. From then on, he deteriorated and had not recovered despite constant monitoring and treatment.
To me, it was such a waste! Ding was still good looking when he was approaching his late forties. He was not violent. On a good day he could carry on a normal conversation with me. If he had given up his first choice, he could have studied dentistry instead all those years ago.
Anyway, God was merciful to this family. In his early fifties, Ding was diagnosed with liver cancer. He knew that his parents had prayed for years that they would live long enough to care for him until Ding breathed his last. Within a year of the diagnosis, Ding died in his childhood home with his parents and a nurse in attendance. He was wise to insist he would receive no treatment. He passed into the next world with dignity and little suffering. His dad followed him two months later. The old lady packed up and sold her house to shuttle between UK and Australia.
(227) Mirror / L. Disabilities 15
Learning disability
-- This is a rewrite of Learning disability 1 - mirror --
A few months before my daughter started Year One, we moved into the suburb of Silver Spring. There I met a neighbour whose eldest child, Cassandra, was registered to enter the same school mine was going to join. Cassandra's mum readily agreed to fetch my daughter to and from school. In exchange for that, I offered to sit with and help the two girls do homework two nights a week.
Early on in that school year, as I walked out to chat with my neighbour as she dropped my daughter, Cassandra was weeping in the car. Later that evening I found Cassandra was distressed over having to bring some money to school the next day. She was supposed to pay her homeroom teacher something like twelve dollars and fifty cents and then use the remainder to purchase a few items from the book shop.
Instead of doing homework that night, I actually encouraged Cassandra and work out a way for her to carry out the errand with some help from my daughter. We role-played the two scenes, first with myself as the homeroom teacher and my daughter as Cassandra paying fee. Next with my son as the book shop assistant and my daughter as Cassandra buying things. After that, we wrote down what Cassandra had to say, we helped her in rehearsing the two scenes a few times. The following day Cassandra was able to carry out what we taught her with a little assistance from my daughter.
Fast forward twelve years. I was listening to a new friend, Cathy, telling me how she had "freeze", and as a result either refuse the purchase of a necessity or end up buying something she had no earthly use of when faced with a fast talking salesman. I was really half listening to her. The other half of my mind was running a search and match routine... Her distress was very familiar... I have seen that before... Ah! I have seen that in Cassandra that fateful evening in the car.
Could it be that my friend was like Cassandra, but she didn't overcome her minor learning difficulty in her childhood? Therefore as a grown woman, she was having problems handling a complex procedure involving multi-step decisions and negotiation?
Let us swing back to Cassandra. That little girl was a really smart child. Yet a little learning difficulty could drive her to tears. She dreaded facing two adults, having to handle money and dealing with time limit (with recess lasting twenty minutes).
* Post one was written more than a year back. Comparing the two versions, I took Elizabeth's advice to keep both so you would see the diamond from two facets.
* coral clock 3d screensaver-45155 from brothersoft.com
-- This is a rewrite of Learning disability 1 - mirror --
A few months before my daughter started Year One, we moved into the suburb of Silver Spring. There I met a neighbour whose eldest child, Cassandra, was registered to enter the same school mine was going to join. Cassandra's mum readily agreed to fetch my daughter to and from school. In exchange for that, I offered to sit with and help the two girls do homework two nights a week.
Early on in that school year, as I walked out to chat with my neighbour as she dropped my daughter, Cassandra was weeping in the car. Later that evening I found Cassandra was distressed over having to bring some money to school the next day. She was supposed to pay her homeroom teacher something like twelve dollars and fifty cents and then use the remainder to purchase a few items from the book shop.
Instead of doing homework that night, I actually encouraged Cassandra and work out a way for her to carry out the errand with some help from my daughter. We role-played the two scenes, first with myself as the homeroom teacher and my daughter as Cassandra paying fee. Next with my son as the book shop assistant and my daughter as Cassandra buying things. After that, we wrote down what Cassandra had to say, we helped her in rehearsing the two scenes a few times. The following day Cassandra was able to carry out what we taught her with a little assistance from my daughter.
Fast forward twelve years. I was listening to a new friend, Cathy, telling me how she had "freeze", and as a result either refuse the purchase of a necessity or end up buying something she had no earthly use of when faced with a fast talking salesman. I was really half listening to her. The other half of my mind was running a search and match routine... Her distress was very familiar... I have seen that before... Ah! I have seen that in Cassandra that fateful evening in the car.
Could it be that my friend was like Cassandra, but she didn't overcome her minor learning difficulty in her childhood? Therefore as a grown woman, she was having problems handling a complex procedure involving multi-step decisions and negotiation?
Let us swing back to Cassandra. That little girl was a really smart child. Yet a little learning difficulty could drive her to tears. She dreaded facing two adults, having to handle money and dealing with time limit (with recess lasting twenty minutes).
* Post one was written more than a year back. Comparing the two versions, I took Elizabeth's advice to keep both so you would see the diamond from two facets.
* coral clock 3d screensaver-45155 from brothersoft.com
(226) Left or right/ Learning disabilities 14
Left or right
The evangelist was pointing to his right chest and saying that God wanted to heal someone with pain there, near the heart. Intellectually I was telling myself that the heart should be on the left. Then he pointed to his lower back and once again said that someone in the audience had intermittent pain in both the spots, the anointing was there and do go out and be healed. Three and then one more young people walked out. I was still asking myself was I the one, as intermittent pain was on the opposite side.
The evangelist was pointing to his right chest and saying that God wanted to heal someone with pain there, near the heart. Intellectually I was telling myself that the heart should be on the left. Then he pointed to his lower back and once again said that someone in the audience had intermittent pain in both the spots, the anointing was there and do go out and be healed. Three and then one more young people walked out. I was still asking myself was I the one, as intermittent pain was on the opposite side.
Much later I thought, how stupid was I to match sides when all I had to do was to walk out and claim the healing. If I had made a mistake of left and right, there would have been no down side. However, that was easier said than done. A life long series of mistakes involving left and right, causing ridicule and humiliation could not be disregarded overnight. Whenever I face a decision of left versus right, I would hesitate. What comes instinctive for some folks would be slow and deliberate for me. Even with deliberate care, I would still make mistake sometimes. At this point, it does not matter. I am no longer fearful of being different. I have accepted the fact that some handicaps come with many other gifts. I win some, I lose some. But one thing for sure, when I get to heaven, I will then have no more handicap.
* coral-o1-copy from www.h2o-mag.com
* coral-o1-copy from www.h2o-mag.com
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
(223)Obedient Cat/ Cat tales 3
Obedient cat
Not long ago I visited my husband's business friend and met her beloved cat, Prince. Throughout the afternoon of sampling delicious food, we heard story after story of his exploits.
Here I will relate one that came to my mind as I sat in front of my comp. Once Joy (the owner) went on vacation with her family. They took Prince with them. The first afternoon all of them had to attend an important function and left Prince in Joy's hotel room. As they were walking out the room, Joy said to Prince,"If anyone comes into this room, go hide behind the curtain." Just to be safe, the "Don't Disturb" sign was hung on the door handle. And the entire family went away for the entire afternoon.
After dinner, Joy came into her room expecting to see Prince welcoming her. Ah! No Prince! The room was quiet and empty. Joy panicked. She and the entire family looked in the attached bathroom, under the table, in the closet and every nook and corner. Still no Prince! They considered calling reception and ask if any chambermaid come in to the room. At that very moment it occurred to Joy to look behind the thick curtains. There Prince was! Everyone was elated! It was with relief that everyone gave her a hug. Meanwhile Prince was giving them the "U humans are funny! Tell me to hide behind the curtains and forgot all about it." look.
It was indeed interesting that Prince understood what "go hide behind the curtain" meant. He did not just obey the instruction. The amazing part was that when Joy returned and kept calling him, he was able to ignore the calls and continued to hide as told. Who says that cats cannot be trained!
- To obey is better than sacrifice.-
Adorable-Cats-Screensaver.jpg bioweb.uwlax.edu
Not long ago I visited my husband's business friend and met her beloved cat, Prince. Throughout the afternoon of sampling delicious food, we heard story after story of his exploits.
Here I will relate one that came to my mind as I sat in front of my comp. Once Joy (the owner) went on vacation with her family. They took Prince with them. The first afternoon all of them had to attend an important function and left Prince in Joy's hotel room. As they were walking out the room, Joy said to Prince,"If anyone comes into this room, go hide behind the curtain." Just to be safe, the "Don't Disturb" sign was hung on the door handle. And the entire family went away for the entire afternoon.
After dinner, Joy came into her room expecting to see Prince welcoming her. Ah! No Prince! The room was quiet and empty. Joy panicked. She and the entire family looked in the attached bathroom, under the table, in the closet and every nook and corner. Still no Prince! They considered calling reception and ask if any chambermaid come in to the room. At that very moment it occurred to Joy to look behind the thick curtains. There Prince was! Everyone was elated! It was with relief that everyone gave her a hug. Meanwhile Prince was giving them the "U humans are funny! Tell me to hide behind the curtains and forgot all about it." look.
It was indeed interesting that Prince understood what "go hide behind the curtain" meant. He did not just obey the instruction. The amazing part was that when Joy returned and kept calling him, he was able to ignore the calls and continued to hide as told. Who says that cats cannot be trained!
- To obey is better than sacrifice.-
Adorable-Cats-Screensaver.jpg bioweb.uwlax.edu
(222)His Angel/ Cat tales 2
His Angel
My uncle lives above a shoplot that is more than a hundred years old. To keep the mice at bay, he kept a good mouser called Phoebe. It is a dainty white short tail cat. To her credit, she loves to kill cockroaches and mice. But do not expect her to eat any of her victims. Each morning she places her trophies in the pathway of her human attendants. Then she walks triumphantly to the kitchen, expecting to be rewarded by a meal of steamed fresh fish and rice.
One day at dusk, my uncle walked from the well lit part of the shop front to the back portion. He was in a hurry to pick up something for a customer. His cat ran to him, hissed and ran to the side. When he ignored Phoebe, the car snarled at him and continued to impede him from moving to the back portion. My uncle stopped in his track and switched on the over head light. He was shocked when he saw a phython in an attack position not more than ten feet from where he was standing. Immediately he shouted to his daughter upstairs to call the fire and rescue services. Then he backed promptly to the shop front to wait for reinforcement.
Ever since that day, my uncle, who is normally close fisted and budget conscious, has not complained about any treats bought for Phoebe. Neither does he bat his eyes at the bills from the vet. The blessed cat is no longer a pet, but becomes a highly valued member of the household - his angel.
- For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. -
Turkish Van Cat.jpg from commons.wikimedia.org
My uncle lives above a shoplot that is more than a hundred years old. To keep the mice at bay, he kept a good mouser called Phoebe. It is a dainty white short tail cat. To her credit, she loves to kill cockroaches and mice. But do not expect her to eat any of her victims. Each morning she places her trophies in the pathway of her human attendants. Then she walks triumphantly to the kitchen, expecting to be rewarded by a meal of steamed fresh fish and rice.
One day at dusk, my uncle walked from the well lit part of the shop front to the back portion. He was in a hurry to pick up something for a customer. His cat ran to him, hissed and ran to the side. When he ignored Phoebe, the car snarled at him and continued to impede him from moving to the back portion. My uncle stopped in his track and switched on the over head light. He was shocked when he saw a phython in an attack position not more than ten feet from where he was standing. Immediately he shouted to his daughter upstairs to call the fire and rescue services. Then he backed promptly to the shop front to wait for reinforcement.
Ever since that day, my uncle, who is normally close fisted and budget conscious, has not complained about any treats bought for Phoebe. Neither does he bat his eyes at the bills from the vet. The blessed cat is no longer a pet, but becomes a highly valued member of the household - his angel.
- For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. -
Turkish Van Cat.jpg from commons.wikimedia.org
(221)Blackie/ Cat tales 1
Many years ago I spent two weeks alone cat sitting in a picturesque cottage. It was an outside tom cat. He had stripes like tiger. Basically he was more black than white, a very fine looking adult cat.
It was summer time in Texas, the temperature bordered on hot. The owner did not name the cat. I, however, called him Blackie. My duty involved opening the door around five in the evening. If he demands food, I should open a can for him. If not, I should switch on the TV for him to watch. Should he walks to the guest toilet, then I need to open the door and later empty the litter into a bag. Usually by six, he would want to go back out. Then it would be adious till the next evening.
That was my very first experience living in one house with a cat. I spent every minute of my cat hour observing him. He was a most dignified animal. Most of the days, he would just stand outside patiently waiting for me to open the wooden front door. Only on the first Saturday, I was chatting with my sympathetic ex boss who called to check if I needed groceries. By the time I realised it was past five, Blackie was smart enough to walk over to peek at me through the glass window. He behaved exactly as described. I was most impressed with his predictable habits. He seemed to have an in built clock. Everyday he appeared to the minute to be let in. Most days he would eat his food, watch some TV, use his personal toilet and then go back to the great exciting outdoor.
Blackie's normal meal is tuna fish flavoured cat food. That he ate four days in a row. On the fifth day that he was hungry, he refused to eat his normal ration. As instructed, I took out alternative cans and waited for him to indicate which can to open. Sure enough, he rubbed against my leg when I showed him the expensive can of lobster flavoured luxurious brand. To him, it was a treat of kind. The food he refused was bagged and placed in the fridge for the next day's meal.
In the first days I watched whatever programs he wanted. Later I would leave him to watch should I not like the program. Then I realised that he actually preferred sitting with me in the kitchen rather than watching the TV alone. After a while I begun to talk to him like he was my friend. I didn't think he understood me fully, but it was very obvious he caught on to my moods and responded to what I told him. It was strange that on the only day I was sad, he stayed on an extra hour to keep me company.
-- I will never leave you, or forsake you. --
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